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I am trying using $HOME/.bash_profile with restricted bash
$ cat $HOME/.bash_profile
$ exec /bin/bash -r
Will this be good enough to prevent login user from breaking out restricted shell?
Last edited by solskog (2022-10-08 13:40:18)
No. You can still call other programs which in turn can spawn a regular shell, should it be needed. Or even a regular bash script. What are you trying to do in the first place?
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As a bastion host, the login user can only run a few safe binary commands located inside home directory. no creation of files is allowed for the login user.
Also nothing is on the $PATH
$ echo $PATH
Wouldn't it be a safer/better approach to use a combination of "" in authorized_keys and the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND to support multiple allowed commands? That way the user is technically never really logging into the bastion as a 'free' user and can only run specific commands. You could even take it a step further and have those user's /home on a read-only filesystem.
'SSH_ORIGIANL_COMMAND' I think this is the right approach, Thanks!
'SSH_ORIGIANL_COMMAND' I think this is the right approach, Thanks!
Just make sure you use it without the typo you produced here
I have been testing 'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND' a while now. But what if I just change the user's login shell to the actual command instead?
No more ForceCommand /bin/command in sshd_config.
# cat /etc/passwd
Will this approach be more or less safe then 'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND' ?
If you don't restrict the ssh commands on the server, the user might still succeed at "ssh -t bastion /usr/bin/bash"
No more ForceCommand /bin/command in sshd_config.
Afaik, you do not have to use ForceCommand in sshd_config, you can set it in authorized_keys for just that user?
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