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#1 2022-10-09 18:00:43

Registered: 2022-10-09
Posts: 6

[SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

Hi. I had a month long break from playing CSGO, with couple of system updates in the meantime, and before that I had fps count, ranging from 170 to 250. Now, I noticed, that fps counter caps roughly at 144 fps, which is the refresh rate of monitor (Zowie XL2411). I changed the refresh rate to 60 hz, and the game set fps_max accordingly. I didn't notice any option to switch on/off vsync/freesync in the game, so I guess it has something to do with AMD drivers, but my monitor is not capable of vsyncing -

xrandr -- props | grep vrr

returns "vrr_capable: 0". My rig:

  • Intel i5 4690

  • AMD RX 580

  • 16 gb 1600 mhz DDR3

Linux up to date: vanilla kernel 5.19.13, mesa-22.1.7-1, vulkan-radeon-22.1.7-1 (lib32 versions also installed). Does anybody have a clue, what can be the culprit? Thanks, Piotrek

Last edited by bzaurie (2022-10-11 02:42:04)


#2 2022-10-09 19:02:54

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,935

Re: [SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

There's a "bug" in csgo where it doesn't disable the compositor anymore. Assuming your on KDE you can manually do that via Alt+Shift+F12


#3 2022-10-09 19:17:27

Registered: 2022-10-09
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

As presence - as per my research - of a compositor in the system can be a suspect, I forgot to write: there's none. Just dwm, with xrandr parameters passed in .xinitrc (I have two monitors; DVI-D-1 is the xl2411):

xrandr --output DVI-D-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 144 --primary --left-of DP-1
xrandr --output DP-1 --rotate right
exec dwm


#4 2022-10-09 19:25:55

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,935

Re: [SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

Vulkan or OGL renderer? modesetting or xf86-video-amdgpu xorg drivers? If the former changed there's afaik a vulkan flag to configure vsync, the latter is somehat of a regression in the kernel in combination with modesetting that supposedly got can be mitigated by the amdgpu ddx


#5 2022-10-10 14:46:02

Registered: 2022-10-09
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

OGL (that's what window handler - I don't know if that's the right word - says), although I sometimes notice, after I click play from steam, that it loads a vulkan component. The xf86 package is not present, so - by elimination - I use the modesetting driver.


#6 2022-10-11 02:41:18

Registered: 2022-10-09
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED]Mesa sets fps cap in CSGO according to monitor's refresh rate

Update: installing xf86-video-amdgpu solved the problem - fps count rarely falls under 300 fps. I have no clue why. Thanks for your assistance V1del.


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