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#1 2023-08-21 08:39:39

Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 6

pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

I'm trying to update my system on my laptop. I haven't touched my laptop over the summer, so there is 2-3 months since last time I updated.
When I now try to update I'm getting this error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))

error: xorg-server-devel: signature from "Laurent Carlier <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/xorg-server-devel-21.1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: xterm: signature from "T.J. Townsend <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/xterm-384-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: zenity: signature from "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zenity-3.44.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: zsh: signature from "Frederik Schwan <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zsh-5.9-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: zsh-history-substring-search: signature from "David Runge <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zsh-history-substring-search-1.1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: zsh-theme-powerlevel10k: signature from "Antonio Rojas <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-1.19.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

The amount of error: signature from X is unknown trust stretches beyond the lines I have in my terminal.

I tried to google this issue myself and I found that many people solved this problem by running sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Su. However this for me gives me this problem;

sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Su
[sudo] password for foxmaccloud: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) archlinux-keyring-20230704-1

Total Download Size:   1.14 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1.62 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 archlinux-keyring-20230704-1-any                                                      1164.1 KiB  14.2 MiB/s 00:00 [#####################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                                                      [#####################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                                                    [#####################################################################] 100%
error: archlinux-keyring: signature from "Christian Hesse <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux-keyring-20230704-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

I also found that system time could perhaps be an issue, but for my that is correct.
Since none of the proposed solutions I have found doesn't work, I'm not really sure how to fix this problem.
How can I fix this problem so I can update my system?


#2 2023-08-21 09:16:59

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,916

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

What is the output of:

$ pacman-key --list-sigs '<>'
$ pacman-key --list-keys 'Arch Linux Master Key'


#3 2023-08-21 09:52:46

Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 6

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

loqs wrote:

What is the output of:

$ pacman-key --list-sigs '<>'
$ pacman-key --list-keys 'Arch Linux Master Key'
┌─[foxmaccloud edgyboi] - [~] - [Mon Aug 21, 11:51]
└─[λ]> pacman-key --list-sigs '<>'
gpg: Note: trustdb not writable
pub   rsa2048 2011-08-12 [SC]
sig    R     A6234074498E9CEE 2013-02-04  Christian Hesse <>
sig    R     A6234074498E9CEE 2013-01-14  Christian Hesse <>
uid           [  undef ] Christian Hesse <>
sig 3        A6234074498E9CEE 2022-12-01  Christian Hesse <>
sig          6BA0F5A2037F4F41 2022-11-29  Johannes Löthberg (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sig          B1B73B02CC52A02A 2022-07-10  Jonas Witschel (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sig          A88E23E377514E00 2022-02-06  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sig          D6D055F927843F1C 2022-01-12  Levente Polyak (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sig          4DC95B6D7BE9892E 2021-10-28  David Runge (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
uid           [  undef ] Christian Hesse (Arch Linux Package Signing) <>
sig 3    N   A6234074498E9CEE 2022-07-09  Christian Hesse <>
sig          D6D055F927843F1C 2018-12-10  Levente Polyak (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sig          A88E23E377514E00 2015-12-23  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   rsa2048 2011-08-12 [E]
sig      N   A6234074498E9CEE 2022-07-09  Christian Hesse <>
sub   ed25519 2019-08-29 [S]
sig          A6234074498E9CEE 2019-08-29  Christian Hesse <>
sub   cv25519 2019-08-29 [E]
sig          A6234074498E9CEE 2019-08-29  Christian Hesse <>

┌─[foxmaccloud edgyboi] - [~] - [Mon Aug 21, 11:51]
└─[λ]> pacman-key --list-keys 'Arch Linux Master Key'
gpg: Note: trustdb not writable
pub   rsa3072 2011-11-18 [SC] [revoked: 2018-10-07]
uid           [ revoked] Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   rsa4096 2022-02-13 [SC] [revoked: 2022-02-13]
uid           [ revoked] Giancarlo Razzolini (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   rsa3072 2011-11-29 [SC] [revoked: 2011-11-29]
uid           [ revoked] Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   ed25519 2021-04-26 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] David Runge (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   cv25519 2021-04-26 [E]

pub   rsa3072 2011-11-25 [SC] [revoked: 2011-11-25]
uid           [ revoked] Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   rsa3072 2011-11-19 [SC] [revoked: 2011-11-20]
uid           [ revoked] Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   ed25519 2022-10-24 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] Johannes Löthberg (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   cv25519 2022-10-24 [E]

pub   rsa4096 2022-06-30 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] Jonas Witschel (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   rsa4096 2022-06-30 [E]

pub   rsa4096 2015-12-17 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   rsa4096 2015-12-17 [E]

pub   rsa4096 2011-11-29 [SC] [revoked: 2022-05-10]
uid           [ revoked] Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <>

pub   rsa4096 2018-11-08 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] Levente Polyak (Arch Linux Master Key) <>
sub   rsa4096 2018-11-08 [E]
sub   rsa4096 2018-11-08 [A]

pub   rsa4096 2017-05-15 [SC] [revoked: 2017-05-15]
uid           [ revoked] Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <>


#4 2023-08-21 10:21:38

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,916

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

Try fetching the key via WKD to pick up the missing signatures:

# gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --auto-key-locate 'clear,nodefault,wkd' -v --locate-external-key ''


#5 2023-08-21 10:35:34

Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 6

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

loqs wrote:

Try fetching the key via WKD to pick up the missing signatures:

# gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --auto-key-locate 'clear,nodefault,wkd' -v --locate-external-key ''
gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --auto-key-locate 'clear,nodefault,wkd' -v --locate-external-key ''
gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg'
gpg: enabled compatibility flags:
gpg: Note: trustdb not writable
gpg: using pgp trust model
gpg: no running Dirmngr - starting '/usr/bin/dirmngr'
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (5s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (4s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (3s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (2s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (1s)
gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/run/user/1000/gnupg/d.334bwnth1rdtw8g6yq3rxprb/S.dirmngr' failed: IPC connect call failed
gpg: error retrieving '' via WKD: No dirmngr
gpg: error reading key: No dirmngr


#6 2023-08-21 12:03:57

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 11,987

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)


#7 2023-08-29 11:25:15

Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 6

Re: pacman -Syu error: failed to commit transaction (PGP signature)

Thanks for the help! I did;

# mv /etc/pacman.d/gnupg /tmp/gnupg
# pacman-key --init
# pacman-key --populate
# pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
# pacman -Syu

This fixed the issue big_smile


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