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#1 2022-08-15 08:06:18

Registered: 2022-08-14
Posts: 5

systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

I installed Arch using archinstall. When booting (systemd-boot) after entering my passphrase for the root partition I get:

"mounting '/dev/mapper/luksdev' on real root"
"mount: /new_root: mount(2) system call failed: no such file or directory"

dmesg doesn't contain errors at that timestamp, and I can just mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /new_root and then the new_root looks fine.


MODULES=(btrfs crc32 libcrc32c crc32c_generic crc32c-intel crc32-pclmul crypto-crc32)
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap modconf block encrypt filesystems fsck)

I added the crc32 modules because I found it as a suggestion but it doesn't work either way.
And my archinstall log:

Hardware model detected: LENOVO 81YM; UEFI mode: True
Processor model detected: AMD Ryzen 7 4700U with Radeon Graphics
Memory statistics: 15177708 available out of 15732612 total installed
Could not detect virtual system: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b'none\r\n'
System is not running in a VM: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b'none\r\n'
Virtualization detected: None; is VM: None
Graphics devices detected: dict_keys(['Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Renoir (rev c2)'])
Disk states before installing: {'blockdevices': [{'name': 'loop0', 'fstype': 'squashfs', 'fsver': '4.0', 'label': None, 'uuid': None, 'fsavail': '0', 'fsuse%': '100%', 'mountpoints': ['/run/archiso/airootfs'], 'type': 'loop', 'size': '680M'}, {'name': 'sda', 'fstype': None, 'fsver': None, 'label': None, 'uuid': None, 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'disk', 'size': '58.4G', 'children': [{'name': 'sda1', 'fstype': 'vfat', 'fsver': 'FAT32', 'label': 'ARCH_202208', 'uuid': '121A-3D4C', 'fsavail': '57.7G', 'fsuse%': '1%', 'mountpoints': ['/run/archiso/bootmnt'], 'type': 'part', 'size': '58.4G'}]}, {'name': 'nvme0n1', 'fstype': None, 'fsver': None, 'label': None, 'uuid': None, 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'disk', 'size': '476.9G', 'children': [{'name': 'nvme0n1p1', 'fstype': 'crypto_LUKS', 'fsver': '2', 'label': None, 'uuid': 'c60e0e3c-2ba4-4f69-b165-c0079abe681a', 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'part', 'size': '476.9G'}]}, {'name': 'nvme1n1', 'fstype': None, 'fsver': None, 'label': None, 'uuid': None, 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'disk', 'size': '57.6G', 'children': [{'name': 'nvme1n1p1', 'fstype': 'vfat', 'fsver': 'FAT32', 'label': None, 'uuid': 'EFE5-3FCF', 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'part', 'size': '511M'}, {'name': 'nvme1n1p2', 'fstype': 'crypto_LUKS', 'fsver': '2', 'label': None, 'uuid': '02798950-5773-4524-8d2a-7c71b599126c', 'fsavail': None, 'fsuse%': None, 'mountpoints': [None], 'type': 'part', 'size': '57.1G'}]}]}
Testing connectivity to the Arch Linux mirrors ...
Suggesting multi-disk-layout using 2 disks, where BlockDevice(/dev/nvme1n1, size=57.6GB, free_space=1031kB+1049kB+1031kB, bus_type=nvme) will be /root and BlockDevice(/dev/nvme0n1, size=476.9GB, free_space=1031kB+335kB, bus_type=nvme) will be /home
 -- Chosen configuration --
    "HSM": null,
    "__separator__": null,
    "additional-repositories": [],
    "archinstall-language": "English",
    "audio": "pipewire",
    "bootloader": "systemd-bootctl",
    "config_version": "2.5.0",
    "debug": false,
    "desktop-environment": "sway",
    "gfx_driver": "AMD / ATI (open-source)",
    "harddrives": [
    "hostname": "liberty",
    "kernels": [
    "keyboard-layout": "de-latin1-nodeadkeys",
    "mirror-region": {
        "Germany": {
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true,
            "$repo/os/$arch": true
    "mount_point": null,
    "nic": {},
    "ntp": true,
    "packages": [
    "plugin": null,
    "profile": {
        "path": "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/archinstall/profiles/"
    "save_config": null,
    "script": "guided",
    "silent": false,
    "swap": true,
    "sys-encoding": "UTF-8",
    "sys-language": "en_US",
    "timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
    "version": "2.5.0"
    "/dev/nvme0n1": {
        "partitions": [
                "encrypted": true,
                "filesystem": {
                    "format": "btrfs",
                    "mount_options": [
                "generate-encryption-key-file": true,
                "mountpoint": "/home",
                "size": "100%",
                "start": "1MiB",
