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#1 2023-01-27 13:00:49

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 5

[SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

After the system update, I am unable to boot the system. The boot is stuck and it shows errors:

Warning: /lib/modules/6.1.8-arch1-1/modules.devname not found - ignoring
Starting systemd-udev version 252.4-2-arch
ERROR: resume: hibernation device UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2' not found
ERROR: device UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077' not found. Skipping fsck.
mount: new_root: can't find UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077.
You are now being dropped into an emergency shell.

The keyboard is not working after this so I can't type anything.

Running live arch from USB I can mount /mnt and /mnt/boot

# fdisk -1 /dev/nvme0n1

Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 476.94 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors
Disk model: SAMSUNG MZVLB512HAJQ-000L7
Units: sectors of 1* 512=512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 0936A88F-682A-4FFF-B141-3829EBEF6FFB
Device                          Start              End       Sectors          Size    Type
/dev/nume0n1p1            2048         502047        500000     244.1M     Linux filesystem
/dev/numeOn1p2  209717248     276826111     67108864         32G     Linux swap
/dev/nume0n1p3   276826112     696256511   419430400       200G     Linux filesystem
/dev/numeon1p4        502048     209717247   209215200      99.8G     Linux filesysten
/dev/numeon1p5   696256512   1000214527   303958016     144.9G    Linux filesysten
Partition table entries are not in disk order. 

How I can fix this issue?

Edit: UUID updated


Last edited by raNikola (2023-01-29 22:56:37)


#2 2023-01-27 13:09:24

Registered: 2019-05-10
Posts: 943

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

raNikola wrote:

Running live arch from USB I can mount /mnt and /mnt/boot

Post here outputs:

# cat /mnt/etc/fstab

# cat /etc/default/grub

Where's your ESP anyway? Do you have one? Are you on an UEFI machine?

<49,17,III,I>    Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa;
<50,17,III,I>    misericordia e giustizia li sdegna:
<51,17,III,I>    non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.


#3 2023-01-27 14:16:49

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

d.ALT wrote:

Post here outputs:

# cat /mnt/etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device: this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab (5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
UUID=7585-9B33 /boot/efi vfat defaults,relatime 0 0
UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077 / ext4 defaults,relatime,data=ordered 0 1
UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2 swap swap defaults 0 0
UUID=b57f8b77-06f5-492e-a024-9fea313eb72b /home ext4 defaults, relatime,data=ordered 0 0
# cat /etc/default/grub

#GRUB boot loader configuration

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2"

# Preload both GPT and MBR nodules so that they are not missed
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"

# Uncomment to enable booting from LUKS encrypted devices

# Uncomment to enable Hidden Menu, and optionally hide the timeout count

# Uncomment to use basic console

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
#note that you can use only nodes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see then in real GRUB with the command 'vbeinfo'

# Uncomment to allow the kernel use the sane resolution used by grub

# Uncomment if you want GRUB to pass to the Linux kernel the old parameter
# format "root=/dev/xxxx" instead of "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxx"

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery node menu entries

# Uncomment and set to the desired menu colors. Used by normal and wallpaper
# modes only. Entries specified as foreground/background.
#GRUB_COLOR HIGHLIGHT="light-cyan/blue"

# Uncomment one of them for the gfx desired, a image background or a gfxtheme
#GRUB BACKGROUND="/path/to/wallpaper"

s Uncomment to get a beep at GRUB start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

s Uncomment to make GRUB renenber the last selection. This requires to
#set 'GRUB_DEFAULT=saved' above.
d.ALT wrote:

Where's your ESP anyway? Do you have one? Are you on an UEFI machine?

Yes, it is EFI and it is on


Last edited by raNikola (2023-01-27 15:55:42)


#4 2023-01-27 15:02:40

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 54,562

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

The actual "LONG_ID_CODE_HERE" is gonna be important, you want to compare that against the output of "lsblk -f", but the dierct reason is probably that you forgot to mount the boot partition before the update.

That said:



#5 2023-01-27 16:14:08

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

seth wrote:

The actual "LONG_ID_CODE_HERE" is gonna be important, you want to compare that against the output of "lsblk -f", but the dierct reason is probably that you forgot to mount the boot partition before the update.

The first post has been updated with UUID.

