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#1 2022-08-29 07:11:13

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

[SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

I'm referring to what I've found via this question I asked on unix.stackexchange.

I've also asken #rxvt-unicode channel on, and the answer was Enrico63: urxvt uses xft for display, you would need a patched xft library for that, standard xft only does black and white.

So I was wondering if rxvt-unicode wikipage should include this info. I mean, if I had read "does not support fancy icons", I might have changed my choice of which terminal emulator to use. Or not. But I mean, it is a valuable piece of info, a bit like whether a terminal emulator supports font resizing on the go.

Last edited by Enrico1989 (2022-08-30 17:48:43)


#2 2022-08-29 07:17:47

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Enrico1989 wrote:

But I mean, it is a valuable piece of info, a bit like whether a terminal emulator supports font resizing on the go.

Er, no: those two things are not even remotely equivalent...

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#3 2022-08-29 13:32:18

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

They are both features that can be implmented or missing. The two things are remotely equivalent, in that sense.

The dynamic font resizing is more important? Sure, I agree.


#4 2022-08-29 15:03:56

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

I'd first point out the missing support of wide chars, the peculiar habit of simply not rendering glyphs that don't fix into the monobox (unlike all other VTEs that simply render a mess,  there's no good solution to this), the absence of pixbuf support in the repo build and the pleathora of patched versions in the AUR to cover this.

The reason why the color emoji situation isn't addressed in the wiki is probably that few or less people care.
You could raise it in the wiki's discussion page and absent objections add it, the forum is the entirely wrong place to discuss this.

Also fuck emojis.


#5 2022-08-30 17:47:51

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

seth wrote:

Also fuck emojis.

This seems to be quite an incontrovertible answer. I'll mark the question as solved.


#6 2022-08-30 19:19:31

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

The answer was actually everything above that line.
You wonder whether the wiki should mention a certain aspect of a tool, but you asked on the forum instead of the wiki, where this would be relevant and where, absent response, you could just add that information yourself if you feel that it's important enough.
After all, it's a wiki.

"Fuck emojis" is just a ceterum censeo that is very much related to the subject of, but not the topic your question.


#7 2022-09-29 10:40:22

Wiki Admin
Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 124

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

I know this has been marked as solved, but as an FYI, the support for this feature has been upstreamed in xft!

I'm french, don't mind my mistakes in english.


#8 2023-05-15 14:21:11

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Erus_Iluvatar wrote:

I know this has been marked as solved, but as an FYI, the support for this feature has been upstreamed in xft!

(Somehow I missed this so long ago.) Is this still relevant, if nothing happened on URxvt's side?

Last edited by Enrico1989 (2023-05-15 14:22:10)


#9 2023-05-16 07:51:58

Wiki Admin
Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 124

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

From what I understand, urxvt calls the xft library to display text, so when xft is updated, urxvt gains the new ability without needing any modification.

Last edited by Erus_Iluvatar (2023-05-16 07:53:21)

I'm french, don't mind my mistakes in english.


#10 2023-05-17 15:38:04

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Erus_Iluvatar wrote:

From what I understand, urxvt calls the xft library to display text, so when xft is updated, urxvt gains the new ability without needing any modification.

I looked for `include/X11/Xft/` in my system, found it, and verified that it contains the line `* Copyright © 2022 Thomas E. Dickey`, so I assume that change you referred to is in. However, I still see no icons working in urxvt?

Do you have suggestions as to how to proceed?


#11 2023-05-17 15:40:45

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

What do yo think the copyright line tells you?

pacman -Qi libxft

Also post your urxvt font configuration.


#12 2023-05-17 16:29:56

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

seth wrote:

What do yo think the copyright line tells you?

It's the copyright line that was added with the submission Erus_Iluvatar referred to, no? I guess it's unlikely I end up having that copyright line and not the rest of the change...

seth wrote:
pacman -Qi libxft
Name            : libxft
Version         : 2.3.8-1
Description     : FreeType-based font drawing library for X
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : custom
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : fontconfig  libxrender
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : conky  fltk  pango  rxvt-unicode  tk  xorg-x11perf
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 130.92 KiB
Packager        : Andreas Radke <>
Build Date      : Wed 19 Apr 2023 06:39:38 BST
Install Date    : Wed 19 Apr 2023 20:30:49 BST
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature
seth wrote:

Also post your urxvt font configuration.

