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Hi friends,
I have got xfce4 as my only WM. I'm lacking a good file manager as i'm not very comfy with rox or tuxcmd. thunar was great but thats not maintained now. however, when i try thunar-svn, it says:
[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ sudo pacman -S thunar-svn
:: libxfce4util-svn conflicts with libxfce4util. Remove libxfce4util? [Y/n] y
:: libxfcegui4-svn conflicts with libxfcegui4. Remove libxfcegui4? [Y/n] y
:: libxfce4mcs-svn conflicts with libxfce4mcs. Remove libxfce4mcs? [Y/n] y
:: exo-svn conflicts with exo-devel. Remove exo-devel? [Y/n] y
Remove: libxfce4util libxfcegui4 libxfce4mcs exo-devel
Targets: eject-2.1.5-1 libxfce4util-svn-23643-2 libxfcegui4-svn-23729-1
libxfce4mcs-svn-23672-1 exo-svn-23774-1 thunar-svn-23780-2
Total Package Size: 2.7 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] n
Will proceeding and installing break my xfce4 and/or something else?
it shouldn't... but don't quote me on that..
btw, there is an xfce4-svn pkg, hwy not use that.. it works perfectly with thunar-svn...
pacman -S xfce4-svn
it's in the unstable repo (was stable for me, no crashed or anything at all)
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
Looks like you don't have xfce4-svn installed, which, I imagine, thunar-svn needs in terms of dependencies. I find xfce4-svn very stable and frequently udpated.
To install xfce4-svn, I think you need to uninstall xfce4 first, then enable the unstable repo, then install xfce4-svn.
whats the difference between xfce4 adn xfce4-svn?
Xfce4 is the last "official release" while Xfce4-svn is a recent subversion check out from their code repository.
Thus, Xfce4-svn is newer and most likely has more features/stuff that people want to use. It is a good example of bleeding edge software, which many Arch Linux users enjoy.
the funk soul brother.
xfce4-svn consists of packages that are compiled from the very latest development code of xfce4 modules released by xfce4 developers, whereas plain xfce4 consists of officially released versions. Currently plain xfce4 packages bear the 4.2.3 version label, whereas xfce4-svn packages bear the 4.4RC2 version label (4.4 release candidate 2). Actually, xfce4-svn packages are newer than 4.4RC2, since they include packages compiled from sources that are updated on a daily basis by xfce4 developers, whereas 4.4RC2 actually is a particular snapshot in that development cycle.
That said, an svn version of anything is more likely to break occasionally than an officially released version of it. If you want to use thunar, I think you need to use a version of xfce4 no earlier than 4.4RC1. If you don't want to use svn stuff, you can always just download the official installer for xfce4RC2 from and use that.
I use thunar-svn without any problems, and at one point, I installed xfce4-svn without any problems either. So you might want to remove the xfce4 version you have and install the svn version from unstable (unless you absolutely can't run the risk).
do we need to do "pacman -Rs xfce4" first and then "pacman -S xfce-svn." Will it use my present settings for panel, shortcut keys, etc..
do we need to do "pacman -Rs xfce4" first and then "pacman -S xfce-svn." Will it use my present settings for panel, shortcut keys, etc..
In terms of saving your settings, they're saved in these files:
I (and others, I think) recommend renaming those files before upgrading to xfce4-svn. You can do that from a terminal session after logging out of xfce4:
mv ~/.config ~/.config.old
mv ~/.cache ~/.cache.old
That way you have copies of the files elsewhere if you decide you ever want to go back to your old xfce4.
The biggest change from xfce4 4.2.3 to xfce4 4.4 is the ways offered you in terms of setting it up. It's so much easier and faster to setup you system, you probably won't care about losing the old config files.
When upgrading to xfce4-svn, just make sure that
pacman -Syu
pacman -S xfce4-svn
asks permission to remove old xfce4 files. Otherwise, I'd remove them first with
pacman -Rs xfce4
I recently upgraded to the -svn build and quite a lot of my settings were ignored and reset to defaults.
upgrade to xfce-svn though did not use old config files and configured it once again.
however, still the mod4 key does not work. xfce-popup-menu accepts "super+super_L" on pressing the win key and it does not work
Also, xfce4-goodies-svn is not there. Any comment on this??
As far as shortcuts go, you use
I'm not sure what keys you're having problems with, but the shortcut configuration has you press the keys you want to assign. I've never seen it refuse a key or a key combination.
There is no xfce4-goodies-svn package. You must install each plugin individually, like
pacman -S xfce4-battery-plugin-svn
Remember to always use the -svn at the end of each. To see which are available for xfce4-svn, do
pacman -Ss xfce4
and look for the plugins you see there in unstable.
Is there a way to attach the mount-plugin to thunar itself rather than putting it on panel just like tuxcmd or rox (rox requies you to enter the volume and it will mount automaticaly).
Is there a way to attach the mount-plugin to thunar itself rather than putting it on panel just like tuxcmd or rox (rox requies you to enter the volume and it will mount automaticaly).
Yes, you must put these 2 words(dbus, hal) into the line DAEMONS in rc.conf
Than may be you must create an folder /media/sdb1 which is for example defined in fstab as :
/dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 vfat rw,users,umask=000,uid=username 0 0
Sdb1 could be different in your system. You can check it after pluging the media with
ls /dev/
After these steps, Thunar is able to mount the media.
Thanks for this. It seems to work for my external USB drives, but not for my external MO drive. However my panel mount plugin works for both.
Thanks for the method. It works fine. Could you please whether this method of mounting cd's etc. uses more system resource or the one in which you have a mount plugin in the panel.
My fstab is like this:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cd iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
/dev/dvd /mnt/dvd udf ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/fl vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cd2 iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda9 / ext3 defaults 0 1
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 0 1
/dev/hda5 /mnt/store vfat users,rw,umask=000 0 0
# these lines are added by me
/dev/hdc /mnt/cd vfat rw,users,umask=000 0 0
Now I do get the cd on the desktop, but on mounting it, it says "Unable to mount "new": Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc"
then I changed "vfat" in the last line of fstab to "iso9660" but still the same result.