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#1 2022-10-08 13:47:10

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

[solved] random password

I am wondering if this bash function is "good enough" for production/daily use?

genpass ()
    local len=${1:-8};
    local tmp res i num='0123456789';
    local alpha='abcdefghijgklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ';
    local punct="'!\"#$%&()+,-.:;<=>?@[*]^_\`{|}/\~";
    for ((i=0; i<$len; i++))
    \builtin echo "${res}"

Last edited by solskog (2022-10-26 11:43:38)


#2 2022-10-08 14:49:05

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,043

Re: [solved] random password

Simple answer, no.

What is "production/daily" use?  Crypto?  RANDOM is a pseudo random number generator, so no.  If you are just generating a random MAC, to obfuscate a connection, okay.

You really want to use something that uses the kernels random number generator -- /dev/random.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#3 2022-10-08 15:26:14

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,295

Re: [solved] random password

As for alternatives:

Many decent password managers already have password generators. If possible, use one offered by your password manager. Examples: pass --generate, keepassxc-cli generate and gopass generate.

Otherwise there are dedicated password generators: community/pwgen (pwgen manual).

Finally, if you really want a solution that uses only bash and standard utilities, that snippet generates a strong password consisting of N characters from ALPHABET:

cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd ALPHABET | head -c N

See tr manual for possible values of ALPHABET.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#4 2022-10-08 18:35:59

Registered: 2013-11-15
Posts: 1,453

Re: [solved] random password

shuf is also a nice tool to put things in random order in general (not just passwords)

$ printf "%s" $(shuf -n 16 -e {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9})

Writing a password generator in bash is a programming exercise, I also did one. The code is not nice as it was never meant to be published. And it still uses an external tool (od) to grab random numbers from /dev/urandom. It was meant to generate easy to type passwords (including XKCD style passwords).

# Usage examples:
# ./
# ./ 4 2 foo bar baz
# ./ 4 4 {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9}
# ./ 8 1 $(cat wordlist.txt)



pool=(${@:-ba be bi bo bu da de di do du fu ga ge gi go gu ha he hi ho ka ke ki ko ku ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu pa pe pi po pu ra re ri ro ru sa se si so su ta te ti to tu wa wo ya yo yu za ze zi zo zu})

# rng
set -- $(od -vAn -N$((wordnum*wordlen*4)) -t u4 < /dev/urandom)


for i in $(seq $wordnum -1 1)
    for h in $(seq $wordlen)
        [ $# -lt 1 ] && exit 1
        echo -n ${pool[$1%poolsize]}

    [ $i != 1 ] && echo -n " "

But like mentioned there are many ways to generate passwords already.


For RANDOM you have to consider, it's pseudorandom and the number range is small (0-32767). In bash you can use SRANDOM instead.

Edit: and you have to consider the entropy of your generated password (XKCD explains this well), and also any random bias that your algorithm introduces. In your algorithm, digits have a higher probability to be picked than letters or punctuation.

Last edited by frostschutz (2022-10-08 18:57:14)


#5 2022-10-08 19:20:31

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,105

Re: [solved] random password

You can also use base64 piped to tr to replace some base64 characters with symbols (to meet silly pw requirements).  I replace commonly confused letters and a couple other randomly selected letters:


head -c 15 /dev/random | base64 | tr "[$tr0]" "[$tr1]"

This generates a 20 digit string with letters, numbers, and symbols.  While strictly speaking, it is not guaranteed to include at least one of each, the odds are high enough that it almost always does ... and if it doesn't, just run it again for a new string.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6 2022-10-08 20:21:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,103

Re: [solved] random password

dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | basenc --z85  - | sed -ne 2p | head -c 24

Edit: the input must be n*4, "24" just randomly fits that, sed gets rid of the linewrap of basenc, but could also trim the length (I was just to lazy to figure whether I could then still turn this into an alias ;-)

Last edited by seth (2022-10-08 20:24:47)


#7 2022-10-08 22:07:50

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,105

Re: [solved] random password

Nice, I didn't know about z85 encoding.  But why all that work to get the right bytes?  Why not just feed the right amount of data to get the length you want in the first place?  The final length can be specified in blocks of 5 characters based on the multiple of 4 that go in.  E.g., for a 20-character string:

head -c 16 /dev/random | basenc --z85

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#8 2022-10-08 22:13:45

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,103

Re: [solved] random password

seth wrote:


I suppose I could add a function, though.


