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#1 2006-09-17 02:49:38

Registered: 2006-07-30
Posts: 43

KDM/X11 error ' not found' (SOLVED)

I went to install gimp, and it came back: unresolvable dependencies: requires musicbrainz and xpat. Xpat wasn't a package, so I installed musicbrainz and it seemed to have fixed it; I downloaded and installed gimp. (I later realised I needed the 'expat' package, not 'xpat', so no need to point that out tongue)_

Then I rebooted.

Both X and KDM report an error to the effect of:
"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory". When I startx, xterm gives me this error. When I /etc/rc.d/kdm start and check in kdm.log, it's /opt/kde/bin/kdm_greet that requires it.

I slocate'd to make sure that it wasn't simply sitting somewhere that it shouldn't be, but there's no file like it on my system.

I reinstalled/uninstalled expat and musicbrainz in order to reverse it but errors still occur.

Any help would be appreciated, these boards don't look as good when you're using links from the command line.

EDIT: Solved. Boy, do I feel stupid; I was slocate'ing for Once I searched fot just, It returned that there was a, but no .0. One copy command later and I was in business.


#2 2006-09-17 05:59:09

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: KDM/X11 error ' not found' (SOLVED)

Copying to can lead you into problems.
You should update your system (pacman -Syu).


#3 2006-10-23 03:09:36

From: Queen's U, Kingston, Canada
Registered: 2004-05-02
Posts: 285

Re: KDM/X11 error ' not found' (SOLVED)

  I'm having the exactly same problem here with xfce4. The problem didn't start till tonight when I was downloading a lot of pdf files from my university course page.
  So, I was downloading all these pdf files in quick succesion, and firefox just dies on me. Trying to get it back up did not work, and the launcher decided not to open any other programs, so I exited from xfce4 with the idea of restarting it and getting back to work.
  That's when xfce would show the little 'X' sign before showing the normal cursor, and then just stop, sending me back to the command line, with the error message ' - Not found'.
  So basically I did the same thing as Abecedarian did (more or less). Seeing that "".so and "".so.1 were both links to "".so.1.5.0, I just made a new link to "".so.1.5.0 with the name of "".so.0.
  I know that this isn't the way to do things, so I just wanted to know:
1) What sort of problems might get caused due to this error? How do I prevent them?
2) Should I file in a bug report for the 'expat' program so that the maintainer can make such a symlink right in the package itself (thereby keeping the system "the Arch way")?



#4 2006-10-23 16:08:44

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: KDM/X11 error ' not found' (SOLVED)

Make sure your system is up-to-date. I'm pretty sure all official packages have been rebuilt for expat 2. Do you use any custom packages?


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