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I just finished installing arch, but when I boot up, network manager gets stuck on a loop of asking me the WiFi password.
I'm certain that I have the correct password, because I can connect to the WiFi on the usb installer.
If I try to connect with iwctl, it doesn't ask me for a password, but shows as connected with no internet access.
I do have wpa_supplicant installed.
The only clue I have is that dhcpcd tells me that wlan0: dhcp_envoption 212: operation not supported.
Or maybe it's ipv6 related?
In your single post you are veryfing that you are running three services that will all conflict with each other concurrently.
Decide for one, if you want DE/integration support remove/disable dhcpcd and iwd and keep NetworkManager and reboot. If it doesn't work after that post the system journal and your enabled services
sudo journalctl -b
find /etc/systemd -type l -exec test -f {} \; -print | awk -F'/' '{ printf ("%-40s | %s\n", $(NF-0), $(NF-1)) }' | sort -f … n_services - if you get no connection whatsoever redirect the output into a file and upload on a device that has access.
I see. The problem must have started when I installed iwd and network manager at the same time. Perhaps it is a good idea to add that to the wiki? I am not familiar on how to do that, but if you agree that it is a good idea I will look it up.
It's mentioned under … management which is the most generic place here one can add that as it ultimately affects all of them in one form or another. You technically could configure NetworkManager to use iwd as the backend, but you would not start nor control iwd yourself via iwctl but leave that to NetworkManager … Fi_backend
Oops, I knew I was missing something simple. Thank you!
Last edited by gustavosb (2022-12-02 15:30:02)
If it is fixed, please edit the title in your first post and prepend [SOLVED] or so to inform others that there's no issue to be discussed anymore, but a possible solution to be found, thanks.