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#1 2022-12-16 11:59:07

Registered: 2014-01-08
Posts: 62

makepkg won't copy executables bigger than 10.3 MIB

When I try to build packages that has executables that are larger than 10.3 MIB the executables in the created pkg (both pkg folder and the .zst package) are only having 10.3 Mib of the executable being copied over
For example when I tried to build the 0ad package based on the PKGBUILD file that is in the Arch repo the pyrogenesis executable is only has size of 10.3 Mib when in the src folder is 318.8 Mib

Anyone have any idea what can cause this issue ? am I missing some makepkg configuration that is causing this behavior ?


#2 2022-12-16 12:33:58

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,378

Re: makepkg won't copy executables bigger than 10.3 MIB

XDarkAngelX wrote:

When I try to build packages that has executables that are larger than 10.3 MIB the executables in the created pkg (both pkg folder and the .zst package) are only having 10.3 Mib of the executable being copied over

Please provide an actual test case, where this happens. 0AD in hardly one: the pyrogenesis executable from the repos is 11MB, which matches your observation.

XDarkAngelX wrote:

Anyone have any idea what can cause this issue ? am I missing some makepkg configuration that is causing this behavior ?

Almost certainly PEBCAK. The way, you described the situation, suggest being wrong on so many counts, that without strong evidence it must be assumed you are misinterpreting something.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#3 2022-12-16 13:35:54

Registered: 2014-01-08
Posts: 62

Re: makepkg won't copy executables bigger than 10.3 MIB

Thanks for the fast response
Yes I was indeed misinterpreting the situation, the reason the binary were having their size reduced was because the strip command is apparently automatically being called on them.
Looking at the 0ad was helpful as on it was more apparent that it was stripped

I was trying to update the thrive-launcher-bin AUR package to version 2.0.2 and it appears that launcher was changed from electron app to dot net app and stripping that dot net app seems to break it.
Adding to the PKGBUILD 'options=("!strip")' helps with the issue

Now I just wonder if stripping all dot net applications causes an issue or if that is something specific to this launcher


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