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Hello, so I am installing Arch on another laptop (and was successful in doing so!) until I messed some things up and decided to just reinstall the Arch again. What I messed up was that I deleted a partition from Windows 10 that was like around 16GB and was just labelled RECOVERY (not the actual Windows Recovery environment etc thing) but was instead of the Primary Data Parititon type. But the thing was there was no option to delete the partition as is. After snooping around a bit, I decided it was not really useful and deleted the partition using PowerShell as my root partition was running low and I really needed the extra gigs..
When I booted into Arch Linux now, GRUB now enter grub-rescue. So maybe it really WAS something important. Anyway, that was when I tried to reinstall it using a live USB I am getting two Free Space - one by default of the 16 GB from that RECOVERY Partition and one when I delete the swap and root partition I had before. I have not applied any changes to the disk formatting, so please help me restore whatever I just did lol. I am fine with reinstalling Arch, although I would like to know what went wrong and how to "merge" the two types of free space together
PFA cfdisk:
Last edited by han (2021-11-19 16:48:35)
Ok so the problem was that the Windows Recovery Partition was in the middle. After moving it out of the way, all works well now!
I'm not sure Windows isn't playing dirty, honestly. I had Windows 10 on my 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th partition and Arch on 5th and 6th, booting GRUB from the Windows EFI dir. After updating to Win 11, it seems Windows decided to put a new partition in between 3 and 4, causing GRUB to not be able to find my boot dir because Windows moved it over a position. Watch out for partition sequencing.
Note : I dropped WIn11 (which seems to try to emulate a certain Linux Desktop now) and re-installed Arch on new partitions. No Windows now. I gotta get over World of Warcraft, lol.