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I rarely look at distrowatch, but I noticed today that Zenwalk had far surpassed Arch, which kind of surprised me. I know its popular, but would never have guessed top 15. So I checked out their homepage. Seems they rely on distrowatch for their web hosting, check this out:
Distrowatch maintains a list of the main Zenwalk packages with version tracking at :
and their reviews link is also hosted on distrowatch. They seem very concerned about their score: … x.php?id=7
I'm proud that we here at Arch don't care about popularity. :-)
Yeah, DistroWatch Weekly has been discussing this very thing for the last couple of weeks. Apparently it's an issue with several distros (a month or so ago, there was a big ruckus about Freespire's amazing rise up the rankings ). Apparently they've decided to just leave things the way they are. It was an amusing read, though.
Hi. I'm a sig. What are you?
eww..freespire! *hurls* :shock:
I remember noise when distro called Yoper jumped to top positions a couple years ago.
Recently there was buzz about Fedora too, but Fedora guys removed their links to DW quickly.
to live is to die
i remember there were some issues with distrowatch & the developers of zenwalk a while back. they were complaining about distrowatch nearly *boycotting* their distro. here is the article
from which quoting
The rest? One often hears good reports about, say, Zenwalk Linux or VectorLinux. But if those were to fold tomorrow, can you honestly say that you'd miss them? Maybe one or two of you would, but let's be honest about it - the majority of Linux users probably wouldn't even notice their sudden departure from the Linux scene.
i guess now they must be happy being currently on 13th place. theres the risk of falling back in line though if they stop releasing new versions every 2 weeks
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
eww..freespire! *hurls*
Hi. I'm a sig. What are you?
i remember there were some issues with distrowatch & the developers of zenwalk a while back. they were complaining about distrowatch nearly *boycotting* their distro. here is the article
from which quotingThe rest? One often hears good reports about, say, Zenwalk Linux or VectorLinux. But if those were to fold tomorrow, can you honestly say that you'd miss them? Maybe one or two of you would, but let's be honest about it - the majority of Linux users probably wouldn't even notice their sudden departure from the Linux scene.
i guess now they must be happy being currently on 13th place. theres the risk of falling back in line though if they stop releasing new versions every 2 weeks
from that same article
In contrast, take a look at Arch Linux - an unpretentious, independently developed distribution with a great package manager, knowledgeable user community, and large software repository. That's what I'd call a "real Linux distribution"!
from that same article
In contrast, take a look at Arch Linux - an unpretentious, independently developed distribution with a great package manager, knowledgeable user community, and large software repository. That's what I'd call a "real Linux distribution"!
This is my favourite quote from Distrowatch since the appearence of that article.
to live is to die
"unpretentious" -- a nice word to describe a distro. Hope it stays that way
Just want to say not everyone in the Zenwalk team are Distrowatch adepts. Opinions tend to differ - only human - and I'm sure a lot of other distro's have people on board who worship distrowatch. Of course, their weight in the team might be different .
Just my two cents
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