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Developing for quite some time I'd like to introduce the very simple application Videomerger for merging videos.
Basic idea: You've taken some shots with your handy and like to share the snippets with others on a platform(Youtube?). You don't have time, you just want to merge them into one file. Videomerge will just do this. The GUI is QT5 (Gtk and Gnome are ... indescribable). It is based on ffmpeg,so you'll need that. Check out the documentation and install it from AUR
It’s good
Can be done with ffmpeg quite easily (once you've found out how … which I did but I forgot), but nice idea to have this in one specialized application.
Yes, exactly my idea. You've got a bunch of videos to merge, each is different, and I did not want to look up the manuals every time. Basically I gather information, put it into a small app and forget. Can't remember all that stuff. Using Videomerge profits from me reading me the manuals. :-). After using it for over 2 years, I decided to share it
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