# Isblk -f
|-nvme0n1p1 vfat FAT32 75B5-9B33
|-nvme0n1p2 swap 1 a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2
|-nvme0n1p3 ext4 1.0 b57f8b77-06f5-492e-a024-9fea313eb72b
|-nvme0n1p4 ext4 1.0 2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077
|-nvme0n1p5 ext4 1.0 1a7411f9-66f0-406c-8d22-34e192b40ac4

When I checked these UUIDs all looked good. The first UUID is from swap, and the second UUID is from root.

Warning: /lib/modules/6.1.8-arch1-1/modules.devname not found - ignoring
Starting systemd-udevd version 252.4-2-arch
ERROR: resume: hibernation device 'UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2' not found
ERROR: device 'UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077' not found. Skipping fsck.
mount: /new_root: can't find UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077.
You are now being dropped into an emergency shell.
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

The update was done on a regular daily base and the boot partition should be mounted, as usual.

This one is pointing to the swap partition.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2"

Nope. This line is from Antergos installer used to install Arch Linux a long time ago.



#6 2023-01-27 16:16:14

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 11,808

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

The Antergos installer installs Antergos, not Arch


#7 2023-01-27 16:22:26

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 54,562

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

Check your pacman log.
Something went wrong during the update and the nvme module is most likely not in the initramfs or the initramfs didn't get updated or written into the wrong location.
You can also "lsinitcpio /mnt/boot/initramfs-linux.img | grep nvme" to check the condition.

What's nvme0n1p5 - it's not in the fstab?


#8 2023-01-29 21:49:54

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

seth wrote:

Check your pacman log.
Something went wrong during the update and the nvme module is most likely not in the initramfs or the initramfs didn't get updated or written into the wrong location.
You can also "lsinitcpio /mnt/boot/initramfs-linux.img | grep nvme" to check the condition.

#lsinitcpio /boot/initramfs-linux.img | grep nvme
/boot/initramfs-linux.img: 9779200 bytes

#lsinitcpio /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img | grep nvme
/boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img: 21534720 bytes

After checking packman.log I found out my


is broken as well


How can I fix this?

When I run:

# mkinitcpio -P

It starts for default and after

Running guild hook: [block]

shows a long list of

ERROR: module not found: 'xxxxxxx'

Then it tries for fallback and the situation is the same. At the and I got message

Running build hook: [fsck]
WARNING: No modules were added to the image. This is probably not what you want.
Creating zstd-compress initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
seth wrote:

What's nvme0n1p5 - it's not in the fstab?

it is home, I have separated partition for home, to keep all files as a backup in this situation

After reinstalling linux(6.1.8-arch-1) I managed to fix fallback img, so now when I reboot and go to fallback it is working fine. Also

# mkinitcpio -P

not showing errors anymore. But still, I have an issue with the default boot. Now I got this message:

ERROR: resume: hibernation device 'UUID=a8e8b191-be06-4192-86d3-a87f32ceece2' not found
mount: /new_root: can't find UUID=2f96eed5-f55f-4b14-9817-2a29ef6ac077.
You are now being dropped into an emergency shell.
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

Last edited by raNikola (2023-01-29 22:19:56)


#9 2023-01-29 22:01:27

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 54,562

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

UUID=b57f8b77-06f5-492e-a024-9fea313eb72b /home ext4 defaults, relatime,data=ordered 0 0

matches nvme0n1p3, nvme0n1p5 isn't in your fstab.

Running guild hook: [block]

Post the actual output, not the transcript of some excerpts.
You can

mkinitcpio -P 2>&1 | tee /tmp/mkinitcpio.log

to capture the output in a file and if you want

cat /tmp/mkinitcpio.log | curl -F 'file=@-'

to upload it.

uname -a


pacman -Qikk linux


#10 2023-01-29 22:55:11

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update 6.1.8-arch1-1

It is working now. Thanks a lot, Seth

seth wrote:
UUID=b57f8b77-06f5-492e-a024-9fea313eb72b /home ext4 defaults, relatime,data=ordered 0 0

matches nvme0n1p3, nvme0n1p5 isn't in your fstab.

