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#1 2023-06-04 10:17:09

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

[SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx


some time ago I had to switch from the nvidia package to the nvidia-470xx-dkms module, this stopped working recently for some reason with my relative old nvidia gtx 660 ti graphics card.

When I login in and type startx I get a black screen and I have to kill i3 from another tty.

I followed the steps described on the arch wiki (For step 5 in #Installation I did not find kms in the HOOKS array in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf) and also did make sure that blacklist nouveau is in my /usr/lib/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf.

The Xorg.0.log file is very long (5412 lines) but contains no helpful information I would say except a few lines at the end the same as:

(II) systemd-logind: got pause for 13:73

When I boot up from a live environment (in my case pop os) the graphics work completely fine as before.

I decided to switch to nouveau drivers and use wayland with sway instead of xorg with i3 but my graphics is not supported by nouveau sadly.

Does anybody have an idea whats going on or encountered similar problems?

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-07 21:29:08)


#2 2023-06-04 11:51:39

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Post both, your xorg log and system journal for a relevant boot.
You can use the tip from the 1st link below to directly feed them into a pastebin service.

5412 lines from a single "startx failed" sound suspicious enough, maybe the log is dated (and you're not producing a new one w/ the failure)


#3 2023-06-04 11:58:04

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 12,736

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

The Xorg.0.log file is very long (5412 lines) but contains no helpful information

Please let us decide that.  , use a pastebin client to upload it somewhere public. see … n_services

Welcome to archlinux forums.

Edit : seth was faster.

Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2023-06-04 11:59:17)

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#4 2023-06-04 15:03:56

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Thanks for your fast replies!

The two log files are here: journalctl.log and startx_verbose.log

For the xorg log file I have used the command startx -- -logverbose 9 -verbose 9 > startx_verbose.log to ensure that it is not dated.


#5 2023-06-04 15:20:08

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"

remove that file.

But there're no obvious X11 errors, the server terminates cleanly, so the problem is w/ the session (unfortunately the xorg log has no timestamps for some reason)
Do you run a compositor next to i3?
Can you still see the mouse cursor on the "black screen"?

Please post your xinitrc and try a different session, eg. openbox, icewm etc.

Edit, just to be sure:

Jun 04 16:49:45 arch-desktop systemd[477]: Started Redshift display colour temperature adjustment.
Jun 04 16:49:45 arch-desktop redshift[508]: `RANDR Query Version' returned error -1
Jun 04 16:49:45 arch-desktop redshift[508]: Initialization of randr failed.
Jun 04 16:49:45 arch-desktop systemd[477]: redshift.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 04 16:49:45 arch-desktop systemd[477]: redshift.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 04 16:49:46 arch-desktop systemd[477]: redshift.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jun 04 16:49:46 arch-desktop systemd[477]: Stopped Redshift display colour temperature adjustment.
Jun 04 16:49:46 arch-desktop systemd[477]: redshift.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jun 04 16:49:46 arch-desktop systemd[477]: redshift.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 04 16:49:46 arch-desktop systemd[477]: Failed to start Redshift display colour temperature adjustment.

You use redshift as a systemd user service and it fails because you've not attempted to start X11 yet?
It's not part of the xinitrc/i3 scripts?

Last edited by seth (2023-06-04 15:23:21)


#6 2023-06-04 19:16:33

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

I have removed the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

I don't use a compositor, I used picom at some point but not anymore.
The mouse is not visible on the black screen, it is just black.

I just installed icewm and with exec icewm-session it shows at least the cursor with a very low resolution background picture big_smile but other than moving the cursor I can do nothing in this window.

My xinitrc is here

I now removed exec --now-startup-id redshift from my i3 config but it does make no difference sadly.

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-04 19:19:50)


#7 2023-06-04 19:52:32

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

I just installed icewm and with exec icewm-session it shows at least the cursor with a very low resolution background picture  but other than moving the cursor I can do nothing in this window.

"In this window"? Is this a nested server or virtual machine?
Install xterm and uncomment at least one of its entires.
Does it show an can you interact with it?

When you run i3 and get a black screen, switch to a different VT

export DISPLAY=:0
xrandr -q | curl -F 'f:1=<-'

Edit: and/or commentend the leading "xrandr --auto" in your xinitrc

Last edited by seth (2023-06-04 19:53:43)


#8 2023-06-04 20:27:31

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Sorry, I meant the normal desktop with "window", I use a normal desktop pc.

seth wrote:

Install xterm and uncomment at least one of its entires.

I have installed xterm, what do you mean by "uncomment one of its entries"?

I now uncomment xrandr --auto in my xinitrc, startet i3, switched to tty2 and executed your suggested commands (export DISPLAY=:0 && xrandr -q | curl -F 'f:1=<-'
This is the output output

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-04 20:28:03)


#9 2023-06-04 20:39:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

I have installed xterm, what do you mean by "uncomment one of its entries"?

Remove the leading "#" so that an xterm gets executed?

The HDMI output is supposed to be active w/ FullHD resolution, does that meet your expectations to what should happen?


#10 2023-06-04 20:57:42

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ah yes okay, when I uncomment an xterm line I get a white terminal on the otherwise black screen after starting X.

For the output I would expect FullHD resolution indeed.


#11 2023-06-04 21:06:07

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

And can you move the mouse over that terminal and then type into it?
(This is w/ i3?)

