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I want to use some optional VTK modules for a project I am trying to port to the AUR. VTK is in the community repository but does not ship with these optional modules enabled. In general, what is the common pattern for when the "official" version of a package does not have all the flags you want enabled during build? Should I create a package in the AUR that builds with the flags that I want? Or is that a waste? I have messaged the maintainer but I doubt I will hear back since it is a low priority issue.
Any pointers would be appreciated .
Should I create a package in the AUR that builds with the flags that I want? Or is that a waste?
It'd only be a waste if there was little to no interest in it. If this is just for yourself, you can rebuilt it locally with the flags you need - but if this meets a need other users are likely to also have, then this is an appropriate case for having an AUR version of a repo package.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman