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#1 2023-05-07 22:22:26

Registered: 2023-03-30
Posts: 36

archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

I downloaded and created a USB bootable drive with archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso.

Boot up on archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso.

I did these steps to always get this error:

# dhcpcd
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archinstall

This installed archinstall 2.5.6-1.

When I run archinstall, I get this error:

root@archiso ~ # archinstall
Traceback (most recent cal llast):
  File "/usr/bin/archinstall", line 5, in <module>
    from archinstall import run_as_a_module
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'archinstall'
1 root@archiso ~ #

Yet again, I still cannot get archinstall to run.


#2 2023-05-07 22:23:16

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2012-01-15
Posts: 4,646

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

Moving to the Guided Installer section.

ArchMark, this is at least the fourth time we have moved one of your ArchInstall topics to the Guided Installer section. Please post in that section when you have a problem with the ArchInstall script -- the developer watches that section and can reply when topics are posted there.


#3 2023-05-08 08:56:09

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,183

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:
# dhcpcd
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archinstall

So, you did an unsupported partial upgrade of the (live) system, resulting in the installation of a python library built for python 3.11, but still having python 3.10 installed.
No surprise here.

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#4 2023-05-08 11:44:24

Registered: 2023-03-30
Posts: 36

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

schard wrote:
ArchMark wrote:
# dhcpcd
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archinstall

So, you did an unsupported partial upgrade of the (live) system, resulting in the installation of a python library built for python 3.11, but still having python 3.10 installed.
No surprise here.

This is a new install on a secondary SSD drive.  Not sure what you mean by "unsupported partial upgrade" when Arch was not installed beforehand.


#5 2023-05-08 12:05:15

From: Alaskan in Washington State
Registered: 2014-08-28
Posts: 421

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

I also ran into this problem. The solution was not running  # pacman -Sy

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn


#6 2023-05-08 12:10:12

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,183

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:

This is a new install on a secondary SSD drive.  Not sure what you mean by "unsupported partial upgrade" when Arch was not installed beforehand.

And from what operating system did you install Arch Linux? Right, from the official ISO image, which contains a so-called live installation of Arch Linux.
By partially updating this live system you broke archinstall.
Partial upgrades are not supported, neither on your installed, nor on the live system.
Hence, as @c00ter noted, not doing the unsupported will indeed not cause any issues. Duh.

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#7 2023-05-08 12:14:27

Registered: 2023-03-30
Posts: 36

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

schard wrote:
ArchMark wrote:

This is a new install on a secondary SSD drive.  Not sure what you mean by "unsupported partial upgrade" when Arch was not installed beforehand.

And from what operating system did you install Arch Linux? Right, from the official ISO image, which contains a so-called live installation of Arch Linux.
By partially updating this live system you broke archinstall.
Partial upgrades are not supported, neither on your installed, nor on the live system.
Hence, as @c00ter noted, not doing the unsupported will indeed not cause any issues. Duh.

I was just following installation instructions on installing ArchLinux.


#8 2023-05-08 12:15:55

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,183

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:

I was just following installation instructions on installing ArchLinux.

And where does it say to run a partial upgrade?
It does not in the official Wiki.

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#9 2023-05-08 19:36:04

Registered: 2023-03-30
Posts: 36

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

schard wrote:
ArchMark wrote:

I was just following installation instructions on installing ArchLinux.

And where does it say to run a partial upgrade?
It does not in the official Wiki.

I remember reading that wiki article a while ago and have seen so many iterations of installation instructions for Arch Linux that I kept using the same set of commands.

I did not realize that pacman -Sy was considered a partial upgrade. Many videos and instructions kept showing pacman -Sy along with pacman -S archinstall for installing Arch.

I have installed and ran many other different Linux distros for years without having problems until I tried  Arch Linux. Hopefully the archlinux 2.6 release will resolve many of these problems.


#10 2023-05-08 19:53:43

From: Slovakia
Registered: 2014-09-26
Posts: 198

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:

Many videos and instructions kept showing pacman -Sy along with pacman -S archinstall for installing Arch.

That's why you should avoid random videos and other guides and use the Arch Wiki instead.

Hopefully the archlinux 2.6 release will resolve many of these problems.

What will solve the problem immediately is to just use the official documentation. smile

Arch + XMonad



#11 2023-05-08 20:05:56

Registered: 2021-05-14
Posts: 44

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:

... instructions kept showing pacman -Sy along with pacman -S archinstall for installing Arch.

Torxed wrote:

I released v2.5.5, so a simple `pacman -Sy archinstall` in the ISO should do the trick smile … 7#p2093127

In OP's defense, it was suggested in his other thread.

