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I want to install windows 7 on an old laptop without usb / dvd drive.
Right now there is arch running on the machine. And I am downloading the iso.
The laptop has one ssd.
Can I just make a partition, put the bootable iso into that partition with dd if=windows.iso of=/dev/sda4
and then boot from /dev/sda4 and install the os to /dev/sda1-3?
Thanks for any help.
Last edited by castor (2022-05-31 11:27:45)
There's much more preparation needed then that, usually it's done by the manufacturer before the ssd is put in the laptop.
Does the laptop have any usb ports ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
yes, but I didn't have a usb stick.
but nvm, i just bought one.
however i have done installations without usb stick or dvd. i had a hdd and ssd installed on the laptop and burned the arch install iso to the harddrive using it as boot media.
i close is.
but i don't know what you mean by much more preparation.
i will just install win7 from.a bootable usb.stick onto the ssd. i hope and believe this will work.
The archinstall iso is specially crafted to boot using multiple methods, windows install images were a lot more restricted .
I know from own experience windows vista and before could only be installed from a harddrive through a specially crafted partition on an internal drive hdd .
microsoft did provide the software to create such an image, but not pre-made images.
Installing from an external drive like an usb stick was impossible even with those methods.
I wasn't sure if windows 7 images allowed installing from usb, but a search shows they do.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2022-05-31 11:44:37)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
i installed windows 10 from a downloadable iso recently. i think i used a tool called rufus to burn the image to usb.
but i am not sure.
i'll just try.
hope i'll find linux software to create bootable win7 usb media.
or rufus running on linux.
found this:
archlinux wiki, list of applications, disk image writing
github, windows2usb
i think i even used this before
Last edited by castor (2022-05-31 15:17:26)
Pages: 1