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Pages: 1
We were having an intelligent conversation in #archlinux tonight:
<wizzomafizzo> the only time i actually need to do a hard reboot
<wizzomafizzo> i actually do, not just reload the kernel
<kcbanner> dont reboot, patch kernel memory
<kcbanner> rofl
<wide> dont patch the memory, flip the bits by hand!
<kcbanner> dont flip them by hand...
<wide> just get a magnet and a magnifying glass
<kcbanner> !!!
<phrik> POPOZAO!
<kcbanner> rofl
<kcbanner> this is a good quote
I heard of people actually doing this, patching a running kernel. Is this possible? Would you do it with kmem or something?
Just wondering
not exactly, kexec loads a kernel from the running one. This way you can bypass bios initilisation tests, which can be up to 10 minutes on big machines. On a normal desktop machine you save probably some seconds but not minutes.
I would call anyone that patches a running kernel borderline mentally unstable. But hey, it's not my fried hardware
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
I would call anyone that patches a running kernel borderline mentally unstable. But hey, it's not my fried hardware
Start living on the edge, man!
Pages: 1