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#1 2022-04-14 15:14:52

From: Arnhem, the Netherlands
Registered: 2022-03-14
Posts: 12

[SOLVED] Static IP not working

I spend almost a week trying to figure out why setting a static IP with netctl wasnt working.
a google search mentioned NetworkManager but it wasnt installed, trying pacman -S systemd-networkd didnt work either (or any networkd variant anyway).
Then i was about to post this message when i found out there was a file in /etc/systemd/networking/ called which had DHCP set.
Once i removed this file everything worked as expected.

I think this is a leftover from the installation and i am hoping someone could verify this for me?

And also a post maybe for future people who run into the same problem smile

Leo, HSP, On a journey to leave the big tech behind. Security minded. Sucker for nice, polished things.


#2 2022-04-14 15:22:41

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: [SOLVED] Static IP not working

On a standard Arch install, no such files are left/copied over by default (... other than maybe with the archinstall python script) What exactly did you use to install this?

Last edited by V1del (2022-04-14 15:23:07)


#3 2022-04-14 15:46:32

From: Arnhem, the Netherlands
Registered: 2022-03-14
Posts: 12

Re: [SOLVED] Static IP not working

i booted the installer iso, then ran archinstall smile
its a standard install on a proxmox hypervisor and i did nothing special.

Leo, HSP, On a journey to leave the big tech behind. Security minded. Sucker for nice, polished things.


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