                "type": "primary",
                "wipe": true
        "wipe": true
    "/dev/nvme1n1": {
        "partitions": [
                "boot": true,
                "encrypted": false,
                "filesystem": {
                    "format": "fat32"
                "mountpoint": "/boot",
                "size": "512MiB",
                "start": "1MiB",
                "type": "primary",
                "wipe": true
                "encrypted": true,
                "filesystem": {
                    "format": "btrfs",
                    "mount_options": [
                "mountpoint": "/",
                "size": "100%",
                "start": "513MiB",
                "type": "primary",
                "wipe": true
        "wipe": true
Creating a new partition label on /dev/nvme0n1
Adding partition to BlockDevice(/dev/nvme0n1, size=476.9GB, free_space=1031kB+335kB, bus_type=nvme), 1MiB->100%
Adding partition using the following parted command: /dev/nvme0n1 mkpart primary btrfs 1MiB 100%
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme0n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme0n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Encrypting Partition(path=/dev/nvme0n1p1, size=476.9, PARTUUID=c60e0e3c-2ba4-4f69-b165-c0079abe681a, parent=/dev/nvme0n1, fs=crypto_LUKS) (This might take a while)
Could not get block device information using blkid() using command blkid -p -o export /dev/dm-0
Formatting /dev/mapper/ainsthomeloop -> btrfs
Creating a new partition label on /dev/nvme1n1
Adding partition to BlockDevice(/dev/nvme1n1, size=57.6GB, free_space=1031kB+1049kB+1031kB, bus_type=nvme), 1MiB->512MiB
Adding partition using the following parted command: /dev/nvme1n1 mkpart primary fat32 1MiB 512MiB
Formatting /dev/nvme1n1p1 -> vfat
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Marking partition Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat) as bootable.
Setting boot on on (parted) partition index 1
Adding partition to BlockDevice(/dev/nvme1n1, size=57.6GB, free_space=1031kB+1049kB+1031kB, bus_type=nvme), 513MiB->100%
Adding partition using the following parted command: /dev/nvme1n1 mkpart primary btrfs 513MiB 100%
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p2: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p2'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Encrypting Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p2, size=57.1, PARTUUID=02798950-5773-4524-8d2a-7c71b599126c, parent=/dev/nvme1n1, fs=crypto_LUKS) (This might take a while)
Could not get block device information using blkid() using command blkid -p -o export /dev/dm-0
Formatting /dev/mapper/ainstloop -> btrfs
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting / to /mnt/archinstall/ using BTRFSPartition(path=/dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2, size=57.1, PARTUUID=067c18e8-0e4d-4fbd-834f-32db6464e0c1, parent=/dev/nvme1n1p2, fs=btrfs)
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting /boot to /mnt/archinstall/boot using Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat)
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting /home to /mnt/archinstall/home using BTRFSPartition(path=/dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1, size=476.9, PARTUUID=2f812242-3fe2-4ef0-a106-a86b94424766, parent=/dev/nvme0n1p1, fs=btrfs)
Using mount order: [('/', <function Installer.mount_ordered_layout.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f427e48b880>), ('/boot', <function Installer.mount_ordered_layout.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f427e48b9a0>), ('/home', <function Installer.mount_ordered_layout.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f427e48b490>)]
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting BTRFSPartition(path=/dev/mapper/ainstnvme1n1p2, size=57.1, PARTUUID=067c18e8-0e4d-4fbd-834f-32db6464e0c1, parent=/dev/nvme1n1p2, fs=btrfs) to /mnt/archinstall/
Getting mount information for device path /mnt/archinstall
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat) to /mnt/archinstall/boot
Getting mount information for device path /mnt/archinstall/boot
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Could not locate mount information for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Mounting BTRFSPartition(path=/dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1, size=476.9, PARTUUID=2f812242-3fe2-4ef0-a106-a86b94424766, parent=/dev/nvme0n1p1, fs=btrfs) to /mnt/archinstall/home
Getting mount information for device path /mnt/archinstall/home
creating key-file for /dev/mapper/ainstnvme0n1p1
