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#1 2023-05-13 16:47:04

Registered: 2022-12-15
Posts: 133

[SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

compiling the thunderbolt module fails when i compile my kernel with localmodconfig. i'm getting following error:

time BUILDDIR=/tmp/makepkg makepkg -si
using config: '.config'
uvc config not found!!
thunderbolt config not found!!

i found this thread which led me to replace "thunderbolt" with "usb4" in  /home/user/.config/modprobed.db

but now i'm getting:

time BUILDDIR=/tmp/makepkg2 makepkg -si
using config: '.config'
uvc config not found!!
usb4 config not found!!

what am i missing here?

Last edited by espritlibre (2023-06-03 18:13:01)


#2 2023-05-13 17:06:01

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,700

Re: [SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

man modprobed-db wrote:

o As upstream kernel code changes, new modules become available or are removed. It is recommended to boot into a distro default kernel and invoke modprobed-db in store mode to capture any new modules that have become available on new major kernel releases.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#3 2023-05-13 17:34:56

Registered: 2022-12-15
Posts: 133

Re: [SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

thanks for the tip graysky! i just booted linux from the repo and removed thunderbolt from the modprobed.db

modprobed-db store
New module(s) detected:

added usb4 to modprobed.db and tried to build a vanilla kernel with localmodconfig

using config: '.config'
thunderbolt config not found!!
usb4 config not found!!

Last edited by espritlibre (2023-05-13 17:35:37)


#4 2023-05-13 18:06:03

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,700

Re: [SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

While booted into the distro kernel, make sure you have your device recognized by the kernel then run modprobed-db s to refresh the database.  Now when you build your custom kernel, it should be built in.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#5 2023-05-14 17:45:40

Registered: 2022-12-15
Posts: 133

Re: [SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

thanks for your patience graysky, like you said it should be built in, but it's not. i'm not sure why the usb4 module option isn't working.

it seems like it's being worked on link

Last edited by espritlibre (2023-05-14 18:24:24)


#6 2023-06-03 18:12:30

Registered: 2022-12-15
Posts: 133

Re: [SOLVED] modprobe-db/localmodconfig thunderbolt config not found!!

i'm posting this for everybody who might stumble about this issue...
the patch in the link didn't work for me in PKGBUILD so i made this, just create this file copy it in the folder containing the PKGBUILD and put it in your PKGBUILD "source" array before "config", run updpkgsums like usual and build the package and the thunderbolt module will be built. (Steven Rostedt is the original creator of this patch)

diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/ b/scripts/kconfig/
index 3387ad7..d51cd7a 100755
--- a/scripts/kconfig/
+++ b/scripts/kconfig/
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ foreach my $makefile (@makefiles) {
 	$_ = convert_vars($_, %make_vars);
 	# collect objects after obj-$(CONFIG_FOO_BAR)
-	if (/obj-\$\((CONFIG_[^\)]*)\)\s*[+:]?=\s*(.*)/) {
+	if (/obj-\$[({](CONFIG_[^})]*)[)}]\s*[+:]?=\s*(.*)/) {
 	    $var = $1;
 	    $objs = $2;

Last edited by espritlibre (2023-06-03 18:33:09)


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