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I would like to use `ancient-packages` to list packages not anymore in the repositories (including the AUR repository), as suggested by [the wiki]( … d_packages).
I installed it with yay, but when I try to run it, I get the following error:
`The terminal width must be at least 150 columns.`
Both with gnome-console and with kitty.
My terminals are in full screen.
Last edited by hully (2023-08-21 11:03:19)
Try it with ye-olde' XTerm. If that doesn't work, I'd say post a msg on the AUR package for the maintainer. ancient-packages is in the AUR, so not officially supported.
Post the outputs of
tput cols
stty size
resize # that actually comes w/ xterm
Depending on how "ancient-packages" is implemented, this could either hinge on the TE or the shell (eg. fish instead of bash)
❯ tput cols
❯ echo $COLUMNS
❯ stty size
16 62
❯ resize # that actually comes w/ xterm
fish: Unknown command: resize
Last edited by hully (2022-11-15 07:26:16)
That terminal has 62 columns - try again w/ fullscreen?
As mentioned, "resize" comes w/ the xterm package and "fish:" might be the issue, too.
stat /bin/sh
points to bash?
Still run "ancient-packages" from within a bash shell.
I opened the script
nvim /usr/bin/ancient-packages
and commented out lines 76-80:
# Terminal
# if [ ${Quiet} == 0 ] && [ `stty size | cut -d" " -f2` -lt ${MinCols} ]; then
# echo -e "${Red}${Bold}Error${UnBold}${Reset}: The terminal width must be at least ${MinCols} columns." >&2
# exit 1
# fi
It works now
There're to possible realities here:
1. ancient-packages includes a completely pointless terminal width check in a naughty effor to annoy you
2. You just did this here:
Pages: 1