#9 2022-10-08 22:16:27

Registered: 2013-11-15
Posts: 1,453

Re: [solved] random password

This is "inefficient" in that basenc ends up processing more random bytes than necessary, but the command is easy to understand and the length can be whatever.

basenc -w 0 --z85 /dev/urandom | head -c 29


#10 2022-10-08 22:21:30

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,105

Re: [solved] random password

More than necessary is an understatement.  Does it have a built in max length, or does it just run until urandom is empty?  Again, why not just pull the length you need.  Even if you want to handle abitrary lengths:

head -c $(((len+4)/5*4)) /dev/urandom | basenc -w 0 --z85 | head -c $len

(editted a couple times, man does shell arithmetic suck... apparently the order of operations matters as flooring the values happens between operations.  So '4 * (len+4) / 5' gives different results from '(len+4)/5 * 4'.

EDIT: perhaps it doesn't really matter.  I'm not sure I fully understand it, but it seems /dev/urandom will just pull an initial seed from the actual entropy pool regardless of how much data is requested; then that seed is used to initialize the generator which can provide an effectively endless stream of (pseudo) random bytes.  So perhaps a read of hundreds of kb from /dev/urandom has no more detriment to the entropy pool than a read of just a handful of bytes.

Last edited by Trilby (2022-10-08 22:36:46)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#11 2022-10-08 22:27:14

Registered: 2013-11-15
Posts: 1,453

Re: [solved] random password

head terminates it, after all. so maybe it processes 50-100kb for a 24 byte password.

doesn't matter if you create one password. might matter if you do thousands...


#12 2022-10-15 12:35:12

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

Re: [solved] random password

frostschutz wrote:

For RANDOM you have to consider, it's pseudorandom and the number range is small (0-32767). In bash you can use SRANDOM instead.

I rewrote the code with SRANDOM.

exam.password ()
    local len=${1:-8};
    local amount=${2:-1};
    local tmp res res1 res2 i j l num='0123456789';
    local alpha='abcdefghijgklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ';
    local punct="'!\"#$%&()+,-.:;<=>?@[*]^_\`{|}/\~";
    [[ $len -lt 8 ]] && {
        \builtin echo "Length must be greater then 7.";
    for ((j=0; j<$amount; j++))
        for ((i=0; i<$l; i++))
        \builtin echo "${res}";

exam.password.validate ()
    declare -A Res;
    local len=${1:-8};
    local i total amount=${2:-1};
    [[ $len -lt 8 ]] && {
        \builtin echo "Length must be greater then 7.";
    while read line; do
        for ((i=0; i<${#line}; i++))
            [[ "${line:$i:1}" =~ [[:digit:]] ]] && {
                Res[digit]=$[${Res[digit]} + 1];
            [[ "${line:$i:1}" =~ [[:alpha:]] ]] && {
                Res[alpha]=$[${Res[alpha]} + 1];
            [[ "${line:$i:1}" =~ [[:punct:]] ]] && {
                Res[punct]=$[${Res[punct]} + 1]
    done <<< "$(exam.password $len $amount)";
    total=$[${Res[digit]} + ${Res[alpha]} + ${Res[punct]}];
    for i in "${!Res[@]}";
        \builtin printf "${i}:";
        \builtin printf '%8.2f' "$[${Res[$i]}*10000/total]e-2";
        \builtin echo "%";

Tested probability.

$: time exam.password.validate 8 100000
alpha:   33.64%
punct:   32.63%
digit:   33.72%

real  0m21.147s
user  0m21.004s
sys 0m0.930s

And compared with pwgen:

$: time pwgen --capitalize --numerals --symbols --secure 100000 8 >/dev/null

real  0m0.223s
user  0m0.014s
sys 0m0.208s

$:time exam.password 8 100000 >/dev/null

real  0m7.154s
user  0m6.699s
sys 0m0.455s

Would this new version be considered to generate thousands of passwords for production use?

