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I find this interesting... I forgot to sudo while running cfdisk, and it allowed me to edit my partition table as a normal user. And write the changes. I don't like this, it seems a bit of a security hole if anybody can log in and clobber partitions.
I note that my user has group rw positions on the /dev/sdb device, as a member of the disk group. I can't remember what the purpose of this group is, my user may be in it for accessing the cdrom drive.
I also notice that cfdisk is in /sbin/, and that all users have execute permissions on this program.
Now, what would be the best way to prevent this from happening. Yeah, I could change permissions on the file, but I'm curious to know if there's something else I've overlooked. Its a great convenience that I can run the command myself, but I don't want it happening for the other users I occasionally allow to log into the system, nor for users who manage to hack their way in, but don't manage to hack root.
Note: I also have the permissions to run mke2fs. I think it must be from being in the disk group.
i don't think the user should be in 'disk' group.. cdrom drives are handled by 'optical' and flash/removable media by 'storage'. AFAIK disk group is meant for partition related stuff.
Interesting, I wonder why I have my user in that group. My memory is failing.
Mhh, interesting. I always added myself to this group because i heard of it and it sounded like for discs or the like, but sure... group disks is of that Any chance where to get a list or like that that represents ALL groups uses in ArchLinux ?
Hmm, well I always aimed to add my user account to as few groups as possible, for the security reasons discovered here! I think the /etc/group file should have more comments in it, explaining the relative safety of adding normal users to certain groups.
Well, my user is not in disk group, being in storage group is enough for cfdisk to let him do partitioning of /dev/sda. /dev/hdx are safe, though.
[ass@zzz ~]$ ls -l /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root storage 8, 0 2006-10-23 04:33 /dev/sda
[ass@zzz ~]$ ls -l /dev/hda
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 0 2006-10-23 04:33 /dev/hda
Removing him from the group fixes this (after reboot).
I added him to storage and optical groups for convenient use of cdrom/usb stick as required by kde/hal combo.
Maybe wouldn't mind messing up my usb stick, but as it happens /dev/sda is a fixed scsi disk.
Guessing this behaviour is caused by udev.rules
# default permissions for all block devices
SUBSYSTEM=="block", GROUP="disk"
# permissions for removable devices like cardreaders or sticks
KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{scsi_level}=="3", ATTRS{type}=="0", GROUP="storage"
# permissions for firewire external drives
KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{scsi_level}=="5", GROUP="storage"
# permissions for usb to scsi external adapters
KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{scsi_level}=="3", ATTRS{type}=="7", GROUP="storage"
That's all rules referring to "storage" group and sd* devices in my /etc/udev.rules (as installed by pacman)
Now, I'd like udev to differentiate between my fixed and removable /dev/sd*. Anyone knows what needs to be changed?
you could make a custom udev rule to recognize your hardware:
it will be specific to your hardware (not general)
look at
you need a rule like that
BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{model}=="ST3120827AS", GROUP=disk
modified to the right model. use udevinfo for that to find it and plce it in one file in /etc/udev/rules.d
for example, 99-local.rules
you need a rule like that
BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{model}=="ST3120827AS", GROUP=disk
IIRC, SYSFS should be replaced with ATTRS with the newest udev.
to live is to die