Yes, you are right. This is just an empty partition. Not mapped.

seth wrote:

Running guild hook: [block]

Post the actual output, not the transcript of some excerpts.
You can

mkinitcpio -P 2>&1 | tee /tmp/mkinitcpio.log

to capture the output in a file and if you want

cat /tmp/mkinitcpio.log | curl -F 'file=@-'

to upload it.

uname -a


pacman -Qikk linux
#uname -a
Linux hello 6.1.8-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue, 24 Jan 2023 21:07:04 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
#pacman -Qikk linux
Name            : linux
Version         : 6.1.8.arch1-1
Description     : The Linux kernel and modules
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2
Groups          : None
Depends On      : coreutils  kmod  initramfs
Optional Deps   : wireless-regdb: to set the correct wireless channels of your
                  country [installed]
                  linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices
Required By     : nvidia  virtualbox-guest-utils  virtualbox-host-modules-arch
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : virtualbox-guest-modules-arch  wireguard-arch
Installed Size  : 164.44 MiB
Packager        : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
Build Date      : Tue 24 Jan 2023 10:07:04 PM CET
Install Date    : Sun 29 Jan 2023 11:04:26 PM CET
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

linux: 6903 total files, 0 altered files

From pacman.log

 Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
   -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
 Starting build: 6.1.8-arch1-1
   -> Running build hook: [base]
   -> Running build hook: [udev]
   -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
   -> Running build hook: [modconf]
   -> Running build hook: [block]
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_rdma'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_loop'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fcloop'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_rdma'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fabrics'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `ublk_drv'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_blkfront'
 ERROR: module not found: `drbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `loop'
 ERROR: module not found: `aoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `floppy'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtip32xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `null_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `zram'
 ERROR: module not found: `brd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_blkback'
 ERROR: module not found: `nbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `rnbd_server'
 ERROR: module not found: `rnbd_client'
 ERROR: module not found: `pktcdvd'
 ERROR: module not found: `rbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptctl'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptlan'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptscsih'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptbase'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_pvscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hv_storvsc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpt3sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpi3mr'
 ERROR: module not found: `fnic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hptiop'
 ERROR: module not found: `esp_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `bfa'
 ERROR: module not found: `sg'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic79xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic7xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `BusLogic'
 ERROR: module not found: `advansys'
 ERROR: module not found: `myrb'
 ERROR: module not found: `bnx2fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libcxgbi'
 ERROR: module not found: `cxgb3i'
 ERROR: module not found: `cxgb4i'
 ERROR: module not found: `tcm_qla2xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla2xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `pmcraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_srp'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `libfcoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `fcoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `stex'
 ERROR: module not found: `snic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hpsa'
 ERROR: module not found: `smartpqi'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_hp_sw'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_rdac'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_alua'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_emc'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic94xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_xxxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `csiostor'
 ERROR: module not found: `iscsi_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `dmx3191d'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_mm'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_mbox'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_debug'
 ERROR: module not found: `st'
 ERROR: module not found: `a100u2w'
 ERROR: module not found: `sym53c500_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `qlogic_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `aha152x_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `dc395x'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla1280'
 ERROR: module not found: `qedi'
 ERROR: module not found: `sym53c8xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_iscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `initio'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `am53c974'
 ERROR: module not found: `qlogicfas408'
 ERROR: module not found: `pm80xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvumi'
 ERROR: module not found: `aacraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `atp870u'
 ERROR: module not found: `arcmsr'
 ERROR: module not found: `iscsi_boot_sysfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla4xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `bnx2i'
 ERROR: module not found: `ipr'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `ppa'
 ERROR: module not found: `ses'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain'
 ERROR: module not found: `ips'
 ERROR: module not found: `myrs'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_9xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `wd719x'
 ERROR: module not found: `be2iscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `libiscsi_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `qedf'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `sr_mod'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_scsifront'
 ERROR: module not found: `isci'
 ERROR: module not found: `lpfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `esas2r'
 ERROR: module not found: `raid_class'
 ERROR: module not found: `libiscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `imm'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `ch'
 ERROR: module not found: `efct'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pcmcia'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_serverworks'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_radisys'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_legacy'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_via'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sl82c105'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_it8213'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ninja32'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_efar'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_jmicron'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_amd'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_artop'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pdc2027x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_mpiix'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cmd640'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_promise'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sil24'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_dwc_460ex'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_nv'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sis'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ali'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_atiixp'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cmd64x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_svw'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_triflex'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt366'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_rz1000'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt3x3'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sx4'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sil'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ns87415'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_mv'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sis'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_it821x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt3x2n'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_piccolo'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sch'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_atp867x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_vsc'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_acpi'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_optidma'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sil680'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_oldpiix'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_inic162x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_netcell'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_opti'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt37x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_qstor'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_marvell'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pdc202xx_old'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_rdc'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ns87410'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_uli'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_via'