Last edited by solskog (2022-10-15 12:57:51)


#13 2022-10-15 14:11:06

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,295

Re: [solved] random password

No, it is not. Can you explain, what is your goal? After being given actually workingsolutions, you are still avoiding using them.

If you are a beginner programmer⁽¹⁾ and want to play with code, it is great and everybody here appreciates that. I hope you will progress and one day contribute to the community. If that is just a program to generate random stuff for no particular purpose, it’s a nice exercise. But, if that is for actual password generation, from all the territories to explore as a rookie you have chosen one of the few areas, that you should absolutely not travel to at this skill level. Using an RPG analogy, you are armed with a knife and a wooden shield, but you want to jump into a monster lair where lvl 99 players have trouble surviving.⁽²⁾ If that goes to production, it’s even worse, as you are luring those monsters onto other players.

It’s not a matter of us pointing to a few specific vulnerabilities. Like a biased RNG you use⁽³⁾ or inadequate validation⁽⁴⁾. Sure, you will fix that… and what next? If we can no longer notice any it’s not because your code is fine — it’s because we can spot only so many mistakes, because we are not professional cryptographers, as cryptographers we would not spend days of otherwise well paid time on listing shortcomings of an obviously wrong approach, and — most importantly — it’s not a matter of whether you or us can break it, but potential adversaries.

No, the problem is not with the particular code. The problem is in what you are armed with. To approach that opponent, you must have a decent grasp of at least information theory, probabilistics, combinatorics, and knowledge of existing vulnerabilities and attacks. I can’t even find a way to express, how large is the gap between what you want to do and what you can do, because you first must be on the other side of this gap to have the clear view on it.

So I urge you, please refrain from touching this topic now. In particular for production. Study how key generation is done in existing software, understand why specific approaches were taken, see how existing algorithms were broken, spend some time observing the computer security playground. Then you may try doing that again. But I doubt you will want to.
⁽¹⁾ You may not be, but I can only judge what I see. And so far in this thread you gave exactly that impression.
⁽²⁾ With 13 years of professional programming under my belt, much more in general, and a long standing interest in security, this is still a tricky minefield to me.
⁽³⁾ $SRANDOM itself may be unbiased, but you unconsciously disturb the distribution by the use of operator `%`.
⁽⁴⁾ That validation gives some numbers, that are not answering any important question. Not only about cryptographic properties, but even about basic statistical ones.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#14 2022-10-15 15:08:58

Registered: 2013-11-15
Posts: 1,453

Re: [solved] random password

The bias in this case is not the generic modulo bias. Modulo bias can be strong (e.g. picking 30000 out of 32768 will see 2768 numbers picked twice as much) but it can also be weak (picking 52 out of 32768) or nearly irrelevant (picking 30000 out of 4294967296 - who even cares anymore). You can add a line of code to re-roll when modulo bias would be in effect but in this case it will trigger so rarely, it hardly matters at all.

The bias in this case is mainly introduced by the algorithm itself. It picks alpha and digit at roughly 1/3 probability, but alpha is after all a-z A-Z 2*26 = 52 characters whereas digit is 0-9 = 10 characters. So you end up giving 10 characters the same probability as 52 characters. As a result, this algorithm is heavily biased towards having many digits in the password.

Normally when you generate random passwords, you make it meet minimum requirements (at least one lower, upper, digit, punct as that is unfortunately enforced on many sites) and then pick the rest at completely equal probabilities and not continue giving digits so much weight.

You can still generate passwords this way, if you somehow like passwords with many digits in them but you should be aware that this is what your algorithm is doing after all. Now if the password is long enough, it doesn't matter since entropy adds up anyway, but in a short password, you end up having less effective entropy than expected. I was not sure, from the original code and later reply, that this behavior is intended.


