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I've install Arch on WSL (I'm newbie to Linux).
After created user with "user add -m user" and type which <app>, I found almost every apps directed to /usr/sbin but not /usr/bin
Did I create user in wrong way?
Isn't /usr/sbin is only default path to system user?
By the way, apps path on my Arch Linux laptop (installed by archinstall) showing /usr/sbin
Sorry for my poor English.
Last edited by Baird (2023-03-10 10:36:28)
/sbin is a symlink to /usr/bin so it doesnt matter
If you use bash, use type, not which. … o-use-then
And the "app" is not in /usr/bin, the app's binary is.
The "app"[lication] is spread across the filesystem, mostly under /usr.
Last edited by schard (2023-03-10 10:30:55)
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