Edit: This worked at the time since the Iso had been released just a day prior, and likely the dependencies hadn't updated yet. At the end of the day, archinstall is a package with dependencies and the advice around partial upgrades should be considered.

Last edited by vorvac (2023-05-08 21:17:15)


#12 2023-05-08 22:16:21

Registered: 2023-03-30
Posts: 36

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

My last post to this forum...

For the "Anonymous" poster that sent that threat to me via e-mail, you arrogance and ignorance is very clear. People just like yourself is the reason people are scared to post and even try Linux because "Linux Guru's" cannot comprehend that other people may not have YOUR HIGH KNOWLEDGE OF LINUX.

For your information to the Anonymous sender, I am not a "kid" and your threat shows your shallowness.


This is a great embarrassment to Arch Linux users and I will be definitely not pursuing to use Arch Linux any further.


#13 2023-05-08 22:41:29

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

ArchMark wrote:

For the "Anonymous" poster that sent that threat to me via e-mail, you arrogance and ignorance is very clear. People just like yourself is the reason people are scared to post and even try Linux because "Linux Guru's" cannot comprehend that other people may not have YOUR HIGH KNOWLEDGE OF LINUX.

For your information to the Anonymous sender, I am not a "kid" and your threat shows your shallowness.


This is a great embarrassment to Arch Linux users and I will be definitely not pursuing to use Arch Linux any further.


Please contact me about this situation and, if you wish, to pursue your request.
I would like to point out that your account settings are such that your email address is not publicly exposed.  Any email would have to come from the fourms or from someone who already had your private address.  If it did come from the forums, it cannot be anonymous and would very much like to chase that to the mat.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#14 2023-05-08 23:47:48

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,183

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

vorvac wrote:
ArchMark wrote:

... instructions kept showing pacman -Sy along with pacman -S archinstall for installing Arch.

Torxed wrote:

I released v2.5.5, so a simple `pacman -Sy archinstall` in the ISO should do the trick smile … 7#p2093127

In OP's defense, it was suggested in his other thread.

Holy moly. This is some bad advise, as it will eventually break archinstall as OP and others have just discovered.
What makes it even worse is that this bad advise comes from the archinstall dev himself.
I am astounded.

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#15 2023-05-09 01:29:30

Registered: 2023-05-09
Posts: 1

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

archinstall included in archlinux-2023.04.01-x86_64.iso would not work with an arch installation as a guest in Virtualbox.

We were told by user Torxed, that we should run 'pacman -Sy archinstall' to upgrade archinstall to v2.5.5 and that worked. Now archinstall upgrades to v2.5.6 which I understand needs an updated version of python.

So...what worked for me was 'pacman -Sy archinstall python'.


#16 2023-05-09 01:58:53

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,183

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

train4499 wrote:

archinstall included in archlinux-2023.04.01-x86_64.iso would not work with an arch installation as a guest in Virtualbox.

We were told by user Torxed, that we should run 'pacman -Sy archinstall' to upgrade archinstall to v2.5.5 and that worked. Now archinstall upgrades to v2.5.6 which I understand needs an updated version of python.

So...what worked for me was 'pacman -Sy archinstall python'.

This still constitutes a partial upgrade and may still lead to other issues.
The silver bullet is to rebuild the ISO after an update of archinstall.
If the maintainers don't do it for you, you can always do it yourself using archiso.

Last edited by schard (2023-05-09 02:00:42)

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#17 2023-05-09 07:16:12

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

Well since you're limiting the partialness to the ISO for the sole purpose of running the archinstall script I don't consider this to be too much of a deal breaker. As long as you don't assume that that's how you should fix issues on your real system I don't really see the need of doing the whole archiso build.


#18 2023-05-09 18:37:19

From: Alaskan in Washington State
Registered: 2014-08-28
Posts: 421

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

Look, folks, Archinstall is relatively new here--what, around a year, now? The author(s) work on it continuously, as shown on the GitHub site:

I've been an anonymous (until now) volunteer test bunny for most of the Archinstall releases, and things change. What works (or doesn't) depends on which release, and when, and how it is used. 

I'm just very grateful it is available. It makes what used to be an exhausting job requiring much paperwork and reading, into a simple script that anyone using Linux for a bit of time can successfully run. Comparatively, it's a joy.

And I think we can do a better job explaing partial upgrades, especially in a situation like this. The OP did what was wrong with this release, but right with the previous one.

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn


#19 2023-05-09 22:25:41

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2012-01-15
Posts: 4,646

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

The OP appears to have left the building, so I am going to close this now.


#20 2023-05-10 01:06:41

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: archlinux-2023.05.03-x86_64.iso, archinstall 2.5.6-1 error

2ManyDogs wrote:

The OP appears to have left the building, so I am going to close this now.

Also, I have not yet been contacted by the OP.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


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