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Hello all,
after reading about the intended deprecation of ~/.pam_environment, I am looking for an equally comfortable solution.
The intention is to have one central place to define user environment variables, which are exported regardless whether I log in through a TTY or graphical session manager. ~/.pam_environment covered that use case nicely, without having to rely on different script-like solutions such as ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile. To make matters more complicated, I use the fish shell which does not directly parse any profile files. (I am aware of the workaround by adding to ~/.config/fish/, but that seems like an ugly hack.)
The discussion concerning the pull request to abandon ~/.pam_environment mentions “systemd based user sessions”. I am hitting dead ends trawling the web for an explanation how that might solve my issue, actually also how that entire concept works. Perhaps my search terms are not suitable.
What I understand is that files in ~.config/environment.d/*.conf are pulled in for systemd user units to provide environment variables. They show up with systemctl --user show-environment, thus are processed. But they are neither available after logging in through a TTY nor graphical session manager.
Can someone point me in the right direction? How do I replace ~/.pam_environment with a central solution to provide environment variables?
Hello, after the recent boot I've ended up with the same question.
Sure, I can just add the same vars to shell-specific places, but it looks rather like an ugly hack than a workaround
I have a very similar setup like Condor. My work-around is to define all my variables in ~/.config/environment.d/*.conf and then load them in my ~/.bashrc with these lines:
# Load environment variables from the systemd files. This way I don’t need to
# declare them in different places again.
set -a # All variables declared will also be exported.
for f in $(find ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/environment.d -name "*.conf"); do
source "$f"
set +a
# ... some other things ...
exec fish
man environment.d
man systemd-environment-d-generator
man systemd.environment-generator
Apparently terminal emulators have to run a systemd service which then runs the user's shell ...?
But, hey, it will apparently work in gnome.
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Offline … _variables
At any time, use systemctl --user set-environment or systemctl --user import-environment. Affects all user units started after setting the environment variables, but not the units that were already running.
Using the dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all command provided by dbus. Has the same effect as systemctl --user import-environment, but also affects the D-Bus session. You can add this to the end of your shell initialization file.
cat /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
and see the last link below.
Thank you @seth and @cfr
It looks like DMs imply the systemd variables under the hood, so this works fine for me … 6f4e23cfd0
Unfortunately, it doesn't work in non-graphic sessions, so I guess, I'll add something to import ENVs from systemd into shell.
it looks like it just works
set -a
eval $(/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/30-systemd-environment-d-generator)
set +a
Last edited by Felixoid (2022-10-25 10:56:39)