 ERROR: module not found: `ata_piix'
 ERROR: module not found: `ata_generic'
 ERROR: module not found: `ahci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `pdc_adma'
 ERROR: module not found: `ahci_dwc'
 ERROR: module not found: `bcma_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci_renesas'
 ERROR: module not found: `fotg210_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `u132_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sl811_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `max3421_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `r8a66597_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_plat_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_fsl'
 ERROR: module not found: `ohci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `isp116x_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `oxu210hp_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `fsl_mph_dr_of'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ssb_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_realtek'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_datafab'
 ERROR: module not found: `usb_storage'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_karma'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_isd200'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_usbat'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_eneub6250'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_sddr55'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_alauda'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_sddr09'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_onetouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_jumpshot'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_freecom'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `uas'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_sbp2'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_net'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_ohci'
 ERROR: module not found: `nosy'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_ms'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ushc'
 ERROR: module not found: `cqhci'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_hsq'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdricoh_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `alcor'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtk_sd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_acpi'
 ERROR: module not found: `cb710_mmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `rtsx_pci_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_sd'
 ERROR: module not found: `toshsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `via_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_xenon_driver'
 ERROR: module not found: `rtsx_usb_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `usdhi6rol0'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_pltfm'
 ERROR: module not found: `vub300'
 ERROR: module not found: `wbsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_f_sdh30'
 ERROR: module not found: `of_mmc_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_block'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdio_uart'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_test'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_7xx1'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_nxp_fspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw_mmio'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_pxa2xx_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_gpio'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_microchip_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_bitbang'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_pxa2xx_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_xilinx'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_microchip_core_qspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_amd'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_slave_time'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_mux'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_lm70llp'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_slave_system_control'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_oc_tiny'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_dfl'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `spidev'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dln2'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_loopback_test'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_sifive'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_zynqmp_gqspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_cadence'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_mxic'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_xcomm'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_axi_spi_engine'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_tle62x0'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_butterfly'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_sc18is602'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_crypto'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_rpmsg_bus'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_rng'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_console'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `vp_vdpa'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_input'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_mem'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_mmio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_dma_buf'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_balloon'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_vdpa'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci_modern_dev'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci_legacy_dev'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_bt'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_iommu'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_gpu'
 ERROR: module not found: `i2c_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_net'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_snd'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_vsock_virtio_transport_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_vsock_virtio_transport'
 ERROR: module not found: `9pnet_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtiofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_e820'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_btt'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvmdio'
   -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
 ERROR: module not found: `bcma_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci_renesas'
 ERROR: module not found: `fotg210_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `u132_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sl811_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `max3421_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `r8a66597_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_plat_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_fsl'
 ERROR: module not found: `ohci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `isp116x_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `oxu210hp_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `fsl_mph_dr_of'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ssb_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_dr'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_magicmouse'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_kone'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_udraw_ps3'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_viewsonic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sjoy'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_corsair'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_mcp2221'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_zydacron'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_axff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_koneplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_wiimote'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_retrode'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_belkin'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_tivo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_savu'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtek_mouse'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gyration'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_apple'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_tmff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lcpower'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_icade'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_speedlink'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_topre'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_waltop'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gfrm'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_hyperv'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_lua'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vivaldi_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_redragon'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gembird'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cmedia'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_prodikeys'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cherry'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_a4tech'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_topseed'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_u2fzero'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_google_hammer'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_chicony'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_konepure'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_penmount'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_steelseries'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_saitek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_creative_sb0540'