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I'm trying to help a friend to install archlinux on his computer, but we can't manage to connect to internet via his WiFi (he don't have any ethernet plug on his computer, so we are forced to use wifi).
We have unblocked the wifi card (with rfkill), so iwctl can see the wifi networks and use the wifi card, but when my friend enter the password, the response is "Failed" (he tried about 6 times so i think that the problem don't come from him). So I suppose that the problem is from the Wi-Fi card, which is a Realtek 8822CE. I searched around internet but I didn't saw solutions for the problem, so I ask for help here. (I found this on GitHub but I really have no idea how to use it, and I don't want to broke my friend's computer)
And also, I'm practically a complete newbie on that topic (I never use Wi-Fi, and didn't have connection errors when i installed arch on my computer) so please forgive me if I have forgotten to gives you informations, like command results and others (and dont hesitate to ask for it).
Last edited by likalium (2022-07-07 09:45:59)
TL;DR : realtek wifi chipsets are often a huge pita on any linux.
Long version … ss#Realtek has more info, but it doesn't list the 8822CE .
Not all is lost however.
In several people mentioned they had success with the rtw88-dkms-git aur package.
recent comments on that page indicate it may not be easy to get this to work.
For a short term solution buying an ethernet-to-usb converter is probably the easiest way.
The best long term solution may be to get a laptop with good linux support.
Some names :
System76 and tuxedo only sell systems for use with linux
Dell & Lenovo do have models that are guaranteed to work with linux.
Welcome to archlinux forums.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2022-07-07 10:36:22)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Another way to install the system would be to USB tether a smartphone and share its WiFi via USB. When you do this, Linux instantiates a device that behaves as a wired interface. To bring it up, all one must do is run hhcpcd by hand and the network should come up. Then you can pacstrap, install any needed realtech stuff, and set up your bootloader.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Ok, thanks Lone_Wolf for this very complete response (and for this "welcome", I love it when peoples say welcome)! I think I'll search more on GitHub and Arch Linux AUR, but I didn't think to use an ethernet-usb cable/adaptator (so thank you again for this other idea!).
Note for me: edit this post if I find a solution
Edit because I didn't see the ewaller response: Oh thanks you, that's a smart solution! I keep it in mind.
Last edited by likalium (2022-07-07 14:14:31)