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme0n1p1: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme0n1p1'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Adding additional key-file /mnt/archinstall/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/homeloop.key for Partition(path=/dev/nvme0n1p1, size=476.9, PARTUUID=d56e3e73-cbdc-4e00-90e6-5105e4db2b17, parent=/dev/nvme0n1, fs=crypto_LUKS)
Adding a crypttab entry for key /etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/homeloop.key in <archinstall.lib.installer.Installer object at 0x7f427e4b6bc0>
Filtering available mounts {'/run/archiso/bootmnt': Partition(path=/dev/sda1, size=58.4, PARTUUID=121A-3D4C, fs=vfat, mounted=/run/archiso/bootmnt), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1'), '/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2')} to those under /mnt/archinstall
Available partitions: {'/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2'), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1')}
Waiting for automatic mirror selection (reflector) to complete.
Waiting for dbus-org.freedesktop.timesync1.service to enter running state
A new package mirror-list has been created: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Filtering available mounts {'/run/archiso/bootmnt': Partition(path=/dev/sda1, size=58.4, PARTUUID=121A-3D4C, fs=vfat, mounted=/run/archiso/bootmnt), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1'), '/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2')} to those under /mnt/archinstall
Available partitions: {'/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2'), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1')}
System is not running in a VM: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b'none\r\n'
The testing flag is not set. This system will be installed without testing repositories enabled.
The testing flag is not set. This system will be installed without testing repositories enabled.
Installing packages: ['base', 'base-devel', 'linux-firmware', 'linux', 'btrfs-progs', 'amd-ucode']
Enabling periodic TRIM
Enabling service fstrim.timer
Setting up swap on zram
Installing packages: ('zram-generator',)
Enabling service systemd-zram-setup@zram0.service
Filtering available mounts {'/run/archiso/bootmnt': Partition(path=/dev/sda1, size=58.4, PARTUUID=121A-3D4C, fs=vfat, mounted=/run/archiso/bootmnt), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1'), '/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2')} to those under /mnt/archinstall
Available partitions: {'/mnt/archinstall': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme1n1p2'), '/mnt/archinstall/boot': Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot), '/mnt/archinstall/home': MapperDev(mappername='ainstnvme0n1p1')}
Adding bootloader systemd-bootctl to Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p1, size=0.5, PARTUUID=5425-D516, fs=vfat, mounted=/mnt/archinstall/boot)
Installing packages: ('efibootmgr',)
System is not running in a VM: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b'none\r\n'
Could not locate mount information for /dev/nvme1n1p2: ['/usr/bin/findmnt', '--json', '-R', '/dev/nvme1n1p2'] exited with abnormal exit code [256]: b''
Identifying root partition by PART-UUID on Partition(path=/dev/nvme1n1p2, size=57.1, PARTUUID=06b6430a-e016-4b45-a420-1c35bdd77e2d, parent=/dev/nvme1n1, fs=crypto_LUKS): '06b6430a-e016-4b45-a420-1c35bdd77e2d/734122e4-af9a-47a1-86af-06ab087e121a'.
This audio server will be used: pipewire
Installing pipewire
Installing packages: ['pipewire', 'pipewire-alsa', 'pipewire-jack', 'pipewire-pulse', 'gst-plugin-pipewire', 'libpulse', 'wireplumber']
Installing packages: ['chromium']
Installing archinstall profile Profile(desktop)
Installing packages: ['nano', 'vim', 'openssh', 'htop', 'wget', 'iwd', 'wireless_tools', 'wpa_supplicant', 'smartmontools', 'xdg-utils']
Installing archinstall profile Profile(sway)
Installing packages: ['sway', 'swaylock', 'swayidle', 'waybar', 'dmenu', 'light', 'grim', 'slurp', 'pavucontrol', 'foot']
Installing packages: ('xorg-server xorg-xinit mesa xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-ati libva-mesa-driver vulkan-radeon',)
Creating user andreas
Setting password for andreas
Enabling sudo permissions for andreas.
Activating systemd-timesyncd for time synchronization using Arch Linux and NTP servers.
Enabling service systemd-timesyncd
Setting keyboard language to de-latin1-nodeadkeys
Keyboard language for this installation is now set to: de-latin1-nodeadkeys
Updating /mnt/archinstall/etc/fstab
For post-installation tips, see
Installation completed without any errors. You may now reboot.