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_nintendo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtekff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cp2112'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_jabra'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_monterey'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_steam'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_nti'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_arvo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_kensington'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vrc2'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_twinhan'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_betopff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sigmamicro'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ortek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_appleir'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech_dj'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_multitouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_asus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_xiaomi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sony'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elan'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sensor_custom'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_razer'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_bigbenff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_pxrc'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_letsketch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_microsoft'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtek_kbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_playstation'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ezkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_zpff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_primax'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_picolcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lenovo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_petalynx'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_isku'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gt683r'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_semitek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_alps'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech_hidpp'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_accutouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_xinmo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cougar'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_aureal'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_kovaplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_pl'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_glorious'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_ryos'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lg_g15'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vivaldi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_kye'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_led'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_mf'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_maltron'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ft260'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sunplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ntrig'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elecom'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_emsff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_keytouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_megaworld'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ite'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_uclogic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sensor_hub'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_pyra'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gaff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_macally'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_rmi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_samsung'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_thrustmaster'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_plantronics'
 ERROR: module not found: `usbhid'
 ERROR: module not found: `lkkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_keys_polled'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5520_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `tca8418_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `newtonkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `tca6416_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt1050'
 ERROR: module not found: `xtkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpr121_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5588_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `tm2_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `twl4030_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `opencores_kbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtk_pmic_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `pinephone_keyboard'
 ERROR: module not found: `adc_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `max7359_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `cros_ec_keyb'
 ERROR: module not found: `matrix_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `lm8323'
 ERROR: module not found: `samsung_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `lm8333'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt2160'
 ERROR: module not found: `iqs62x_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `dlink_dir685_touchkeys'
 ERROR: module not found: `stowaway'
 ERROR: module not found: `cypress_sf'
 ERROR: module not found: `atkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt1070'
 ERROR: module not found: `sunkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5589_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `mcs_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `applespi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hyperv_keyboard'
 ERROR: module not found: `altera_ps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `serio'
 ERROR: module not found: `arc_ps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `i8042'
 ERROR: module not found: `pcips2'
 ERROR: module not found: `libps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ct82c710'
 ERROR: module not found: `serport'
 ERROR: module not found: `serio_raw'
 ERROR: module not found: `parkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ps2mult'
 ERROR: module not found: `userio'
 ERROR: module not found: `ps2_gpio'
   -> Running build hook: [keymap]
   -> Running build hook: [resume]
   -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs'
 ERROR: module not found: `overlay'
 ERROR: module not found: `befs'
 ERROR: module not found: `dlm'
 ERROR: module not found: `fscache'
 ERROR: module not found: `fuse'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtiofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cuse'
 ERROR: module not found: `kafs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ext4'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv4'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_layout_flexfiles'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv3'
 ERROR: module not found: `blocklayoutdriver'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv2'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_layout_nfsv41_files'
 ERROR: module not found: `exfat'
 ERROR: module not found: `ksmbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `omfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ceph'
 ERROR: module not found: `hfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `xfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `isofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ufs'
 ERROR: module not found: `lockd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hfsplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `f2fs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cachefiles'
 ERROR: module not found: `minix'
 ERROR: module not found: `ecryptfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `jffs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `gfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `btrfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `fat'
 ERROR: module not found: `msdos'
 ERROR: module not found: `vfat'
 ERROR: module not found: `zonefs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ramoops'
 ERROR: module not found: `pstore_zone'
 ERROR: module not found: `pstore_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `9p'
 ERROR: module not found: `romfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `coda'
 ERROR: module not found: `ntfs3'
 ERROR: module not found: `reiserfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `mbcache'
 ERROR: module not found: `jbd2'
 ERROR: module not found: `squashfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `erofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `netfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `jfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nilfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `grace'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_acl'
 ERROR: module not found: `affs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cramfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `orangefs'
 ERROR: module not found: `vboxsf'
 ERROR: module not found: `udf'
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs_arc4'
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs_md4'
 ERROR: module not found: `ubifs'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_tree'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_v1'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_v2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_dlm'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_nodemanager'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stack_o2cb'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_dlmfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stackglue'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stack_user'
