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#1 2022-11-11 14:02:17

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


on my machine a Windows 11 guest still worked with

[2022-11-01T17:48:40+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox-host-dkms (6.1.40-1 -> 7.0.2-1)
[2022-11-01T17:48:40+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox (6.1.40-1 -> 7.0.2-1)
[2022-11-01T17:48:40+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox-ext-oracle (6.1.40-1 -> 7.0.2-1)
[2022-11-01T17:48:41+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox-guest-iso (6.1.40-1 -> 7.0.2-1)

and a self build, rt patched linux 4.19.246_rt110-0.1000.

A few settings are:
3D acceleration disable
USB 3.0 enabled
Network adapter attached to NAT

The next time I run it (today) and it always does freeze, with

[2022-11-05T11:36:20+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox-host-dkms (7.0.2-1 -> 7.0.2-2)
[2022-11-05T11:36:20+0100] [ALPM] upgraded virtualbox (7.0.2-1 -> 7.0.2-2)

and a self build, rt patched linux 1:4.19.255_rt113-0.1000 as well as with core/linux 6.0.8.arch1-1 threadirqs (not tested without threadirqs) .

FWIW I changed USB 3.0 enabled to USB 2.0 enabled, to no avail.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep unresponsive /mnt/winos11/winos11/Logs/VBox.log 
00:03:22.279545 VMMDev: vmmDevHeartbeatFlatlinedTimer: Guest seems to be unresponsive. Last heartbeat received 4 seconds ago
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep -i error /mnt/winos11/winos11/Logs/VBox.log 
00:00:01.506420 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x0 idCpu=0x0 idApic=0x0 iGipCpu=0x1 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2793529547(*) cErrors=0
00:00:01.506423 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x1 idCpu=0x1 idApic=0x2 iGipCpu=0x0 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2793529898(*) cErrors=0
00:00:01.722439 HM:   VM-entry Xcpt error-code optional = false
00:04:32.452728 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoErrors          0 times
00:04:32.452860 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrDescriptorWrite/Errors        0 times
00:04:32.454436 /PGM/PhysHandlerTree/ErrorsAllocatorR3        0 times
00:04:32.454438 /PGM/PhysHandlerTree/ErrorsTree         0 times
00:04:32.454712 /SELM/LoadHidSel/GstReadErrors          0 times

The only differences are seemingly the same version of virtualbox build against another version of openssl and different kernels are used, while one of the tested kernels is an update of the 4.19 longterm kernel used when everything still was ok.

I asked at Arch-general too and will report back to the forums, if it should be solved by the mailing list or to the mailing list, if it should be solved by the forums. Another request was posted at the upstream forums.


Last edited by Ralf (2022-11-11 14:54:12)


#2 2022-11-11 18:41:44

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2020-01-28
Posts: 189

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

You are not alone. Some people (including me) experiencing Windows 11 freezing in Virtualbox
after Virtualbox update from 6.x to 7.x.
Somebody was solving it by installing older version of VB Additions: … 7&t=107363

I can't confirm, I did instal W11 only to have look to it and have no time to investigate.


#3 2022-11-11 19:16:15

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


thank you, I've seen this post, too.  It's strange since here 7.0.2-1 worked and 7.0.2-2 doesn't. IIUC it was just rebuild against the updated openssl, see upgpkg: virtualbox 7.0.2-2: OpenSSL 3.0 rebuild. I'll try to downgrade the guest additions to 6.1.40 and maybe I'll downgrade the kernel to the version I used with 7.0.2-1.

Btw. FS#76531.



#4 2022-11-11 19:44:37

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 192

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

Ralf wrote:

I'll try to downgrade the guest additions to 6.1.40...

Ran into this myself today. I was trying to stay on VB 6.1.40 for as long as I could but the OpenSSL 3.0 rebuild forced my hand.

The VM appears to be running per the log and Manager's activity page. Issuing an ACPI shutdown is successful. It appears the display may simply be mangled.

FWIW, I dual boot with Debian Stable for exactly this kind of reason. I booted the VM from Debian and downgraded GA to 6.1.40.

