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I took an old laptop out of the closet because I found a use for it. It has an old Arch install on it from before the time when pacman used zst format so of course
pacman -Syu
gives 404s on everything. Apart from that it's pretty well configured so I'd like to upgrade it rather than do a fresh install. Is there any way to do that?
Last edited by early_adopter (2022-10-15 13:10:26)
pacman supported zstd for a much longer time than it was being used, at least half a year more. … ibarchive/
The way withh the least amount of possible issues is probably starting from the date you last updated and working your way forwards with the arch linux archive. x
Find the news items with relevant information for your setup and make an update before the news entry, then after and perform the suggested steps:
If you are feeling lucky you can try to update in one go with pacman-static: … mpression/ … ent-852937
Oh, any make sure your mirror is still up to date.
Last edited by progandy (2022-10-15 12:37:38)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Looks like I got lucky! Your last link did the trick after a few attempts. Thanks!
Pages: 1