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#1 2023-06-09 01:51:24

Registered: 2023-06-08
Posts: 5

GRUB2 LUKS2 Support


I managed to let GRUB2 unlock my LUKS2 Pbkdf2 boot volume
as mentioned in the wiki

But after i typed the passphrase GRUB cant load the normal module.
I am dropped to grub rescue shell where i can see (ls) the crypto0 filesystem structure
I can load modules like ext2
So the LUKS2 volume has been mounted and is accessible, otherwise wouldn't be able to browse the contents or load any module.
When trying to load normal module in the shell receiving:
error: symbol 'grub_debug_malloc' not found
error:symbol 'grub_debug_zalloc' not found

Using x86_64 EFI System Thinkpad T570
Secure boot disabled
CSM disabled

Somebody experienced same issue too?


#2 2023-06-24 20:33:57

Registered: 2023-06-24
Posts: 8

Re: GRUB2 LUKS2 Support

using an encrypted disk is hit and miss. unless your james bond or osama bin laden there is no need to do this. save yourself time and headaches and remove the encryption.


#3 2023-06-24 20:46:02

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: GRUB2 LUKS2 Support

markboston38 wrote:

using an encrypted disk is hit and miss. unless your james bond or osama bin laden there is no need to do this. save yourself time and headaches and remove the encryption.

Just about anyone responsible for securing proprietary or personal data should take this seriously.

And please it is not 'your', it is 'you're'.  I've noted this in a couple of your(sic) posts.

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