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#3801 2022-08-12 16:21:22

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

I don't use dkms, not sure what is driving the error.  I can just say I tested it on a clean install with linux-ck and it worked.  Maybe open a new thread focusing on dkms and someone can help you.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3802 2022-08-19 07:16:12

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 16

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

If you dont use DKMS, how you use the nvidia driver with the kernel? With the installer directly from nvidias page?

I found some Posts wich have the same Problem (with other kernels): … els/223430 … issues/351

Dont know if it is helpfull informations.


#3803 2022-08-19 12:59:45

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,270

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

/bin/sh: line 1: ./tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/resolve_btfids: No such file or directory … -ck#n10713 … ux-ck#n271


#3804 2022-08-26 14:30:51

From: Dominican Republic
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 20

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Hi, I just built linux-ck (generic-v3) using yay from aur and my xfce desktop stopped working.. after the slim login, the same slim login background is kept and I can open thunar but there is no panel or window manager, I cant do anything.. I tried booting the stock kernel and the same problem persist.. I uninstalled ck kernel from the stock and did grub-mkconfig (as usual) and now grub would not boot, it sends me right to BIOS.... what happened??


#3805 2022-08-26 15:31:16

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,951

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

The GRUB issue is a known bug the others generally lack context but I'm assuming slim being slim and generally broken and not setting up a proper session, have you tested a different DM ?


#3806 2022-08-26 15:54:29

From: Dominican Republic
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 20

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

I can try to downgrade grub and nope I havent tried other DM, but if I uninstalled the ck kernel the stock should work as usual.


#3807 2022-10-13 03:06:05

Registered: 2022-04-14
Posts: 5

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

6.0-ck everything is good so far :-)


#3808 2022-12-12 22:01:44

Registered: 2015-04-26
Posts: 126

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Hi all. I'm looking for an older, 5.12.3 linux-ck headers package (core2 or generic, not sure what the exact naming scheme was at the time). The wayback machine has a snapshot of from 2021.05 but no luck finding it there. I do have the kernel package itself, which was the last ck kernel with MuQSS. So I only need the headers package. If anyone has a copy of that, please get in touch!


#3809 2022-12-12 23:08:41

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

You'll have to build your own from the AUR history unless someone is mirroring.  I do not keep versions.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3810 2022-12-20 13:11:40

Registered: 2008-10-20
Posts: 374

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

graysky wrote:

I don't use dkms, not sure what is driving the error.  I can just say I tested it on a clean install with linux-ck and it worked.  Maybe open a new thread focusing on dkms and someone can help you.

Hi graysky: I may have an answer to this problem. I have the same issue when compiling nvidia via nvidia-dkms, with this error in nvidia make log file:

/bin/sh: line 1: ./tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/resolve_btfids: No such file or directory

This does not happen with other linux header packages (original archlinux and linux-lqx) so I had a look at the file list of linux-headers, linux-lqx-headers and linux-ck packages. linux-headers and linux-lqx-headers have these files:

linux-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.0.12-arch1-1/build/tools/bpf/
linux-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.0.12-arch1-1/build/tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/
linux-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.0.12-arch1-1/build/tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/resolve_btfids
linux-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.0.12-arch1-1/build/tools/objtool/
linux-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.0.12-arch1-1/build/tools/objtool/objtool


linux-lqx-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-lqx2-1-lqx/build/tools/bpf/
linux-lqx-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-lqx2-1-lqx/build/tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/
linux-lqx-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-lqx2-1-lqx/build/tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/resolve_btfids
linux-lqx-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-lqx2-1-lqx/build/tools/objtool/
linux-lqx-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-lqx2-1-lqx/build/tools/objtool/objtool

However, linux-ck-headers is missing the bpf directory entirely:

linux-ck-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-1-ck/build/tools/
linux-ck-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-1-ck/build/tools/objtool/
linux-ck-headers /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-1-ck/build/tools/objtool/objtool

Only the objtool directory is available, not bpf. This is the root cause of the problem. Maybe packaging has some error?

Last edited by zebulon (2022-12-20 13:12:55)


#3811 2022-12-20 15:09:54

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

@zebulon - yes, see line 266 which is currently commented out.  I need to see about enabling that without the full blown CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO.  As I recall, building with that enabled blows up my build system's RAM.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3812 2022-12-20 23:42:10

Registered: 2008-10-20
Posts: 374

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

graysky wrote:

@zebulon - yes, see line 266 which is currently commented out.  I need to see about enabling that without the full blown CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO.  As I recall, building with that enabled blows up my build system's RAM.

Probably unrelated but is your BUILDDIR set to a tmpfs in RAM? Before kernel 6.x I was able to build in RAM using a 8GB tmpfs, but this is not possible anymore. And increasing tmpfs size leads to the console where I build crashing (my system has 16GB physical RAM). I now need to set BUILDDIR to a directory on a large, "real" hard drive and this works fine. But this may not be your issue there.


