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Clamscan found the following in package xmrig
/usr/bin/xmrig: Multios.Coinminer.Miner-6781728-2 FOUND
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 1
Could it be a false positive or a real threat ?
Last edited by CyrIng (2023-05-25 23:19:23)
It's literally a mining tool, what's surprising about this?
Last edited by V1del (2023-05-25 10:39:37)
In short viral or not ?
Probably not, since the point of the tool is to be a mining tool then clamav will find common signatures with miners, since it's a mining tool that should be par for the course. If you don't have xmrig installed in the first place and you see the warning and the file I'd start to worry. If this surprises you and you do have it installed for what purpose do you have it installed?
Last edited by V1del (2023-05-25 11:26:39)
Probably not, since the point of the tool is to be a mining tool then clamav will find common signatures with miners, since it's a mining tool that should be par for the course. If you don't have xmrig installed in the first place and you see the warning and the file I'd start to worry. If this surprises you and you do have it installed for what purpose do you have it installed?
Thanks for your answer.
I had installed it for its integrated benchmark. I don't do (even like) Mining but xmrig has a huge scores database to conpare with. I don't even bother to publish my results; thus xmrig usage remains "local".