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#1 2022-01-19 20:21:00

Registered: 2021-08-09
Posts: 69

[SOLVED] broken locale cant install yay packages

i had an issue with the man command complaining about locale the issue seemed to have been solved by exporting local as "C" it works the error message is gone but i still have troubles elsewhere with it for example trying to install whatsapp-for-linux from the aur

[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ yay -S whatsapp-for-linux
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Aur:1]  whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0-1

  1 whatsapp-for-linux                       (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> a
:: Deleting (1/1): /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux
:: (1/1) Downloaded PKGBUILD: whatsapp-for-linux
  1 whatsapp-for-linux                       (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> n
:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: whatsapp-for-linux
==> Making package: whatsapp-for-linux 1.4.0-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:14:38 2022)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   136  100   136    0     0    295      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   296
100  330k    0  330k    0     0  22178      0 --:--:--  0:00:15 --:--:-- 78197
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Making package: whatsapp-for-linux 1.4.0-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:14:55 2022)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0.tar.gz with bsdtar
bsdtar: Failed to set default locale  <----------------------------------
==> Sources are ready.
==> Making package: whatsapp-for-linux 1.4.0-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:14:57 2022)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree <-------------------------
==> Starting build()...
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.8.0") 
-- Checking for module 'gtkmm-3.0'
--   Found gtkmm-3.0, version 3.24.5
-- Checking for module 'webkit2gtk-4.0'
--   Found webkit2gtk-4.0, version 2.34.3
-- Checking for module 'ayatana-appindicator3-0.1'
--   Found ayatana-appindicator3-0.1, version 0.5.90
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/src/whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0
[ 10%] Compiling ui resources
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/main.cpp.o
[ 30%] Building C object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/Resources.c.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/util/Settings.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/ui/Application.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/ui/MainWindow.cpp.o
[ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/ui/PhoneNumberDialog.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/ui/TrayIcon.cpp.o
[ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/whatsapp-for-linux.dir/src/ui/WebView.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable whatsapp-for-linux
[100%] Built target whatsapp-for-linux
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target whatsapp-for-linux
[100%] Built target whatsapp-for-linux
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/bin/whatsapp-for-linux
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/applications/whatsapp-for-linux.desktop
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/status
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray-attention.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/whatsapp-for-linux.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/status
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray-attention.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/whatsapp-for-linux.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/status
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray-attention.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/whatsapp-for-linux.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray-attention.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/whatsapp-for-linux.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/status
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/status/whatsapp-for-linux-tray-attention.png
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
-- Installing: /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-for-linux/pkg/whatsapp-for-linux/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/whatsapp-for-linux.png
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "whatsapp-for-linux"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: whatsapp-for-linux 1.4.0-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:15:19 2022)
==> Cleaning up...
[sudo] password for shaked: 
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) whatsapp-for-linux-1.4.0-1

Total Installed Size:  0.27 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [######################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                        [######################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                  [######################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space                [######################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) installing whatsapp-for-linux                [######################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/3) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/3) Updating icon theme caches...
(3/3) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ 

after the installation the program doesn't work and sometimes during this same installation it goes into a loop ending with "entering fake root environment" the issue isnt specific to this aur package

[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ yay -S whatsapp-nativefier
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Repo Make:3]  liblqr-0.4.2-3  libraqm-0.8.0-1  imagemagick-
[Aur:1]  whatsapp-nativefier-2.2142.12-1
[Aur Make:1]  nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4-1

==> Remove make dependencies after install? [y/N] n
  2 nodejs-nativefier                        (Build Files Exist)
  1 whatsapp-nativefier                      (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> a
:: Deleting (1/2): /home/shaked/.cache/yay/nodejs-nativefier
:: Deleting (2/2): /home/shaked/.cache/yay/whatsapp-nativefier
:: (1/2) Downloaded PKGBUILD: nodejs-nativefier
:: (2/2) Downloaded PKGBUILD: whatsapp-nativefier
  2 nodejs-nativefier                        (Build Files Exist)
  1 whatsapp-nativefier                      (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> n
:: (1/2) Parsing SRCINFO: nodejs-nativefier
:: (2/2) Parsing SRCINFO: whatsapp-nativefier
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) imagemagick-  liblqr-0.4.2-3  libraqm-0.8.0-1

