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I don't know when this happened, but suddenly my KDE sound manager reported no device was found after a reboot.
pulseaudio.service and pulseaudio.socket all failed but the displayed reason didn't provide much information:
pulseaudio.socket: Failed with result 'service-start-limit-hit'
Then I tried pacmd list-sinks and got a permission-denied error. It could not access ~/.config/pulse.
It turned out that this directory was owned by root, and everything else under ~/.config was owned by myself. I know pulse should be a user service so I chown-ed it back and hoped it would work. The sound was back again indeed. (This is the right action to do, no?)
But why is this? How can I find out who ate my sound by polluting the permissions (especially after a system-wide update)? (I'm new to Arch but I've gone through a CS degree so feel free to tell me anything deep.)
The usual cause of things like this is using sudo to run anything that writes to the config file
FYI, I've had the same thing happen a couple of times, maybe once a month or so. After booting up my system, nothing will produce audio because my ~/.config/pulse directory is owned by root. chown back to my user fixes it, until it happens again. I haven't been able to figure out what causes it.