You mean the following line in the ~/.Xdefaults file?

URxvt*font:             xft:DejaVuSansM Nerd Font Mono:size=12


#13 2023-05-17 16:33:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

"xrdb -q | grep" to see whether it applies.
Does the used font provide colored emojis?


#14 2023-05-17 16:54:41

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

"xrdb -q" gives empty output.


#15 2023-05-17 18:16:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

urxvt -fn 'xft:DejaVuSansM Nerd Font Mono:size=12'
seth wrote:

Does the used font provide colored emojis?


#16 2023-05-17 19:03:38

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

No, it doesn't

Sorry, I think I've misunderstood the question.

Are you asking whether the terminal launched with the command you suggest shows the emojis? If so, then the answer is no, it doesn't show the emojis.

If instead you're asking whether that font is supposed to be able to show the emojis, then I think so, but I'll double check with another terminal emulator.

Last edited by Enrico1989 (2023-05-17 19:06:11)


#17 2023-05-17 19:17:32

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

I think so

Link to the font?
urxvt does not use fontconfig for glyph sustitution, other terminals are not necessarily proof of what you see.

Alternatively (or also) post a codepoint (utf-8 hexadecimal number) for the emoji you'd like to see.

Also maybe report the thread for moving, this has nothing to do w/ forum or wiki (anymore)


#18 2023-05-17 19:42:37

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

I've reported the thread as you suggested.

The following should print a banana and a rocket (here you can see the result with urxvt on the left and xfce-terminal on the right; the top left config file is a bit outdate in the sense that recently the font name changed.)

echo -e "\U1f34c\U1f680"

Last edited by Enrico1989 (2023-05-17 19:43:41)


#19 2023-05-17 19:48:50

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Because of the banana incident we'll ignore that one wink

fc-list :charset=1f680


#20 2023-05-17 19:56:49

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

That gives

/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf: Noto Color Emoji:style=Regular

but if I try starting urxvt with that,the two emojis are fine, but the text is entirely unreadable (Big tall rectangles for each character..)


#21 2023-05-17 20:03:29

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,445

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

urxvt -fn 'xft:DejaVuSansM Nerd Font Mono:size=12,xft:Noto Color Emoji:size=9'

nb. the second font is smaller in an effort to fit it into the glyph box (for sure)

You may try one of the patched urxvt variants from the AUR for more lenient glyph handling.


#22 2023-05-18 01:09:20

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,099

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Enrico1989 wrote:

I've reported the thread as you suggested.

The following should print a banana and a rocket (here you can see the result with urxvt on the left and xfce-terminal on the right; the top left config file is a bit outdate in the sense that recently the font name changed.)

echo -e "\U1f34c\U1f680"

Suggestions on where to move it?

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#23 2023-05-18 05:10:26

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

ewaller wrote:
Enrico1989 wrote:

I've reported the thread as you suggested.

The following should print a banana and a rocket (here you can see the result with urxvt on the left and xfce-terminal on the right; the top left config file is a bit outdate in the sense that recently the font name changed.)

echo -e "\U1f34c\U1f680"

Suggestions on where to move it?

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#24 2023-05-18 05:14:17

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

seth wrote:
urxvt -fn 'xft:DejaVuSansM Nerd Font Mono:size=12,xft:Noto Color Emoji:size=9'

If I execute

echo -e "<\U1f34c\U1f680>"

into the terminal launched like that, I get

<    >

(I guess the 4 spaces are what the two emojis would occupy) and in the terminal where I launched it from, I get

urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Noto Color Emoji-9:slant=0:weight=100:minspace=True', using max_advance_width.


#25 2023-05-18 05:15:28

Registered: 2018-07-05
Posts: 229

Re: [SOLVED] Should urxvt wiki mention colored emojis are not supported?

Erus_Iluvatar wrote:

From what I understand, urxvt calls the xft library to display text, so when xft is updated, urxvt gains the new ability without needing any modification.

I still haven't got why this seems to be not the case.


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