#15 2022-10-23 04:10:28

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

Re: [solved] random password

I am very grateful for all your advice, but I really wants to do it in Bash, no coreutils and no unix pipes.
I use this code to verify the distribution of characters by using pwgen:

exam.password.validate ()
    declare -A Res;
    local len=${1:-8};
    local i c format=8 total amount=${2:-1};
    local fun=${3:-'exam.password'};
    [[ $len -lt 8 ]] && {
        \builtin echo "Length must be greater then 7." 1>&2;
    [[ $fun == 'pwgen' ]] && fun="/usr/sbin/pwgen --capitalize --numerals --symbols
    while read line; do
        for ((i=0; i<${#line}; i++))
            Res["$c"]=$[${Res["$c"]} + 1];
    done <<< \$"$($fun $len $amount)";
    for i in "${!Res[@]}";
        \builtin printf "%b" "${i}:";
        \builtin printf '%1.2f' "$[${Res[$i]}*10000/total]e-2";
        \builtin printf "%s" "%   ";
        if [[ $format -le 0 ]]; then
            \builtin echo;
            format=$[format - 1];

I got this result:

$ exam.password.validate 8 100000 pwgen >/tmp/pwgen

?:1.25%   >:1.27%   =:1.25%   <:1.25%   ;:1.24%   ::1.21%   9:1.24%   8:1.25%   7:1.25%
6:1.25%   5:1.24%   4:1.24%   3:1.25%   2:1.26%   1:1.24%   0:1.25%   /:1.03%   .:1.26%
-:1.24%   ,:1.27%   +:1.24%   *:1.24%   ):1.24%   (:1.25%   ':1.25%   &:1.28%   %:1.23%
$:1.24%   #:1.04%   ":1.04%   !:1.24%   _:1.04%   ^:1.04%   ]:1.23%   [:1.23%   Z:0.97%
Y:0.94%   X:0.96%   W:0.95%   V:0.96%   U:0.96%   T:0.96%   S:0.95%   R:0.96%   Q:0.97%
P:0.95%   O:0.94%   N:0.94%   M:0.95%   L:0.96%   K:0.95%   J:0.95%   I:0.95%   H:0.97%
G:0.96%   F:0.94%   E:0.96%   D:0.97%   C:0.96%   B:0.96%   A:0.95%   @:1.05%   ~:1.05%
}:1.04%   |:1.04%   {:1.02%   z:0.97%   y:0.94%   x:0.96%   w:0.95%   v:0.98%   u:0.95%
t:0.95%   s:0.97%   r:0.95%   q:0.95%   p:0.96%   o:0.95%   n:0.96%   m:0.96%   l:0.95%
k:0.97%   j:0.97%   i:0.97%   h:0.95%   g:0.97%   f:0.95%   e:0.94%   d:0.95%   c:0.96%
b:0.95%   a:0.95%   `:1.02%

Then I do the same verification with improved bash function:

exam.password ()
    declare -a Data;
    declare -a Res;
    declare -A Type=([1]=10 [2]=13 [3]=13 [4]=13 [5]=13 [6]=10 [7]=10 [8]=12);
    local len=${1:-8};
    local amount=${2:-1};
    local i num lower upper punct type type_index=8 j k;
    [[ $len -lt 8 ]] && {
        \builtin echo "Length must be greater then 7." 1>&2;
    for ((j=0; j<$amount; j++))
        for ((i=0; i<$len; i++))
            if [[ $type_index > 1 ]]; then
                type_index=$[type_index - 1];
        for ((i=0; i<$len; i++))
            \builtin printf "%b" "${Data["${Res[$i]%:*}"]:$k:1}";
        \builtin echo;
    set +x

I got this result:

