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#1 2022-11-12 11:44:26

Registered: 2021-02-15
Posts: 73

Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan


I recently purchased a Thinkpad x200 and librebooted the device. Everything works great, except for bluetooth.

Bluetooth finds my speaker all right, but my headphones and mouse don't show up in bluetooth scan at all. I followed the advice on Arch Wiki and installed bluez-utils-compat.

However, also unsuccessful:

# bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[CHG] Controller AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL Pairable: yes
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL Discovering: yes

In another terminal:

# hcitool lescan
Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error
# hcitool hci0 down; hcitool hci0 up
# hcitool lescan
Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error
# systemctl restart bluetooth.service
# hcitool lescan
Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error
# journalctl -p 3 -xb
Nov 12 11:44:52 x200 bluetoothd[462]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init vcp plugin
Nov 12 11:44:52 x200 bluetoothd[462]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init mcp plugin
Nov 12 11:44:52 x200 bluetoothd[462]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init bap plugin

I can't find what these plugins (vcp, mcp, bap) are and if they have anything to do with my problem.

Any ideas? Thank you!

Last edited by goldmund (2022-11-12 14:32:48)


#2 2022-11-12 14:34:37

Registered: 2022-06-14
Posts: 41

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

i have the same journalctl entries as well. This is after doing a full system upgrade. I dont have a bluetooth device to test at this location atm and like you Im not sure what these journalctl entries mean, just that they only appear after my update.


#3 2022-11-12 20:24:17

Registered: 2021-02-15
Posts: 73

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

jimmyg wrote:

i have the same journalctl entries as well. This is after doing a full system upgrade. I dont have a bluetooth device to test at this location atm and like you Im not sure what these journalctl entries mean, just that they only appear after my update.

I've had these issues with bluetooth and low-energy devices ever since I got the laptop which was about a month ago. So it can't be bound to a particular version of bluez.


#4 2022-11-14 12:50:45

Registered: 2020-08-10
Posts: 3

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Facing the same issue here, i.e.: same errors on journalctl, and scan on does not show anything.

I have a laptop with manjaro, and scan on can correctly identify my devices.

This used to be working before the last pacman -Syu


#5 2022-11-22 19:38:00

Registered: 2020-06-19
Posts: 6

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Also experiencing this, my bluetooth chip is a MEDIATEK Corp. MT7921K, I am dual booting windows and the same chip is able to detect these devices, but not in Arch. Used to work before a pacman update but downgrading bluez did not fix it.


#6 2022-11-26 11:09:50

From: Bavaria, Germany
Registered: 2007-03-24
Posts: 362

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Well, I think one has to pay attention to the whole picture - the message right before this error in my journal says

journalctl -b | grep bluetoothd
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: Bluetooth daemon 5.66
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: Starting SDP server
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: profiles/audio/vcp.c:vcp_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init vcp plugin
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: profiles/audio/mcp.c:mcp_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init mcp plugin
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: profiles/audio/bap.c:bap_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Nov 26 11:53:58 falbala bluetoothd[649]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init bap plugin

Bluetooth devices on this laptop are working. Although I am no expert, I guess 'D-Bus experimental' is something we don't want to enable wink


Linux is like a wigwam: No Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside


#7 2022-12-13 06:00:12

Registered: 2022-12-13
Posts: 2

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Facing the same issue and find that `hcitool` is deprecated. Use `btmgmt` solve my problem.

sudo btmgmt le on


#8 2023-01-08 19:29:24

Registered: 2023-01-08
Posts: 2

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Raymond wrote:

Facing the same issue and find that `hcitool` is deprecated. Use `btmgmt` solve my problem.

sudo btmgmt le on

Can you give more details?
I have same issue, and I try sudo btmgmt le on

$ sudo btmgmt le on
hci0 Set Low Energy complete, settings: powered bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn

But scan still don't show my mouse


#9 2023-02-27 20:23:47

From: Canada
Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 17

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

Experiencing the same issue with an Intel AX201. Checked forums and have tried all advice on the Wiki, including:
- Checked power management, RFKill, etc.
- Installed bluez-utils-compat (AUR) then ran hcitool lescan
- Manually enabling LE: btmgmt le on
- Edited /etc/bluetooth/main.conf to set "ControllerMode = bredr"

Still nothing... I think it must be a hardware issue since I was previously able to connect my headset with a CSR dongle. Now I have the built-in BT/WiFi Intel card and it is no longer discovered.

Also, I should add that my bluetooth service starts without issue (excepting the experimental features which naturally fail):
journalctl -u bluetooth

Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc systemd[1]: Starting Bluetooth service...
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Bluetooth daemon 5.66
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Starting SDP server
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: profiles/audio/vcp.c:vcp_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init vcp plugin
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: profiles/audio/mcp.c:mcp_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init mcp plugin
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: profiles/audio/bap.c:bap_init() D-Bus experimental not enabled
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: src/plugin.c:plugin_init() Failed to init bap plugin
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Bluetooth management interface 1.22 initialized
Feb 13 12:42:31 arch-pc systemd[1]: Started Bluetooth service.
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/ap>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/ap>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/aac
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/>
Feb 13 12:42:37 arch-pc bluetoothd[678]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sb>

Last edited by geedorah (2023-02-27 20:26:01)


#10 2023-08-24 15:25:54

From: Nanjing, China
Registered: 2011-10-02
Posts: 18

Re: Bluetooth – low energy devices don't show up in scan

I'm having the same issue with my MT7922 card. Tried btmgmt le on with no luck.

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