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I'm trying to install arch on my new Dell XPS notebook. I enabled SD Card boot in the BIOS, rebooted, and selected the default arch install option.
I then get a red error in the top left corner:
Error loading \arch\boot\x86_64\vmlinuz-linux: Not Found
Failed to execute Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, UEFI) (\arch\boot\x86_64\vmlinuz-linux)
I used the following command to make my install medium:
sudo dd bs=4M if=$PWD/archlinux-2022.02.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdc conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress
And I verified that
is there.
In the BIOS, I've turned off secure boot mode, enabled thunderbolt and USB boot support,
I also tried booting from a USB-A memory stick plugged in via a USB-C adapter, but it doesn't show up in the F12 boot menu.
Is there something else I need to turn off or some other way to install arch on an XPS?
I tried a different USB-C port and the thumb drive boots properly, so not solved, but moot.
Might be hardware related as I've seen similar on a Dell desktop. Anything in the user manual?
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