   -> Running build hook: [fsck]
 WARNING: No modules were added to the image. This is probably not what you want.
 Creating zstd-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
 WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
 Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
   -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
 Starting build: 6.1.8-arch1-1
   -> Running build hook: [base]
   -> Running build hook: [udev]
   -> Running build hook: [modconf]
   -> Running build hook: [block]
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_rdma'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvmet_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_loop'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fcloop'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_rdma'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_fabrics'
 ERROR: module not found: `nvme_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `ublk_drv'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_blkfront'
 ERROR: module not found: `drbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `loop'
 ERROR: module not found: `aoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `floppy'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtip32xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `null_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `zram'
 ERROR: module not found: `brd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_blkback'
 ERROR: module not found: `nbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `rnbd_server'
 ERROR: module not found: `rnbd_client'
 ERROR: module not found: `pktcdvd'
 ERROR: module not found: `rbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptctl'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptlan'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptscsih'
 ERROR: module not found: `mptbase'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_pvscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hv_storvsc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpt3sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpi3mr'
 ERROR: module not found: `fnic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hptiop'
 ERROR: module not found: `esp_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `bfa'
 ERROR: module not found: `sg'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic79xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic7xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `BusLogic'
 ERROR: module not found: `advansys'
 ERROR: module not found: `myrb'
 ERROR: module not found: `bnx2fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libcxgbi'
 ERROR: module not found: `cxgb3i'
 ERROR: module not found: `cxgb4i'
 ERROR: module not found: `tcm_qla2xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla2xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `pmcraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_srp'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `libfcoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `fcoe'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `stex'
 ERROR: module not found: `snic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hpsa'
 ERROR: module not found: `smartpqi'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_hp_sw'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_rdac'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_alua'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_dh_emc'
 ERROR: module not found: `aic94xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_xxxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `csiostor'
 ERROR: module not found: `iscsi_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `dmx3191d'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_mm'
 ERROR: module not found: `megaraid_mbox'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_debug'
 ERROR: module not found: `st'
 ERROR: module not found: `a100u2w'
 ERROR: module not found: `sym53c500_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `qlogic_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `aha152x_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `dc395x'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla1280'
 ERROR: module not found: `qedi'
 ERROR: module not found: `sym53c8xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_iscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `initio'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_fc'
 ERROR: module not found: `libsas'
 ERROR: module not found: `am53c974'
 ERROR: module not found: `qlogicfas408'
 ERROR: module not found: `pm80xx'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvumi'
 ERROR: module not found: `aacraid'
 ERROR: module not found: `atp870u'
 ERROR: module not found: `arcmsr'
 ERROR: module not found: `iscsi_boot_sysfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `qla4xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `bnx2i'
 ERROR: module not found: `ipr'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `ppa'
 ERROR: module not found: `ses'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain'
 ERROR: module not found: `ips'
 ERROR: module not found: `myrs'
 ERROR: module not found: `3w_9xxx'
 ERROR: module not found: `wd719x'
 ERROR: module not found: `be2iscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_sas'
 ERROR: module not found: `libiscsi_tcp'
 ERROR: module not found: `qedf'
 ERROR: module not found: `fdomain_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `sr_mod'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_scsifront'
 ERROR: module not found: `isci'
 ERROR: module not found: `lpfc'
 ERROR: module not found: `esas2r'
 ERROR: module not found: `raid_class'
 ERROR: module not found: `libiscsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `imm'
 ERROR: module not found: `scsi_transport_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `ch'
 ERROR: module not found: `efct'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pcmcia'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_serverworks'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_radisys'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_legacy'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_via'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sl82c105'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_it8213'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ninja32'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_efar'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_jmicron'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_amd'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_artop'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pdc2027x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_mpiix'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cmd640'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_promise'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sil24'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_dwc_460ex'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_nv'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sis'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ali'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_atiixp'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cmd64x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_svw'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_triflex'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt366'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_rz1000'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt3x3'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sx4'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sil'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ns87415'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_mv'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_sis'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_it821x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt3x2n'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_piccolo'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sch'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_atp867x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_vsc'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_acpi'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_optidma'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_sil680'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_oldpiix'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_inic162x'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_netcell'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_opti'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_hpt37x'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_qstor'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_marvell'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_pdc202xx_old'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_rdc'
 ERROR: module not found: `pata_ns87410'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_uli'
 ERROR: module not found: `sata_via'
 ERROR: module not found: `ata_piix'
 ERROR: module not found: `ata_generic'
 ERROR: module not found: `ahci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `pdc_adma'
 ERROR: module not found: `ahci_dwc'
 ERROR: module not found: `bcma_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci_renesas'
 ERROR: module not found: `fotg210_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `u132_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sl811_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `max3421_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `r8a66597_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_plat_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_fsl'
 ERROR: module not found: `ohci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `isp116x_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `oxu210hp_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `fsl_mph_dr_of'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ssb_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_realtek'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_datafab'