Total Installed Size:  10.38 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(3/3) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%
(3/3) checking package integrity                   [######################] 100%
(3/3) loading package files                        [######################] 100%
(3/3) checking for file conflicts                  [######################] 100%
(3/3) checking available disk space                [######################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/3) installing liblqr                            [######################] 100%
(2/3) installing libraqm                           [######################] 100%
(3/3) installing imagemagick                       [######################] 100%
Optional dependencies for imagemagick
    ghostscript: PS/PDF support [installed]
    libheif: HEIF support [installed]
    libjxl: JPEG XL support
    libraw: DNG support
    librsvg: SVG support [installed]
    libwebp: WEBP support [installed]
    libwmf: WMF support
    libxml2: Magick Scripting Language [installed]
    ocl-icd: OpenCL support
    openexr: OpenEXR support
    openjpeg2: JPEG2000 support [installed]
    djvulibre: DJVU support
    pango: Text rendering [installed]
    imagemagick-doc: manual and API docs
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/2) Warn about old perl modules
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
==> Making package: nodejs-nativefier 46.0.4-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:19:06 2022)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
==> Making package: whatsapp-nativefier 2.2142.12-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:19:06 2022)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found whatsapp-nativefier.png
  -> Found whatsapp-nativefier.desktop
  -> Found whatsapp-nativefier-inject.js
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    whatsapp-nativefier.png ... Passed
    whatsapp-nativefier.desktop ... Passed
    whatsapp-nativefier-inject.js ... Passed
100  409k  100  409k    0     0   552k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  552k
==> Validating source files with sha1sums...
    nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz ... Passed
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz ... Passed
==> Making package: nodejs-nativefier 46.0.4-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:19:07 2022)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz
==> Validating source files with sha1sums...
    nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz ... Passed
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    nodejs-nativefier-46.0.4.tgz ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
==> Starting prepare()...
==> Sources are ready.
==> Making package: nodejs-nativefier 46.0.4-1 (Wed Jan 19 22:19:08 2022)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
  reify: timing a  idealTree: timi  idealTree: timi  idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib:   idealTree:lib: 
[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ 
==> ERROR: Aborted by user! Exiting...

my locale:

[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ locale -a
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory

[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ locale 
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
[shaked@lenoE31 ~]$ 

Last edited by shaked (2022-01-21 13:08:31)


#2 2022-01-19 20:26:02

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,221

Re: [SOLVED] broken locale cant install yay packages

Please read the the installation guide and the wiki page about locales. You chose a locale that has not been enabled yet. … calization

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#3 2022-01-19 20:26:04

From: Norfolk, UK
Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 5,776

Re: [SOLVED] broken locale cant install yay packages

It looks like you just haven't configured the correct locales as instructed by the installation guide.


en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

... in your /etc/locale.gen and then run locale-gen again.

How did you install Arch in the first place? This is all covered in the official Installation Guide.

No, it didn't "fix" anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. - jasonwryan
Closing -- for deletion; Banning -- for muppetry. - jasonwryan

aur - dotfiles


#4 2022-01-19 21:02:40

Registered: 2021-08-09
Posts: 69

Re: [SOLVED] broken locale cant install yay packages

Slithery wrote:

It looks like you just haven't configured the correct locales as instructed by the installation guide.


en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

... in your /etc/locale.gen and then run locale-gen again.

How did you install Arch in the first place? This is all covered in the official Installation Guide.

thank you very much big_smile i thought i had forgotten a step in the installation but i didn't pay much mind to it thinking its probably have been removed / automated i shall read the installation guide more carefully next time


#5 2022-01-19 23:50:39

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2012-01-15
Posts: 4,645

Re: [SOLVED] broken locale cant install yay packages

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] (edit the title of your first post).


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