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Due to a packaging error on my part, nvidia-utils 1.0.8776-1 is broken. I have uploaded 1.0.8776-2 for distribution, but while you're waiting for your preferred mirror to sync, you can get it here: … pkg.tar.gz
My apologies for any inconvenience.
And many thanks to shastry for his assistance on #archlinux.
No problem Server is also synced already. But what was the problem anyway?
8776 provides a hotfix for the buffer overflow vulnerability in previous drivers, as reported here. Nvidia do not provide any details on how the fix has been implemented, but it appears to involve a change to$pkgver. However, rather than provide a single, fixed version of that file, they provided two different versions, one in <nvidia>/usr/lib, the other in <nvidia>/usr/lib/tls. The existing PKGBUILD installs all *.so files in lib and its subdirs into $startdir/pkg/usr/lib, and a feature of the install command used is that it will not install two files with the same name to the same location in one operation - the second file is rejected. And in accordance with Murphy's Law, it was the second file that we needed.
However, none of that was the actual problem. The actual problem was carelessness and a complete absence of testing, courtesy of me. :oops:
Well you provided a fix and blamed yourself already here in forum (just jokin)
thank you for your work and explanation mate.