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Excuse me. I create
a language server for pacman's PKGBUILD,
support diagnosis, document hover, complete keywords and package names. Can it
be hosted on archlinux organization like other
pacman related tools (e.g. pacman-contrib, namcap) for visibility?
It can let more people easy to find it and help me to get more bug reports to
improve it.
Thanks for any answers.
An adherent of hacker culture and open source.
I would advise to publish as an AUR package first, but I see no installation instructions .
How should users install it ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
In the website: <https://pkgbuild-language-server.readth … stall.html>
An adherent of hacker culture and open source.
In the website: <https://pkgbuild-language-server.readth … stall.html>
You have not updated it for … GUJBUDI7G/ also the current PKGBUILD does not build from source.
the current PKGBUILD does not build from source.
I think build from wheel will be faster than sdist. Is it necessary to build from sdist?
An adherent of hacker culture and open source.
Your python-pkgbuild-language-server does not exist on the AUR, but according to your docs it does.
EDIT: Ah! pkgbuild-language-server.
Last edited by Awebb (2023-09-01 10:26:51)
the current PKGBUILD does not build from source.
I think build from wheel will be faster than sdist. Is it necessary to build from sdist?
Only recommended Python_package_guidelines#Standards_based_(PEP_517) First Warning note and … type=heads
Document's wrong name have been fixed. The package will be improved.
An adherent of hacker culture and open source.
Great, please let us see the new PKGBUILD when it's ready.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Sorry to notify everyone. I have rewritten the code in a new repo. And the original AUR has been deprecated. The road map can be found in the README.
Because this is my first time to write a language server, I beg any bad design can be forgave. If anyone has a suggestion, welcome to discuss.
There still be many things to do. Sorry again.
An adherent of hacker culture and open source.