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i build transmission-cli using
asp checkout transmission-cli
with commit 4960e73
A bunch of make packages were installed, when tried to remove them some packages were not detecting by pacman. See the screenshot.
Please tell me, if any more info is needed.
Last edited by Cipher69969 (2023-03-16 05:26:47)
reign the beast
Please post commands and output as text. Do not post images of text.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
From what I see from the screenshot, libappindicator-gtk is an optdepend for cpupower-gui. So supposely it was installed explicitely. Is this your question?
I got to a computer where imgur works ... still this should be posted as text. But there is no problem here. You show commands indicating that a package is an optional dependency for another package. The you show that this package is not listed in the output of `pacman -Qdt`. That's expected. Read pacman's man page for the difference between one and two -t flags.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Hi guys, thank you. That was exactly what i was looking. Since the package was optionally needed, it didn't show in -Qdt.
reign the beast