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I have a Hauppauge TV tuner and a Logitech C920 Pro webcam both connected to my machine via USB. In every single application or website that requests access to my webcam for video and audio (thick clients like Zoom or web-based like Google Meet or any other web streaming site), both of these devices are listed as possible options despite the fact that I'd never want my TV tuner to be the selected device. Is there a way to tell Arch that the TV tuner is NOT a webcam? I've lost count of the number of times I've been in meetings and the wrong device was attempting to transmit video or audio (especially audio since that's not something that is visibly obvious to me as I sit and watch the talking heads). I'd be happy even if there was a good way to indicate that the actual webcam is always the "default" webcam. I think part of the problem may be that I leave my actual webcam physically unplugged until I need it while my tv tuner card is inside the computer chassis so is always plugged in. I feel silly posting in this forum as I doubt it's Arch-specific, but every google search I attempt always provides solutions for the opposite of my problem - trying to get the machine to identify a webcams. If there is a solution to my problem, it can't interfere with Kaffeine's ability to see the tv tuner - it took me too long to figure that out for me to risk breaking that.
Is there a way to tell Arch that the TV tuner is NOT a webcam?
There's no such thing as "Arch" on this layer but you're typically able to configure the default video input (and both devices are. Functionally there's really no difference except one shows your bedroom and the other bad soap operas disguised as fantasy franchise) for every application.
the problem may be that I leave my actual webcam physically unplugged until I need it while my tv tuner card is inside the computer chassis so is always plugged in … vice_names
By using static device names you should™ be able to control the order (since clients will typically just list the devices alphabetically)