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#1 2022-10-16 19:10:39

Registered: 2019-12-28
Posts: 135

[SOLVED] Latest update to kernel 6xx broke my system

After a 2 week holiday

I updated my system today, and saw that it was updating to Kernel 6x

I rebooted when done, noticed an error message about the kernel image 'I think' but stupidly didn't pay attention..... Had been driving for over five hours just before ....
Rebooted, it started booting but got stuck with around 'graphical interface' and so I did a ctrl C and rebooted, this time it went sadly  straight into the Bios... No messages or even an attempt to boot in Arch this time

Note that I'm running a OLD video card using the nvidia 470 drivers

I  have updated the Grub (just in case) using a Arch ISO But I don't believe that it is that, as again when booting it just boots into the Bios.
I'm pretty sure its the video drivers ?

I have a second identical Arch system setup on a second SSD.  That what I'l using now, so I can 'see' my original SSD and all its folders and files

So error possibly due to the update and surely user error due to not paying attention

Any ideas ?

Last edited by Trevor_B (2022-10-17 16:36:40)


#2 2022-10-16 22:13:19

Registered: 2014-05-14
Posts: 757

Re: [SOLVED] Latest update to kernel 6xx broke my system

Make sure grub is set up completely and the system is properly updated. … ibilities/

The nvidia 470 driver currently doesn't support kernel 6.0 completely. Mostly laptops/optimus are affected. A patch has been added lately to the AUR release. You probably missed it. Just try to reinstall the driver.
See the comments section:

Last edited by Maniaxx (2022-10-16 22:15:48)



#3 2022-10-17 16:38:54

Registered: 2019-12-28
Posts: 135

Re: [SOLVED] Latest update to kernel 6xx broke my system

Thanks for your post

But I couln't get it up and running

So finally just re-installed the system, as I have back up of all my files, documents etc

It was far quicker that trying to work out what went wrong and how to fix it


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