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#1 2022-08-21 03:22:13

Registered: 2020-03-23
Posts: 36

Yubikey Configuration Step for Sudo

Thank you for taking the time to view or read my post.

First, I know categorization matters in this community.  I debated internally about sending this to Newbie Corner or Kernel & Hardware, however, since I have no trouble actually recognizing the Yubikey, I believe this will fall better under this section.  I also don't believe this is a newbie question because I think it is very possible it will involve the interaction between pam-u2f and running on hardened.

I've done the following as directed by … n_with_PAM which linked to … Arch_Linux:

# pacman -S pam-u2f
$ mkdir ~/.config/Yubico
$ pamu2fcfg -o pam://me -i pam://me > ~/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys
// Receive prompt
// Enter key pin as configured in Chromium
// Success
# nano /etc/pam.d/sudo
// Add:
auth            required cue origin=pam://me appid=pam://me

I will add that this issue sounds a lot like this one on Fedora, which is another bleeding distro: … tor_login/

His quote in particular:

"Now my Yubikey doesn't blink to prompt for me to touch it and I cannot log in."

Is exactly my problem.

He goes on to say that he cannot log in, I have a restorable image backed up so there is no need to help me with any system repairs.  I just need to know how to configure this setup.

Thanks again, I'm eager to learn about this.


I did notice that /lib/security/ installs without execute permissions, but running chmod +x still has no beneficial effect here.

Last edited by Cyberpunk_Is_Bae (2022-08-21 03:25:42)


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