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I want to rename some files with spaces in names. For example i have 2 files i need to remove first several chars from their names.
/tmp/tst>ls -l
total 0
-rw-r–r– 1 noone users 0 2006-10-14 10:54 this is file 1.txt
-rw-r–r– 1 noone users 0 2006-10-14 10:54 this is file 2.txt
I'd like to have the following result:
/tmp/tst>ls -l
total 0
-rw-r–r– 1 noone users 0 2006-10-14 10:54 is file 1.txt
-rw-r–r– 1 noone users 0 2006-10-14 10:54 is file 2.txt
Well, the obvious way would be:
for f in `ls`
mv $f `echo $f | cut -b 5-`
But it doesn't work, here's the problem, file names have spaces:
for f in `ls`; do echo mv $f `echo $f | cut -b 5-`; done
mv this this
mv is
mv file
mv 1.txt t
mv this this
mv is
mv file
mv 2.txt t
After some googling, i got the following way of treating file names with spaces:
find . -type f | while read file; do echo mv '$file' '`echo $file | cut -b 8-`'; done;
mv './this is file 1.txt' 'is file 1.txt'
mv './this is file 2.txt' 'is file 2.txt'
Well, it looks to be working, let's remove the echo and see what happens:
find . -type f | while read file; do mv '$file' '`echo $file | cut -b 8-`'; done;
mv: target `1.txt'' is not a directory
mv: target `2.txt'' is not a directory
Here i gave up and i just did copy-paste of the 'echo' results before into the shell.
What should i do to make it work? Bash experts, HELP!
Put the filenames in " ". ie:
this line:
mv $f `echo $f | cut -b 5-`
mv "$f" "`echo $f | cut -b 5-`"
Wow! thanks a lot!!!
btw. sed is really useful for mass renaming files. I use it all the time to manage my music collection. For example if you want to remove the word 'zen_guerrilla' from a bunch of files run the following:
for file in *; do mv "$file" "`echo $file | sed -e 's:zen_guerrilla::'`"; done
Important bash tip - quote everything 95% of the time