#3813 2022-12-22 11:10:05

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

6.1.1-1 should ship that needed file; the memory burst is no longer present on my system it seems.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3814 2022-12-23 03:30:17

Registered: 2008-10-20
Posts: 374

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

graysky wrote:

6.1.1-1 should ship that needed file; the memory burst is no longer present on my system it seems.

Many thanks!


#3815 2023-05-31 13:34:02

Registered: 2023-05-31
Posts: 2

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Can you enable the binder or binderfs module for waydroid ? I want to use waydroid with linux-ck but missing binder module and the binder_linux-dkms didn't work for linux-ck and got some errors when starting waydroid.Can't thank you enough.
Exactly,the binder_linux-dkms can be built with linux-ck but waydroid can't work correctly

Last edited by luyu (2023-06-01 04:36:07)


#3816 2023-06-02 18:08:12

Registered: 2022-04-02
Posts: 21

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

nobody uses refind as bootloader, because i can't figure out how to boot this kernel, tkg i can, it's configured like this initramfs-tkg.img while ck is initramfs-linux-ck and i can't with initramfs-%v.img configuration

CASE: nermax Fulmo GT PS: Seasonic 1200 platinum MB: z790 apex CPU: i9 13900kf COOLING:EK Supremacy evo full nickel VGA: GALAX GTX 1080 TI HOF OC LAB EDITION RAM: hynix ddr5 5200@8000c36 HD: seagate 1TB; 990 pro MASTERIZZATORE: pioneer 216 blueray MONITOR: Acer predator XB271HUA S.O: ArchLinux;. Win 11 pro


#3817 2023-06-02 18:38:52

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

@Luyu - if you're using a dkms package that means that module is out-of-tree, ie cannot ship it.  Why doesn't the dkms package work?

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3818 2023-06-03 12:29:35

Registered: 2023-05-31
Posts: 2

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

graysky wrote:

@Luyu - if you're using a dkms package that means that module is out-of-tree, ie cannot ship it.  Why doesn't the dkms package work?

Maybe I should seek help from waydroid developers.


#3819 2023-07-05 01:47:46

Registered: 2015-04-26
Posts: 126

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

@graysky This is a FYI. A bug in linux 6.4 causing Firefox crashes needs minor changes to config cfr. linux-zen. Seems important enough to bring in.

Additional info:


Last edited by glitsj16 (2023-07-05 01:48:53)


#3820 2023-07-05 09:32:51

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,678

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3821 2023-09-16 16:57:37

Registered: 2019-04-02
Posts: 17

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Just curious, but are the hr-timer patches applicable to the EEVDF scheduler? I have been building a few kernels with this scheduler recently and have been applying the ck timer patches, but am not sure if it's geared toward CFS.


#3822 2023-10-18 16:49:54

Registered: 2010-03-09
Posts: 49

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Is something awry with the generic version of linux-ck? When i try to boot from this kernel it crashes during boot. Cpu is a Phenom 955.


#3823 2023-10-19 14:36:06

Registered: 2010-03-09
Posts: 49

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

Also tried compiling linux-ck 6.5.7, compiling succeeds but fails at linking:

.btf.vmlinux.bin.o: file not recognized: file format not recognized

Options used:



#3824 2023-11-23 16:55:55

Registered: 2009-08-24
Posts: 48

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE


Last edited by Nebulosa (2023-11-30 08:26:27)


#3825 2024-05-12 20:13:54

Registered: 2012-01-20
Posts: 81

Re: unofficial linux-ck repo with cpu optimized packages is ONLINE

hello, I hope this is the right place to report issues with the kernels available on repo-ck

TLDR: has the patch fixing the e1000e regression causing "BUG: scheduling while atomic" already applied to repo-ck kernels ?

I am using the linux-ck-generic-v2 version and for several weeks now I am affected with issues ranging from unbound suddenly failing to start at boot but working when restarted manually, the internal sound card randomly disappearing then plasma desktop crashing, and plain system freezes and lock ups.

looking at the logs the issues seems to be related to this error:

 kernel: BUG: scheduling while atomic:  

searching the web it seems to be related to kernel issues introduced with kernel 6.6.27 affecting the e1000e module.
which can be identified with the following sequence in the stack trace:

e1000e_get_stats64 / e1000e_down / e1000e_watchdog_task

this patch is supposed to fix the issue: …

I can attest that the issue is still happening on linux-ck kernel 6.8.7-1-ck and  6.8.9-1-ck

So I am posting here to inquire about this patch status, has it been applied to the repo-ck kernel yet ?
I'd like to know if this is simply a matter of the patch still being on its way, or if the patch is already applied meaning it did not fixed the issue and I should file a bug report.

Last edited by kazimir (2024-05-12 20:14:25)


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