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#1 2023-08-05 12:58:25

Registered: 2018-09-05
Posts: 46

Manage Arch Linux like Nix OS?


I will get myself a new computer pretty soon and I will use that occation to start out with a fresh installation of Arch Linux. That made me start think if there is a way to manage the Arch Linux config like it is happening in Nix OS, since this would be really nice to share the same config over serveral systems. For example my notebook is always heavily outdated, software- and config-wise, when I start it once every six months. So is there a way to either us the nix package manager to manage Arch Packages or is there a comparable other way which works with Arch Linux? Or how do you manage your settings over different systems? I am using a dotfile repo right now, that doesn't really make me happy.

Thanks for your help!


#2 2023-08-05 15:58:57

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,241

Re: Manage Arch Linux like Nix OS?

If you don't regularly update your notebook, then Arch isn't the distro for that device, irrespective of how you intend to manage its "config". Can you be more specific on what you mean by "config"? Do you consider 'pacman -Syu + managing .pacnew' a configuration step, or are you only talking about dotfiles in your $HOME?


#3 2023-08-05 18:16:08

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2020-03-08
Posts: 291

Re: Manage Arch Linux like Nix OS?

If you want to manage your system the NixOS way, you will be better off using NixOS. Arch lets you keep things simple and understandable, and that is its strong point. NixOS gives you different benefits, but it comes with a lot of hidden complexity. No point trying to recreate this complexity on top of Arch.


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