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Hey everyone,
I've been trying to customize Awesome WM and I'm having some trouble with Lua. I've looked around for guides, but I haven't found anything that really helps me. So, I decided to make a GUI application to help with customization. Here are the features I want to include:
Allow the user to make custom widgets for the wibar
Allow the user to generate custom themes
Allow the user customize keyboard shortcuts and mouse bindings
Allow the user to define their auto start apps
Allow the user to define window rules
Allow the user to enable/disable layouts
Allow the user to import custom modules like bling, layout-machi etc
As it currently stands not all the features would be coming when the app is released since it would be too time consuming and might take forever.
If you guys would like to help then you can contact me on discord: BaigGam3rss#8761.Make sure you are well acquainted with the following:
Java and javafx
git and github
Lua in respect to Awesome WM
Basic scripting in bash or python
If anyone has any tips or resources that could help me with this project, I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance
Last edited by BaigGam3rss (2023-02-19 20:09:04)
If I posted this in the wrong section of the forums or broke any rules please let me know so that I can take this post down
I noticed you dropped your discord name, have you joined the AwesomeWM server yet? I get a lot of help from the people there, they are constantly innovating and making some really cool stuff. My stuffs pretty basic and I don't think I'm in a position to offer help to others yet but thats certainly a good place to start looking for people who would be interested. I'd be down to help with basic stuff in bash/python.
Sounds interesting, I can help on the Java side, I'm absolutely useless with bash, and git I can commit.
Look at Micronaut for DI
JGit for file versioning
Antlr to parse lua