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Hi friends,
I tried update my system using pacman -Syu but then it showed some file conflict issues and after that, many apps were not working fo example thunar, gnucash, terminal. So, then I did a pacman -Syuf which did upgrade everything and did get terminal working, but not thunar and gnucash (might be other apps too, dont know). Now, I get these shared libraries error when I try starting them from console.
thunar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gnucash-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
From searching the forum, I could make out that this problem is due to dbus which was updated too (i think it was, dont remember clearly). my current dbus version is 0.93-1. Could not find a solution in the forum. Please help in this regard.
Thanks in advance..
Ravi S Ghosh
As far as I know this i caused by asynchron reposities. To solve this problem wait until you repo you download from is synced or switch to an already synced reposity.
Hail to the thief!
I tried update my system using pacman -Syu but then it showed some file conflict issues and after that, many apps were not working fo example thunar, gnucash, terminal. So, then I did a pacman -Syuf which did upgrade everything and did get terminal working, but not thunar and gnucash (might be other apps too, dont know). Now, I get these shared libraries error when I try starting them from console.
You don't solve file conflicts by doing pacman -f. It will cause more problems over time.
thunar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory gnucash-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
thunar is a community package and hasn't been updated yet (and it looks like it won't be). I'd suggest you install thunar-svn and xfce4-svn from [unstable].
gnucash is a community package also. I've posted explanation here to rebuild it yourself:
u can solve this by
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
and do so for all the libs u r getting errors for
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
I encountered this exact same problem yesterday after updating my system (which I hadn't done in a while). Today, after some searching, I noticed that the thunar-svn in unstable had been updated, but the xfce-svn repository had not (I have no idea if it's still being maintained though). So I uninstalled the version I had and reinstalled Thunar from the unstable repo, and it worked fine.
u can solve this by
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
and do so for all the libs u r getting errors for
This is not recommended.
I encountered this exact same problem yesterday after updating my system (which I hadn't done in a while). Today, after some searching, I noticed that the thunar-svn in unstable had been updated, but the xfce-svn repository had not (I have no idea if it's still being maintained though). So I uninstalled the version I had and reinstalled Thunar from the unstable repo, and it worked fine.
Are you using xfce-svn from the unstable repo? It is still maintained. It was rebuilt today so it should work now.
@Snowman - yes, I ended up uninstalling the old version (from the xfce-svn repository) and installing the version in the unstable repository, and it worked again.
I thought to do linking of libraries temporarily until repos are synched properly, but that too did not work;
[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ gnucash
gnucash-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ cd /usr/lib
[shantanu@bluehead lib]$ sudo ln -s
[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ gnucash
gnucash-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[shantanu@bluehead lib]$ sudo ln -s
[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ gnucash
gnucash-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: scm_freelist
Well, then i removed all links that i had created. Thats not a recommended method as well.
However, how can we request the TU to rebuild the package? I can find the package in AUR ( … s=0&SeB=nd )
@Snowman, I found your comments in AUR. It seemed that you are maintaining gnucash. If it is so, then I would request you to rebuild the package as is recommended above.
Rebuilding a package is not my cup of tea (and i guess not of those who have little technical knowledge and have just switched to arch) though a few guides or links to guide would certainly be a great help..
No, I'm not maintaining gnucash, willysilly is the TU who maintains it. Send him an email.
A few links: … guidelines … ild_System
but willysilly's email id is not displayed in AUR. Any clues where to get his ID from.
It's in his profile:
sillywilly at gmail dot com
got it.. have sent him a mail requesting him to update gnucash...
WillySilly has updated gnucash and hence problem solved.
WillySilly has updated gnucash and hence problem solved.
Actually, I'm the one who updated it as WillySilly'status on the TU group is uncertain ( ) . Let me know if there's problems with gnucash.
Then the thank-mail sent to willysilly should have been diverted to you. Anyway, many thanks Snowman for updating gnucash. Well, as far as problem is concerned, there is one which was there earlier too before update. I've posted it too, but got no reply. here is it ... … highlight=