$ exam.password.validate 8 100000 >/tmp/pass

?:1.23%   >:1.27%   =:1.24%   <:1.24%   ;:1.23%   ::1.23%   9:1.26%   8:1.24%   7:1.24%
6:1.25%   5:1.22%   4:1.23%   3:1.25%   2:1.26%   1:1.26%   0:1.25%   /:1.05%   .:1.23%
-:1.25%   ,:1.23%   +:1.23%   *:1.24%   ):1.24%   (:1.25%   ':1.24%   &:1.24%   %:1.27%
$:1.25%   #:1.03%   ":1.04%   !:1.27%   _:1.03%   ^:1.06%   ]:1.26%   [:1.24%   Z:0.96%
Y:0.94%   X:0.95%   W:0.94%   V:0.96%   U:0.97%   T:0.96%   S:0.95%   R:0.98%   Q:0.94%
P:0.96%   O:0.94%   N:0.98%   M:0.95%   L:0.96%   K:0.96%   J:0.97%   I:0.96%   H:0.95%
G:0.96%   F:0.96%   E:0.96%   D:0.94%   C:0.96%   B:0.96%   A:0.96%   @:1.02%   ~:1.04%
}:1.03%   |:1.03%   {:1.03%   z:0.96%   y:0.97%   x:0.96%   w:0.96%   v:0.95%   u:0.94%
t:0.97%   s:0.97%   r:0.95%   q:0.95%   p:0.95%   o:0.95%   n:0.95%   m:0.97%   l:0.95%
k:0.97%   j:0.96%   i:0.96%   h:0.94%   g:0.94%   f:0.96%   e:0.96%   d:0.95%   c:0.95%
b:0.96%   a:0.96%   `:1.03%

Last edited by solskog (2022-10-23 04:11:58)


#16 2022-10-23 08:38:25

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,295

Re: [solved] random password

I maintain what I said. This post shouldn’t be taken as me changing my mind, but some comments for the sake of anyone finding the thread may be of value.

For security purposes one does not verify the distribution. One calculates the distribution. That’s supposed to be deductive reasoning, not inductive. People are making mistakes, so running a test is always nice — but that serves only as a safety net, never the proof. That is because a test, that does not produce a failure, is meaningless.⁽¹⁾

However: a test, that produces a failure, is meaningful. That property may be used to avoid wasting time on doing unnecessary work. And with a right test this can be done here. To even start asking if the distribution of symbols is uniform, the events of choosing a symbol must be mutually independent. A trivial and commonly employed visualization can be used here:

while true; do exam.password 64; done

Let it scroll. Do you see the dark bars repeating each 8 columns? There shouldn’t be there, just like any other easily recognizable pattern. That image saved me looking into the code, not to mention calculating anything.⁽²⁾

Another neat test is compressing the output with any modern general-purpose algorithm:

$ exam.password 32 10000 | xz -9 | wc -c
$ for ((i=0; i<10000; ++i)); do keepassxc-cli generate -L 32; done | xz -9 | wc -c
$ for ((i=0; i<10000; ++i)); do cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c 32; echo ; done | xz -9 | wc -c

Since those algorithms work by maximizing entropy-per-bit, they may be used for a quick, very rough estimation of how random was the compressed data. Perfectly random data would be incompressible at all. The smaller the result is, the more predictable is the data. As we can see, `exam.password` scores noticeably worse than proven alternatives. And it does that despite… two other options are not even using punctuation. In fact it is worse than a version using just 26 uppercase letters.

Finally, but that is not relevant to password generation for the reason given in the second paragraph: even if testing the distribution this way would have some value,⁽³⁾ it must be done without ignoring it’s probabilistic nature. Just eyeballing values will not do. If the underlying distribution may produce all values,⁽⁴⁾ there is always a non-zero chance a sample will show any other arbitrarily chosen distribution. Sometimes it’s fine to just take a look. Not here: there is too many similar distributions, which are supposed to be ruled out, to simply accept those values as uniform because they look flateish. There is too many flateish things around. Even a back of the envelope test, like Kolmogorov-Smirnov,⁽⁵⁾ makes it clear the look is deceiving. But let me propose another distribution:

P(x is letter) = 1/52 · 4/8
P(x is digit) = 1/10 · 1/8
P(x is special) = 1/31 · 3/8

As for the OP, I hold my position. But it may be a great exercise in general programming to understand where the above issues come from.

⁽¹⁾ At least in terms of binary logic.
⁽²⁾ As it happens, using `tr` to replace some character categories in this image with a single character points to the source of the problem.
⁽³⁾ In many areas it has.
⁽⁴⁾ That is: for any possible outcome, probability for that outcome is non-zero.
⁽⁵⁾ Before someone starts building a stake for applying KS to categorical data: the reference is a uniform distribution, so it works the same for continuous and discrete cases, and whichever total order is used.