#2 2022-08-15 08:17:10

Registered: 2013-11-15
Posts: 1,511

Re: systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

If you get dropped to the initramfs shell, you can check `cat /proc/cmdline` if the kernel parameters are set as expected (see also `mkinitcpio -H encrypt`)


#3 2022-08-15 08:37:15

Registered: 2022-08-14
Posts: 5

Re: systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

frostschutz wrote:

If you get dropped to the initramfs shell, you can check `cat /proc/cmdline` if the kernel parameters are set as expected (see also `mkinitcpio -H encrypt`)

I compared the help text to the kernel params and it looks correct. But actually it looks like the issue isn't with the encrypthook (unless it also is supposed to do the mounting) because when I'm dropped to the shell I can just do mount /dev/mapper/luksdev new_root/ and that works

cat /proc/cmdline
initrd=\amd-ucode.img initrd=\initramfs-linux.img cryptdevice=PARTUUID=<long af UUID>:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev zswap.enabled=0 rootflags=subvol=<FS_TREE> rw intel_üstate=no_hwp rootfstype=btrfs

I interpret this as: decrypt this device (which looks correct) and map it as /dev/mapper/luksdev, then mount root as /dev/mapper/luksdev - which works manually. And the FS should be btrfs which is correct. Why would it fail at mounting it automatically after or at the end of the encrypt hook? And also is there a way I can continue the boot process after mounting new_root manually for easier troubleshooting?


#4 2022-08-15 08:39:52

Registered: 2022-08-14
Posts: 5

Re: systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

Oh, could it be related to this? … partitions
I let archinstall determine the partition layout for two drives and it placed root and home on different ones. Both are encrypted with the same passphrase. Perhaps archinstall doesn't take that into account during the encrypt hook?


#5 2022-08-17 03:00:13

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

You could try using sd-encrypt rather than encrypt if you think it might be related to having the two.

What does 'rootflags=subvol=<FS_TREE>' do? Note that I'm not saying it's wrong at all. It just looked curious. When you mount root, you seem to be mounting that partition, whereas the wiki mentions using this option when you want to mount a subvolume as root. But this is probably just my ignorance of btrfs.

And also is there a way I can continue the boot process after mounting new_root manually for easier troubleshooting?

Oh, yes. You can use a system quite normally even if you can't boot from the installation at all. You should be able to do something approximately like this: get everything decrypted and mounted under new_root/, make sure crucial stuff is taken over and then chroot.  arch-chroot  is a wrapper which includes the essential copying. It might not be quite equivalent to a regular boot, but you should certainly be able to use it for trouble-shooting and anything else you need to get done.

Last edited by cfr (2022-08-17 03:01:30)

CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions

Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L


#6 2022-08-28 02:34:15

Registered: 2022-07-07
Posts: 7

Re: systemd-boot won't mount my luks root partition

Why use systemd-boot to do that when you can just use the initramfs? Make a seperate boot partition and if you are worried about the integrity of your ramdisk and kernel, combine them into a Unified Kernel Image and than enroll the hash into secureboot.


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