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#1 2023-08-10 09:41:16

Registered: 2019-11-06
Posts: 43

[solved] 2x "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" ...

Hi there!
Since a few days, i get two [Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup lines before LUKS pw prompt, journalctl shows

systemd-vconsole-setup[291]: setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
systemd-vconsole-setup[289]: /usr/bin/setfont failed with exit status 71.
systemd-vconsole-setup[292]: loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory
systemd-vconsole-setup[289]: /usr/bin/loadkeys failed with exit status 1.
systemd-vconsole-setup[289]: Setting fonts failed with a "system error", ignoring.
systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.

Right after that, cryptsetup starts to do it's thing
vconsole.conf consists only of `FONT=lat9w-16`, which is still present in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/ and `setfont lat9w-16` works fine in TTY..
I tried to comment out the FONT-line in vconsole.conf and ran `mkinitcpio -P`, but the errors are still shown (the Font is much larger then though, so the setting in vconsole.conf seems to be correctly applied).
Curiously, now the two errors in journalctl are split.

archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[292]: loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[287]: /usr/bin/loadkeys failed with exit status 1.
archlinux kernel:    generic_sse     : 32919 MB/sec
archlinux kernel: xor: using function: prefetch64-sse (35420 MB/sec)
archlinux systemd[1]: Found device Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB Linux\x20filesystem.
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
archlinux systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.

Then cryptsetup and the second vconsole setup starts:

archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[292]: loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[287]: /usr/bin/loadkeys failed with exit status 1.
archlinux kernel:    generic_sse     : 32919 MB/sec
archlinux kernel: xor: using function: prefetch64-sse (35420 MB/sec)
archlinux systemd[1]: Found device Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB Linux\x20filesystem.
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
archlinux systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.

and around 20 lines later:

archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[297]: /usr/bin/loadkeys failed with exit status 1.
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[302]: loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
archlinux systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
archlinux systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.
archlinux systemd[1]: Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console.

After which devicemapper is run, password query and the rest (that all works fine)
That split could of course also just be runtime-differences as the timestamp is the same for the whole shebang. But i thought i'd mention it, just in case wink

mkinitcptio.conf hooks are:

HOOKS=(base systemd sd-vconsole autodetect modconf block keyboard sd-encrypt filesystems )

I'm kind of at a loss. It began more or less (not 100% sure tbh) after changing from a 3800x to a 5800x3D, but i kinda doubt that a CPU-swap should be the culprit here?
I really don't know why vconsole tries to access the root-fs before it's decrypted all of a sudden...
Everything seems to work, but the error (and not knowing whats causing it ^^) is still annoying, so hopefully someone has an idea?
Thanks in advance!

Last edited by Termy (2023-08-11 09:07:39)


#2 2023-08-10 14:50:45

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,241

Re: [solved] 2x "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" ...

loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory

Can't open a file called 'us'? Is this a mangled Locale configuration, perhaps?


#3 2023-08-11 07:24:43

Registered: 2019-11-06
Posts: 43

Re: [solved] 2x "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" ...

twelveeighty wrote:
loadkeys: Unable to open file: us: No such file or directory

Can't open a file called 'us'? Is this a mangled Locale configuration, perhaps?

Good catch, didn't notice this. It seems to be normal notation though: , … ory/106640

Nevertheless, that put me on the right track - i included `KEYMAP=us` into vconsole.conf, reran mkinitcpio and now it's gone. So thank you! smile

Curiously, i still get

archlinux systemd[1]: Starting Virtual Console Setup...
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[286]: setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[277]: /usr/bin/setfont failed with exit status 71.
archlinux systemd-vconsole-setup[277]: Setting fonts failed with a "system error", ignoring.
archlinux systemd[1]: Finished Virtual Console Setup.

In journalctl, but at least no "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" lines anymore - and like i said earlier, the font is still correctly applied.
Edit: at least for that, there seem to already be bug reports: - will have to read more into that later.

I tracked back to when it started in journalctl and it was after the updating systemd (253.7-1 -> 254-1).
If i'm not mistaken, `us` was the default keymap if no other is specified - it seems that is no longe the case in the newest systemd version? Or would that be the job of mkinitcpio to include the keymap file in the initrd? mkinitcpio wasn't updated on the date that started happening though.

Last edited by Termy (2023-08-11 07:31:57)


#4 2023-08-11 08:07:46

The Evil Wiki Admin
Registered: 2016-07-02
Posts: 671

Re: [solved] 2x "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" ...

The issue in question is FS#79287.


#5 2023-08-11 09:06:40

Registered: 2019-11-06
Posts: 43

Re: [solved] 2x "[Failed] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup" ...

nl6720 wrote:

The issue in question is FS#79287.

Ah, thats the one - wonder why i didn't find that. Thanks!


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