Last edited by mpan (2022-10-23 10:47:08)

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#17 2022-10-23 14:35:53

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,043

Re: [solved] random password

solskog, just out of curiosity, is this an academic assignment?  If it is, that is okay -- just tell us so.  It will guide us in our answers to help you learn, but we will avoid providing answers.  It also is a good explanation as to why you want to do things a specific way.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#18 2022-10-23 23:43:22

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

Re: [solved] random password

ewaller wrote:

academic assignment?

A BASH exercise yes. but not an academic assignment. In an constrained working environment
e.g: Windows Subsystem for Linux, only limit set tools are available. of cause there
are coreutils and pipes, but they are slower then pure BASH.

mpan wrote:

As for the OP, I hold my position. But it may be a great exercise in general programming
to understand where the above issues come from.

I agree this only suitable as an exercise not for production use. And I am not searching for a direct answer here,
all the advises I have got so far are valuable.


#19 2022-10-25 00:04:43

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,295

Re: [solved] random password

If the thread is not about Arch, I suspect it’s going to be nuked soon. But for the time being it’s worth mentioning this revelation is relevant to security.

Bash makes no strong promises regarding `$SRANDOM` being a CSPRNG. It’s a best-effort attempt, but not a guarantee.⁽¹⁾ Until now the assumption was that we’re talking about Arch Linux. Because this distribution uses a recent Linux kernel, it provides getrandom. That means on Arch Linux `$SRANDOM` is expected to be a CSPRNG.⁽²⁾ That assumption doesn’t hold for other platforms.

On other systems that may be BSD-flavoured arc4random, if available, or a PRNG not meant for security purposes at all.⁽³⁾ With a note that `arc4random` itself may be a placeholder using a proper CSPRNG⁽⁴⁾ or a vulnerable RC4-based generator.

This should underline, how many traps there is to consider. If this is not Arch Linux, even my “/dev/urandom” solution may be invalid.

⁽¹⁾ “The random number generator is not linear on systems that support /dev/urandom or arc4random, so each returned number has no relationship to the numbers preceding it.” — bash: $SRANDOM (emphasis added by me)
⁽²⁾ Even that is not strictly true, because `gerandom` is used in non-blocking mode.
⁽³⁾ bash-5.2: lib/sh/random.c, lines 223–240
⁽⁴⁾ Nowadays usually ChaCha20 or AES.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#20 2022-10-25 11:45:36

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

Re: [solved] random password

mpan wrote:

If the thread is not about Arch, I suspect it’s going to be nuked soon.

I really hope not, because I am running ArchWSL.


#21 2022-10-25 11:49:38

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,103

Re: [solved] random password

Which is not archlinux at all…


#22 2022-10-25 14:03:49

Registered: 2020-09-05
Posts: 426

Re: [solved] random password

seth wrote:

Which is not archlinux at all…

[root@blob Arch]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
mpan wrote:

Another neat test is compressing the output with any modern general-purpose algorithm:

How about this time?

$ exam.password 32 10000 | xz -9 | wc -c
$ pwgen --capitalize --numerals --symbols --secure 32 10000 | xz -9 | wc -c

Here is the new bash function:

exam.password ()
    local len=${1:-8};
    local amount=${2:-1};
    local i str index j k;
    local str='01234567';
    declare -a Data=([0]='0123456789' [1]='abcdefghijklm' [2]='nopqrstuvwxyz'
    [3]='ABCDEFGHIJKLM' [4]='NOPQRSTUVWXYZ' [5]="'!?%(*)+,-" [6]='.:;<=>$&[]'
    [[ $len -lt 8 ]] && {
        \builtin echo "Length must be greater then 7." 1>&2;
    for ((j=0,i=0; i<$[amount * len]; i++,j++))
        if [[ ${#str} -gt 1 ]]; then
        \builtin printf "%b" "${Data[${index}]:$[$SRANDOM%${#Data[$index]}]:1}";
        [[ $j -lt $len ]] && continue;
        \builtin echo;
    \builtin echo;
    set +x

Last edited by solskog (2022-10-26 11:41:27)


#23 2022-10-25 14:07:40

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,103

Re: [solved] random password

cat /etc/os-release

Random file contents are meaningless, you can put there whatever you want.
WSL isn't archlinux.


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