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Pages: 1
When I try to install Archlinux from USB flash drive, the following message appears on the screen for about half of a second before grub menu appears.
error: serial port `com0' isn't found.
everything working well and installing process continues without any problem. I just wanted to know what is this message and how can I make it go away.
I am using asus rog751jy and current archlinux 2023.03.01.
what is this message
GRUB serial console support is enabled by default in Arch ISO. If you do not have a serial port, GRUB will report this.
how can I make it go away
Running Arch ISO on a machine with a serial port or creating a custom ISO with a different GRUB configuration.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
thanks. I understand it now.
so, you have created custom iso? How you solved this issue?
Pages: 1