Back in Arch that did not resolve the issue... the Win11 VM is still busted. However this does appear to be specific to Win11 guest as my Win10 guest boots just fine and is running GA 7.0.2.

EDIT: My VBox.log if it may be useful:

Last edited by tekstryder (2022-11-11 20:00:56)


#5 2022-11-11 20:28:43

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


after downgrading the Arch guest additions package, installing the downgraded guest additions by the Windows 11 guest and restarting the Windows 11 guest, it is running for several minutes now without freezing.

$ uname -r; cat /proc/cmdline; pacman -Q virtualbox{,-ext-oracle,-guest-iso,-host-dkms}
BOOT_IMAGE=../vmlinuz-linux root=LABEL=s3.archlinux ro threadirqs initrd=../intel-ucode.img,../initramfs-linux.img
virtualbox 7.0.2-2
virtualbox-ext-oracle 7.0.2-1
virtualbox-guest-iso 6.1.40-1
virtualbox-host-dkms 7.0.2-2


Last edited by Ralf (2022-11-11 20:33:06)


#6 2022-11-11 21:40:34

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 192

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

Ralf wrote:


after downgrading the Arch guest additions package, installing the downgraded guest additions by the Windows 11 guest and restarting the Windows 11 guest, it is running for several minutes now without freezing.

That didn't work for me. Fortunately the VM boots just fine under Debian with VB 6.1.40 so this is simply an annoyance until resolved.

$ uname -r; cat /proc/cmdline; pacman -Q virtualbox{,-ext-oracle,-guest-iso,-host-dkms}
initrd=\intel-ucode.img initrd=\initramfs-linux.img root=UUID=d475ae3e-f8c5-4e02-9c23-541d4667d78e rw pci=noaer ibt=off nvidia_drm.modeset=1 module_blacklist=snd_hda_intel
virtualbox 7.0.2-2
error: package 'virtualbox-ext-oracle' was not found
virtualbox-guest-iso 6.1.40-1
virtualbox-host-dkms 7.0.2-2

This is all I see when booting the Win11 VM:

Not sure how you installed the downgraded GA ISO unless you were able to get into the Win11 GUI. I needed to downgrade GA from running VB in Debian.

EDIT1: Not that I really suspected this to be related to kernel version but the Win11 VM also fails booting when my Arch host is using the LTS kernel 5.15.77-1 but successfully boots via Debian with kernel 5.15.77 I compiled.
EDIT2: If I disable the 3D Acceleration option the VM boots successfully. Not really a viable workaround as I need full resolution, but hopefully helps narrow the issue.
EDIT3: Looks like I _can_ get full resolution with 3D Acceleration disabled. I was then able to install GA 7.0.2 and the VM is fully functional, albeit without the aforementioned 3D Acceleration.

Last edited by tekstryder (2022-11-11 22:21:31)


#7 2022-11-12 07:14:20

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


what I've done first was disabling the VM's 3D acceleration and I changed the settings from USB 3 enabled to USB 2 enabled.
I was able to install the downgraded guest additions, since I usually got a few seconds before the guest became unresponsive and since the host doesn't freeze at all.
After the login, I immediately clicked Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD image... in the host's window menu bar, right after the mouse click the guest additions installed automatically, there wasn't anything else to do anymore.
Btw. apart from 6.0.8-arch1-1 an rt-patched longterm kernel works, too.

$ uname -r

My Windows 11 guest's display resolution is 1920 x 976. The monitor has got a 1920 x 1080 resolution, but I don't use virtualbox seamlessly, I'm using a full opened window with menu and status bar and my openbox session has got a top panel that never hides, so the virtualbox window is below the panel.

It definitively doesn't freeze anymore. To test it I run a snake oil virus scanner. Btw. I need my Windows guests to run iTunes for file sharing of iPad apps and the Linux host and to backup my two iPads, active are still a Windows 7, 10 and 11 guest, unused is a XP guest.
I tested libimobiledevice, but it caused data corruption., hence I'm using iTunes again.
Yesterday I purchased an Affinity universal license to get Version 2 of Photo, Designer and Publisher for the iPad Pro and for the Windows 11 guest. It's a test to see, if I can at least do the work, that doesn't require a pencil, by a Windows 11 guest.