 ERROR: module not found: `usb_storage'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_karma'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_isd200'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_usbat'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_eneub6250'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_sddr55'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_alauda'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_sddr09'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_onetouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_jumpshot'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_freecom'
 ERROR: module not found: `ums_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `uas'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_sbp2'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_net'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `firewire_ohci'
 ERROR: module not found: `nosy'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_ms'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ushc'
 ERROR: module not found: `cqhci'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_hsq'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdricoh_cs'
 ERROR: module not found: `alcor'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtk_sd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_acpi'
 ERROR: module not found: `cb710_mmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `rtsx_pci_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_sd'
 ERROR: module not found: `toshsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `via_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_xenon_driver'
 ERROR: module not found: `rtsx_usb_sdmmc'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `usdhi6rol0'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_pltfm'
 ERROR: module not found: `vub300'
 ERROR: module not found: `wbsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdhci_f_sdh30'
 ERROR: module not found: `of_mmc_spi'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_block'
 ERROR: module not found: `sdio_uart'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_test'
 ERROR: module not found: `mmc_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_7xx1'
 ERROR: module not found: `tifm_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_nxp_fspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw_mmio'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_pxa2xx_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_gpio'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_microchip_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dw'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_bitbang'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_pxa2xx_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_xilinx'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_microchip_core_qspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_amd'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_slave_time'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_mux'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_lm70llp'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_slave_system_control'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_oc_tiny'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_dfl'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `spidev'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_dln2'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_loopback_test'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_core'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_sifive'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_zynqmp_gqspi'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_cadence'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_mxic'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_xcomm'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_intel_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_axi_spi_engine'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_tle62x0'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_butterfly'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_sc18is602'
 ERROR: module not found: `spi_altera_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_crypto'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_rpmsg_bus'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_rng'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_console'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `vp_vdpa'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_input'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_mem'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_mmio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_dma_buf'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_balloon'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_vdpa'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci_modern_dev'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pci_legacy_dev'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_bt'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_iommu'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_gpu'
 ERROR: module not found: `i2c_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_net'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_scsi'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_snd'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_vsock_virtio_transport_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmw_vsock_virtio_transport'
 ERROR: module not found: `9pnet_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtiofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtio_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_e820'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_pmem'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_btt'
 ERROR: module not found: `nd_virtio'
 ERROR: module not found: `vmd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mvmdio'
   -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
 ERROR: module not found: `bcma_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci_renesas'
 ERROR: module not found: `fotg210_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `u132_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xen_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `sl811_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `max3421_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `r8a66597_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_plat_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_fsl'
 ERROR: module not found: `ohci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `ehci_platform'
 ERROR: module not found: `isp116x_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `oxu210hp_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `fsl_mph_dr_of'
 ERROR: module not found: `xhci_pci'
 ERROR: module not found: `ssb_hcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_dr'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_magicmouse'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_kone'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_udraw_ps3'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_viewsonic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sjoy'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_corsair'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_mcp2221'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_zydacron'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_axff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_koneplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_wiimote'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_retrode'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_belkin'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cypress'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_tivo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_savu'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtek_mouse'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gyration'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_apple'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_tmff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lcpower'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_icade'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_speedlink'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_topre'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_waltop'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gfrm'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_hyperv'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_lua'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vivaldi_common'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_redragon'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gembird'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cmedia'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_prodikeys'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cherry'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_a4tech'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_topseed'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_u2fzero'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_google_hammer'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_chicony'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_konepure'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_penmount'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_steelseries'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_saitek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_creative_sb0540'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_nintendo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtekff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cp2112'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_jabra'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_monterey'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_steam'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_nti'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_arvo