Do you expect i3 to start other processes?
Please post your i3 config…


#12 2023-06-05 06:09:59

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Yes, I can move my mouse over it and can type in the terminal, with xterm and i3 uncommented on my xinitrc.

Alright, here is my i3config.

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-05 06:10:32)


#13 2023-06-05 06:19:04

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

exec_always xrandr --output HDMI-0 --primary --left-of DVI-I-1

This should™ not cause any problems, but I could imagine that the layout "change" triggers a race condition with i3 configuring itself.
I'd recommend to do layout changes before or well after starting the WM, either w/ an xorg configlet or an entry in xinitrc.


#14 2023-06-05 07:36:55

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ok, thanks. I will put that command in my xinitrc when I am back home again.

I already tried to remove everything below the line #Autostart pulseaudio for FireFox and the i3status-rs commands in my i3 config.

That did not help sadly.

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-05 07:37:28)


#15 2023-06-05 07:48:32

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

No, the point was to remove that from the i3 config.
You could also briefly try the default i3 config to see whether yours is the cause at all.


#16 2023-06-05 16:11:07

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ok, I do not use any xrandr command in my xinitrc or i3 config now.
When I use the default config from /etc/i3/config, my system shows the exact same behavior as before.

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-05 16:11:31)


#17 2023-06-05 20:31:33

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

So there's no window visible, even if you let the xinitrc start an xterm?

pacman -Qikk i3-wm

Edit: also see whether i3 logs anything into ~/.xsession-errors and try to "exec xterm" instead of i3 (or any WM) in your xinitrc, hover the window and run "i3" from there…

Last edited by seth (2023-06-05 20:33:38)


#18 2023-06-05 21:23:56

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

When I have exec xterm in my xinitrc I get a terminal and a mouse.
When I have  exec i3 in the xinitrc I get only the black screen and no mouse cursor.
The output of  pacman -Qikk i3-wm is here.
There is no ~/.xsession-errors produced by i3 and executing i3 from within the xterm window does not work either, it just gets stuck and I can end it with ctrl-c again.

I think that the error has to be connected to the graphics driver, because with your suggestion trying e.g. icewm it also did not work, right?


#19 2023-06-05 21:28:49

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

If it was the GPU/driver the xterm wouldn't work either.
What do you mean by "just gets stuck" - what do you expect to happen?
Does eg. Win+Enter start a new terminal?


#20 2023-06-06 05:50:55

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ok, I thought the really low resolution in icewm was an indicator that something is wrong with the drivers but yes, your point sounds plausible.
With "gets stuck" I mean I type i3 and than nothing happens until I cancel the process.
When I start i3 in the xterm verbosely, the following short log ist produced.

When I try to open a new terminal in i3 with $mod+enter nothing opens.


#21 2023-06-06 07:31:58

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ok, I thought the really low resolution in icewm was an indicator that something is wrong with the drivers but yes, your point sounds plausible.

IceWM is kinda old, no idea what default wallpaper it uses, but it's probably xga.
Rather check "xrandr -q" and "glxinfo -B" in the xterm.

What if you run "icewm" instead of "i3" in the xterm?
Do you get a decoration and can you move the terminal around and is there a Win95-a-like bar on the bottom w/ a startmenu etc.?


#22 2023-06-06 16:11:27

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

Ok, so the output of xrandr and glxinfo seem to be fine I would say. Here is a link to the output

If I run icewm in the xterm window the terminal disappears and I get a black screen with my mouse cursor but nothing else, no decoration, no bar, and left- and right click also do nothing.


#23 2023-06-06 19:25:57

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

If you then press ctrl+c, does the xterm re-appear?
Can you play a video, eg. "mpv /path/to/some/video.mp4" or "mpv --fullscreen /path/to/some/video.mp4"?
Or just show a picture "feh /path/to/some/image.jpg"?

It increasingly /does/ sound like some graphics issue, but maybe related to the pixmap resources (as xterm doesn't trigger it)… and it is really weird.
For a cross-test you could try to use nouveau instead.


#24 2023-06-06 20:13:30

Registered: 2023-06-04
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

When I type i3 in xterm, I get a newline and nothing happens except that one of my cpus cores works at full capacity. Then I do ctrl+c, the core stops working, and I get a new line in the xterm terminal do enter another command.

A video does not work with mpv or vlc, but I can display pictures perfectly with feh - thanks for the suggestion.

I would gladly use nouveau and already tried to do so, but my graphics card (codename: "NVE4 (GK104)") is not supported as shown here.

Last edited by Holgerillo (2023-06-06 20:14:42)


#25 2023-06-06 20:41:15

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,817

Re: [SOLVED] xorg stopped not working - freeze after startx

When I type i3 in xterm, I get a newline and nothing happens except that one of my cpus cores works at full capacity. Then I do ctrl+c, the core stops working, and I get a new line in the xterm terminal do enter another command.

That really just sounds like an i3 (config) bug, my concern is the (additionally) described icewm behavior.
One buggy WM happens, two is a bit too coincidental and especially the disappearing window makes no sense.

What happens if you try to play a video w/ mpv?

my graphics card (codename: "NVE4 (GK104)") is not supported

It'll likely work to make pixels colorful and for the rest you'll use software emulation. (You don't want to use that, but it'll still tell us whether this is related to the graphcis stack at all)


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