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#1 2023-05-01 08:54:29

Registered: 2012-10-28
Posts: 45

samsung galaxy laptop only boots with BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI

Well, I install arch linux on a lot of new pcs when I get them, I'm at the point that I just run an install script to do it each time. I recently financed a samsung galaxy laptop from bestbuy a few days ago, I'm a little tired now but I can come back and be more specific about the model if anyone's interested, needless to say it starts packaged with windows and secure boot and all that stuff. I was able to do the whole thing from the live usb archiso as usual and when I finished the install, shutdown the laptop and unplugged the usb, it wouldn't boot into the OS.

I knew the usb was working and through UEFI no-less, so I was trying this trying that etc and then I looked at the EFI directory as it's formatted in the usb and noticed that it stores BOOTx64.EFI inside a folder named BOOT/.
the install (choosing grub as a bootloader), saved grubx64.efi inside a folder named arch/ otherwise the same relative hierarchy but different names.

I tried changing arch/ to BOOT/ and that didn't work, then when I additionally renamed grubx64.efi to BOOTx64.EFI, that worked.

I'm not too familiar with the whole EFI thing and how it works or how it's supposed to work, but that's what I had to do to get my laptop to boot with my new arch linux install.

Thought this would be relevant to the realm of arch linux installation troubleshooting.

Last edited by NeoZelux (2023-05-01 08:55:44)


#2 2023-05-01 09:25:08

The Evil Wiki Admin
Registered: 2016-07-02
Posts: 671

Re: samsung galaxy laptop only boots with BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI


#3 2023-05-09 02:08:17

Registered: 2012-10-28
Posts: 45

Re: samsung galaxy laptop only boots with BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI

Maybe it would be worth considering adding a troubleshooting section to the arch linux install wiki with links to pages like this or at least hinting at it ?


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