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_kensington'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vrc2'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_twinhan'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_betopff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sigmamicro'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ortek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_appleir'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech_dj'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_multitouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_asus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_xiaomi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sony'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elan'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sensor_custom'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_razer'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_bigbenff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_pxrc'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_letsketch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_microsoft'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_holtek_kbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_playstation'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ezkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_zpff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_primax'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_picolcd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lenovo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_petalynx'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_isku'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gt683r'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_semitek'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_alps'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_logitech_hidpp'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_accutouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_xinmo'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_cougar'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_aureal'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_kovaplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_pl'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_glorious'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_ryos'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_lg_g15'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_vivaldi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_kye'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_led'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_mf'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_maltron'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ft260'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sunplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ntrig'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_elecom'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_emsff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_keytouch'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_megaworld'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_ite'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_uclogic'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_sensor_hub'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat_pyra'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_gaff'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_macally'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_roccat'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_rmi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_samsung'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_thrustmaster'
 ERROR: module not found: `hid_plantronics'
 ERROR: module not found: `usbhid'
 ERROR: module not found: `lkkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_keys_polled'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5520_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `tca8418_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `newtonkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `tca6416_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt1050'
 ERROR: module not found: `xtkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mpr121_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5588_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `tm2_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `twl4030_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `gpio_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `opencores_kbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `mtk_pmic_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `pinephone_keyboard'
 ERROR: module not found: `adc_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `max7359_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `cros_ec_keyb'
 ERROR: module not found: `matrix_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `lm8323'
 ERROR: module not found: `samsung_keypad'
 ERROR: module not found: `lm8333'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt2160'
 ERROR: module not found: `iqs62x_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `dlink_dir685_touchkeys'
 ERROR: module not found: `stowaway'
 ERROR: module not found: `cypress_sf'
 ERROR: module not found: `atkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `qt1070'
 ERROR: module not found: `sunkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `adp5589_keys'
 ERROR: module not found: `mcs_touchkey'
 ERROR: module not found: `applespi'
 ERROR: module not found: `hyperv_keyboard'
 ERROR: module not found: `altera_ps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `serio'
 ERROR: module not found: `arc_ps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `i8042'
 ERROR: module not found: `pcips2'
 ERROR: module not found: `libps2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ct82c710'
 ERROR: module not found: `serport'
 ERROR: module not found: `serio_raw'
 ERROR: module not found: `parkbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `ps2mult'
 ERROR: module not found: `userio'
 ERROR: module not found: `ps2_gpio'
   -> Running build hook: [keymap]
   -> Running build hook: [resume]
   -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs'
 ERROR: module not found: `overlay'
 ERROR: module not found: `befs'
 ERROR: module not found: `dlm'
 ERROR: module not found: `fscache'
 ERROR: module not found: `fuse'
 ERROR: module not found: `virtiofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cuse'
 ERROR: module not found: `kafs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ext4'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv4'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_layout_flexfiles'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv3'
 ERROR: module not found: `blocklayoutdriver'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsv2'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_layout_nfsv41_files'
 ERROR: module not found: `exfat'
 ERROR: module not found: `ksmbd'
 ERROR: module not found: `omfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ceph'
 ERROR: module not found: `hfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `xfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `isofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ufs'
 ERROR: module not found: `lockd'
 ERROR: module not found: `hfsplus'
 ERROR: module not found: `f2fs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cachefiles'
 ERROR: module not found: `minix'
 ERROR: module not found: `ecryptfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `jffs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `gfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `btrfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `fat'
 ERROR: module not found: `msdos'
 ERROR: module not found: `vfat'
 ERROR: module not found: `zonefs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ramoops'
 ERROR: module not found: `pstore_zone'
 ERROR: module not found: `pstore_blk'
 ERROR: module not found: `9p'
 ERROR: module not found: `romfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `coda'
 ERROR: module not found: `ntfs3'
 ERROR: module not found: `reiserfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `mbcache'
 ERROR: module not found: `jbd2'
 ERROR: module not found: `squashfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfsd'
 ERROR: module not found: `erofs'
 ERROR: module not found: `netfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `jfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `nilfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `grace'
 ERROR: module not found: `nfs_acl'
 ERROR: module not found: `affs'
 ERROR: module not found: `cramfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `orangefs'
 ERROR: module not found: `vboxsf'
 ERROR: module not found: `udf'
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs_arc4'
 ERROR: module not found: `cifs_md4'
 ERROR: module not found: `ubifs'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_tree'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_v1'
 ERROR: module not found: `quota_v2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_dlm'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_nodemanager'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stack_o2cb'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_dlmfs'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stackglue'
 ERROR: module not found: `ocfs2_stack_user'
   -> Running build hook: [fsck]
 WARNING: No modules were added to the image. This is probably not what you want.
 Creating zstd-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
 WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.

I have returned back /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset on its defaults and it solved the issue. I was trying to force the default with

default_options="-S udev,block,mdadm_udev,filesystems,keyboard,fsck,consolefont"

Thanks Seth for your help, It leads me in the right direction. I will mark the topic as solved.


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