I'll try to install the Affinity suite now.


Last edited by Ralf (2022-11-12 07:23:49)


#8 2022-11-12 18:52:04

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 192

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

Per this gnome-shell issue: … ssues/6054

I built mutter 43.1 with 7e7a639c reverted: … 540fe56548

The Virtualbox issue is no longer reproducible. Bonus - some other funky stuff like broken text highlighting in firefox and borked dash-to-panel extension are working properly again too. … ssues/1794


#9 2022-11-12 19:31:01

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

Hi, mutter isn't installed on my machine. I run openbox sessions without a desktop environment. Regards, Ralf


#10 2022-11-12 19:48:55

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 192

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

Ralf wrote:

Hi, mutter isn't installed on my machine. I run openbox sessions without a desktop environment. Regards, Ralf

This perhaps?

Not much to go on in the report but maybe symptoms match your issue.

Different issue here. In my case the VM was running behind the scenes without any abnormal CPU and seemed responsive (ACPI shutdown functioning) but the display became frozen in the VB BIOS when VB tried to switch to the Windows display. Once I solved the mutter fullscreen regression bug the issue was resolved for me.

Good luck! Due to lack of me-too's here and flyspray you may want to file an upstream report if the one I linked doesn't cover your issue.

Last edited by tekstryder (2022-11-12 19:50:04)


#11 2022-11-12 20:40:22

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


no, I needed to power off the machine without a shutdown by the brute force option, when closing the virtualbox window. Yes, without a strace, but by watching top, CPU usage tends to be very high. OTOH this is always an issue when using virtualbox with a windows guest vdi image, while QEMU/KVM with a Linux guest raw image doesn't result in high CPU usage. I can confirm that a Windows 10 guest works with guest additions 7.0.2, but for the Windows 11 guest the downgrade to 6.1.40 is required. IIUC Oracle is only interested in reports related to the Oracle branded bin. The aur/virtualbox-bin seems to be "tainted".


Last edited by Ralf (2022-11-12 20:43:07)


#12 2022-11-13 13:41:02

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive

[virtualbox 7.0.2] doesn't work with a Windows 11 guest on an Arch Linux host
Upstream ticket:


while downgraded guest additions solved a freeze issue with a Windows 11 guest, USB is broken.

There are no issues with a Windows 7 or a Windows 10 guest.

$ uname -r; pacman -Q virtualbox
virtualbox 7.0.2-2

Windows 7

guest never updated to guest additions version 7.0.2r154219
now at version 6.1.40r154048
USB 2.0 enabled does work with my iPads connected by USB

Windows 10

guest updated to guest additions version 7.0.2r154219
now at version 7.0.2r154219
USB 2.0 enabled does work with my iPads connected by USB

Windows 11

guest updated to guest additions version 7.0.2r154219 does cause freezes
downgraded to guest additions version 6.1.40r154048
now at version 6.1.40r154048 no freezes anymore, but
USB 2.0 as well as USB 1.1 enabled do n o t work with my iPads

For more details, see … 7&t=107757

[snip] … 7NCFWF5FCE




#13 2022-11-13 22:44:54

From: Ruhrgebiet
Registered: 2013-03-15
Posts: 56

Re: community/virtualbox 7.0.2-2 Windows 11 guest is unresponsive


a downgrade to 6.1.40 solved the Windows 11 issue. Probably this clean chroot Arch Linux build script is useful for somebody else. The guest additions packages is available by aur/downgrade and the extension pack by a download from

# The extension pack,
$ wget

# guest additions
$ sudo downgrade virtualbox-guest-iso

# and the script's  virtualbox  and  virtualbox-host-dkms  are working for an up to date Arch Linux.
$ pacman -Q virtualbox virtualbox-host-dkms virtualbox-guest-iso 
virtualbox 1:6.1.40-702.2
virtualbox-host-dkms 1:6.1.40-702.2
virtualbox-guest-iso 6.1.40-1



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