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Hi everybody, I'm facing an issue since some times now, I have two screens and sometimes, at startup, only one screen is detected.
I can solve the issue by unplug and plug again the cable. It may be irrelevant, but It's an HDMI cable plugged to an HDMI to display port adapter. My GPU is an NVIDIA 2060RTX, and I'm using NVIDIA's driver on X org.
I'm using lts kernel version.
Here is the system log for such a boot
I've found these lines in the log, I guess it's somewhat related, but maybe I'm wrong.
mai 24 11:20:06 gnome-shell[1576]: Failed to open gpu '/dev/dri/card0': No suitable mode setting backend found
mai 24 11:20:06 org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1576]: Failed to setup: No GPUs found
mai 24 11:20:07 gnome-session[1563]: gnome-session-binary[1563]: WARNING: App 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' exited with code 1
mai 24 11:20:07 gnome-session-binary[1563]: WARNING: App 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' exited with code 1
mai 24 11:20:07 gnome-session-binary[1563]: Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.Shell.desktop
Thanks for your help, I'm available for any questions !
Last edited by Xalares (2024-06-15 17:33:56)
mai 24 11:20:06 gnome-shell[1576]: Failed to open gpu '/dev/dri/card0': No suitable mode setting backend found … de_setting
This will also provide you w/ a proper edid, but it's not clear whether that's the cause for your main concern.
I exclusively see one output in that journal ("Asustek Computer Inc VA249")?
Before re-plugging the monitor, what's the output of "xrandr -q"?
Hi ! Thanks for your reply. I've already visited … de_setting but I might have misunderstood the process.
I've understood that I had the choice between enabling nvidia_drm.modeset=1 in grub and adding nvidia, nvidia_modeset, nvidia_uvm and nvidia_drm to the initramfs,
so I've added these modules to the initramfs and of course added the related pacman hook, but I've not set nvidia_drm.modeset = 1.
Before re-plugging the monitor, what's the output of "xrandr -q"?
I'll investigate that when the bug reappears.
Last edited by Xalares (2023-05-25 14:36:09)
It's generally both of the things so you should set nvidia_drm.modeset=1 as well.
I'll try with nvidia_drm.modeset=1, and see if something change.
Hi, I think that was the issue, it corrected some other bugs I got on boot with plymouth. But now I'm on Wayland, and I got jerky images when a watch a video, but that's another issue.
Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.
Hi, actually that wasn't the solution, unfortunately, it happened again. I've run "xrandr -q" and got this result But this time I didn't have to plug and unplug the monitor, only to disable it in the display settings and re-enable it. What's weird is that even if my screen was off, it was detected in the display settings this time, it wasn't the case before so the case evolved.
Today it happened again, but the screen is not detected, if I want it to, I need to plug and then unplug it. "xrandr -q" gives, which is coherent with the result. Furthermore the screen is not detected during plymouth loading, so it may be a grub issue.
Last edited by Xalares (2023-06-02 08:45:47)
It also happens when the pc goes out of hibernation.
Resuming from S4 isn't much different from rebooting (in this regard) … r_settings
While at it, maybe also add
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 3
Hi, thanks for the reply, I've followed this wiki to do exactly that, but forgot to put the override.conf ! It might be what caused the issue ? I'll know that if the issue is still there after that, I'll post updates on the issue's status or mark resolved if fixed. Thanks for your help !
Resuming from S4 isn't much different from rebooting (in this regard) … r_settings
While at it, maybe also addExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 3
Indeed, it seems that it was the solution, thanks again !
Well, unfortunately, it happened again, but it seems to happen less often now.
Last edited by Xalares (2023-06-26 09:58:13)
I finally managed to solve the issue, it was because of an HDMI to display port adapter, I bought a cable that does HDMI to display port and my problem is gone (even if it still sometimes happens, it's rarest and my screen can be detected by gnome)