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I have noticed a problem since a while: when I want to open the file dialog (e.g. with ctrl+o), the program either freezes entierly, or the dialog is really slow to show up, and when I click on the file to close it it takes again much time.
It seems to happen only with qt programs (as kid3, picard, kdenlive) and not on GTK ones (as lutris, font-manager, discord). I use thunar as graphical file explorer (most of the time I am on ranger in the terminal).
When I open the program via the terminal, there is no special message that shows up when opening the file dialog, but this message shows up at start:
kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action "open_directory" "O&pen Folder..." set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.
kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action "reload" "Re&load" set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.
I noticed while trying that when I want to "browse file" from a game in lutris, it automatically opens kid3. Maybe my default xdg opener is not configured, but I don't really know yet how it works. I use i3wm so I don't have a full desktop manager.
Thanks in advance. If you want more detail about anything, don't hesitate to ask me, I don't really know what I should say since I'm not sure where the problem lies.
Last edited by kaiserkueche (2022-10-13 13:25:40)
This sounds like a dbus timeout candidate except that I'd expect GTK to be affected too. In any case, how are you starting i3? If with xinit/startx, make sure you heed the advice from note the blue note boxes and the fact that you should be copying the example file and do your edits at the end.
Also see … 6#p2055916 but before you go on a file deletion safari, check some strace whether such file is opened before the stall.
This sounds like a dbus timeout candidate except that I'd expect GTK to be affected too. In any case, how are you starting i3? If with xinit/startx, make sure you heed the advice from note the blue note boxes and the fact that you should be copying the example file and do your edits at the end.
Yes I use startx and here is my ~/.xinitrc. I do have copied the example file in /etc/X11/xinit/xinirc and have kept the last "if" block as the blue note says.
# merge in defaults and keymaps
if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $sysresources
if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
xmodmap $sysmodmap
if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then
xrdb -merge "$userresources"
if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then
xmodmap "$usermodmap"
# start some nice programs
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ] ; then
for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh ; do
[ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
unset f
# set default stuff
export EDITOR=vim
# set environment variables
# keyboard
exec setxkbmap -option caps:escape &
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
exec i3
So I tried a few things of the other post … 6#p2055916 that @seth recommended me.
I have resolved the problem, the file dialog is instantely opening. I just had to delete the file ~/.config/QtProject.conf and the problem was solved. Thank you all for your help.